Boxing;6/13/2009; Clottey-Cotto

frank s.

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Dec 11, 2004
Ghost; how many times BEFORE a fight have guys said camp was going badly? Hardly ever as far as I can recall. I mean, when you go to the websites, it's always "camp is going great/lots of good sparing/in the best shape of my life". Like a broken record sometimes. Should be a good competitive fight. I agree Clottey isn't a stone cold killer, but he, as punchy noted, has a head of granite, and chin to go along with it. This fight, I feel, has all the requirements of 'live dog" betting value.


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Apr 6, 2007
Big fight coming up in just 6 days! I'm stoked for this one. I wouldn't mind just kicking back and enjoying this one as a pure fan with no wagers...nahhhh. I'm on Clottey small but I will probably add a little bit too it. I think the odds are a little skewed. As Box mentioned earlier in the thread, Cotto has been hurt several times and nearly out on his feet hurt. He suffered a slowwww brutal drubbing from Manos de Plastero. If there is ANY residual then Clottey will certainly expose it. Is Cotto going to stay in the wheel house or is he going to box and move like he did against Margo? At first look I thought he would stay in front of Clot but now I think he may opt to employ the style he used v Margo. Why give Clottey what he wants? I see Cotto as a slight favorite but Clot is VERY live and the +275 odds can't be ignored. Can't wait for this one!


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May 2, 2008
Victoria's Secret
gabe montoya of maxboxing wrote something about tats and leaning toward clottey

cuz steve kim pointed something out to him

i think it's in gabes friday mailbag

frank s.

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Dec 11, 2004
Ok, Romi was thinking of NOT betting!!!! Yea, and I just saw Elvis walking down the LV strip.:mj07:


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Apr 6, 2007
Ok, Romi was thinking of NOT betting!!!! Yea, and I just saw Elvis walking down the LV strip.:mj07:

Hey Franks don't be cruel cuz you aint nuthin but a hound dog. Anything can happen in this crazy life. As a matter of fact I was in Vegas in May 08 and I think I saw Elvis no less than a dozen times...skinny Elvis, fat Elvis,tall Elvis, short Elvis, white Elvis and black Elvis. Ive even seen Chinese Elvis. I've yet to see middle eastern Elvis although I was in Kauai last year and I did have the privilidge to see Hawaiian Elvis. Thank you very MUCH.

frank s.

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Dec 11, 2004
I just hope this fight was as good as the WEC Sunday nite. Sorry, but I could'nt resist. I mean, a fight with intrigue and betting potential. Gotta love it.


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Apr 6, 2007
I can't imagine this not being an excellent fight...any way you slice it. My play is based on speculation and value. @ even or close odds I'd play Cotto but +280 is just too generous to pass on. Forced to make a pick I'd say Cotto by dec in a tough grueling fight. However as previously mentioned, Cotto has nearly been kod on a few occasions-Corley had him out on his feet and let it slip. Torrez had him hurt and nearly out. Zab hurt him and Cotto threw a much needed low blow to take Zab out of his game. Mos fought him close and had Cotto stunned/hurt on 2 occasions. Manos de Plastero knocked him the puck out in a very brutal contest. That was a career damaging fight (perhaps on Margo as well). Clottey is not a world beater nor an elite fighter but he is a VERY solid A player. His opponents need to be on there A game to beat him and if they are not, they will lose. Hence, my speculation is that Cotto will not be on his A game and Clottey will. Very tough pick here but my play is going to be on the dog. Good luck.

frank s.

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Dec 11, 2004
Excellent perspective and viewpoint on this tilt. Some guys beat themselves by their actions, and some you have to beat. Maybe some of those battles Cotto has been in will manifest themselves to his detriment. Lets hope for an exciting fight.


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Nov 11, 2007
And ya I'm on Clottey here. I would have taken him +275, recently he was +330. I'm hoping Cotto gets bet up to -400 at Pinn, where I can catch Clottey +360ish for a sizable play.

I expect Clottey to start slow, hopefully he realizes he's in NYC and won't have any help from the judges, hopefully he starts fast and doesn't give away early rounds waiting to figure out Cotto. The blueprint on beating Cotto has been made, Clottey needs to press from bell to bell, the psychological effect of having a massive, iron-chinned pressure fighter coming at him could bring back some bad memories for Cotto.


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May 2, 2008
Victoria's Secret
To add to this, Jermaine Taylor recently got arrested in Miami for public intoxication and DUI. If I remember correctly, he got out of his car on a crowded street and started screaming and dancing while piss drunk, then resisted arrest when the police were called in, maybe even pushing a cop.

That last-second loss to Froch must be eating at him.

damn jermain losing his mind

at least he made a shitload and can afford the lawyers and court fines

frank s.

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Dec 11, 2004
All joking aside, but Diego Corrales seemed to suffer a similiar mental breakdown. When his carreer went down he shitter, he wound up demolishing himself on his motorcycle. I met and knew Corrales. Liked the guy. I'm convinced that when fighters begin to suffer devastating beatdowns, the psyche goes on tilt. It's got to be tough being champion of the world and then fading off into Bolivian(thanks Mikey T. ). How does this help us you may ask? Well, it should be an integral part of our analysis in wagering. I don't think Cotto is ready for the Prozac just yet, but if he starts to get throttled, he may be at Walgreens soon enough. Clottey, the African, is by nature mentally tough. How would you like to live in Ghana?


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Jun 3, 2008
I think people are overreacting to Cotto's loss; he absorbed heavy blows and quit, but remember he only did so in the eleventh rd.

Cotto is renowed for gassing out around the 10 rd mark ( n'dou, Mosley,...) and he met someone, contrary to the above, who could apply effective pressure and not let him time to breathe in these crucial moments.

Clearly ahead on points, he quit more out of physical exhaustion than for being out on his feet.

I think this bout took more out of Margacheato than him; there's a price to pay for pressing Cotto; Clottey will have 2 or 3 rds to do his thing when this crucial moment comes; if he can't capitalise, Cotto will take the decision.


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Apr 8, 2008
I think the mental aspect of Cotto's loss may have been reduced when Margarito got caught loading his gloves. I'm sure it was devastating to him after the loss but now he can hang his hat on the possibility that Margarito cheated when they fought. Now Cotto can rationalize, correctly or not, that he wasn't fairly defeated and he also holds a win over Mosley, the man that hammered a level Margarito - and that he could have done the same to that Margarito.

Still, Cotto took a brutal beating in that fight, he's fighting a big, strong and quick fighter that has shown toughness. And in some images I've seen of Cotto, I'm not sure he's not battling the scales. He's wearing these sweat suits designed to drop a lot of water weight and has a look to me of physical discomfort.

Ghost Kid

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Jun 23, 2008
I agree with Kramden here. I thought the photos on fightnews the last few days (the track suit shots) show somewhat of a discomfort in Cotto.

Clottey is a personal favorite of mine. He won me my largest single play ever against Judah. He has been severely undervalued in several fights. I think that is the case again in this match.

I don't know if he wins this one. At even money, I have to think Cotto may outwork him and snag a decision. But, at 3 to 1, this is a no-brainer for me. I would NEVER lay the price on Cotto here. I give Clottey a decent shot of hurting Cotto in this bout.

The Ghanaian is big for the weight and deceptively strong. He doesn't have one punch KO power, but he wears you down - he just keeps coming. He is iron-jawed, so Cotto is going to have to focus on the body. He ain't gonna dent that chin.

We know what Clottey brings. But what Cotto brings is a bit in question - I don't really think the 5 rounds with Jennings can be judged. How will Cotto react when he is really smacked a good one?

I expect a long, tough fight. Both these guys are proud warriors. I think we will see the scorecards Saturday night. And I think they will be close.


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Apr 22, 2007
I think the mental aspect of Cotto's loss may have been reduced when Margarito got caught loading his gloves. I'm sure it was devastating to him after the loss but now he can hang his hat on the possibility that Margarito cheated when they fought. Now Cotto can rationalize, correctly or not, that he wasn't fairly defeated and he also holds a win over Mosley, the man that hammered a level Margarito - and that he could have done the same to that Margarito.

Still, Cotto took a brutal beating in that fight, he's fighting a big, strong and quick fighter that has shown toughness. And in some images I've seen of Cotto, I'm not sure he's not battling the scales. He's wearing these sweat suits designed to drop a lot of water weight and has a look to me of physical discomfort.

An educated guess here but I'd be willing to wager a grand that Margo's gloves were loaded for the Cotto fight, mainly on just how hacked up Cotto's face was with the cheekbone cuts, etc. Hard to think the Mosley fight was the very first time the piece of trash Capitello loaded Anphonio Plasterito's gloves. Maybe after the Williams loss they thought they neeed a little extra. Look at the reaction on Golden Johnson's after being punched in that first round blowout , like he had been hit with a sledgehammer. Cintron also mentined never being hit so hard as that body shot that did him in.


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Apr 8, 2008
An educated guess here but I'd be willing to wager a grand that Margo's gloves were loaded for the Cotto fight, mainly on just how hacked up Cotto's face was with the cheekbone cuts, etc. Hard to think the Mosley fight was the very first time the piece of trash Capitello loaded Anphonio Plasterito's gloves. Maybe after the Williams loss they thought they neeed a little extra. Look at the reaction on Golden Johnson's after being punched in that first round blowout , like he had been hit with a sledgehammer. Cintron also mentined never being hit so hard as that body shot that did him in.

I certainly wouldn't bet a grand a that Margarito DIDN'T load his gloves in other fights. While there is no direct evidence (wraps, a willing witness, etc) the circumstantial evidence is glaring - Cotto's face and the effect that he had on other fighters. Cintron didn't look too bothered by Perro's shots until he got tired but Margarito owned Cintron. But all said, while we can speculate and have our views, we simply do not know of Margo's previous acts - that's why nothing can be done about it. All we have is the court of public opinion.

frank s.

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Dec 11, 2004
Plaster of Paris aside, styles make fights. Cotto has seen the better oposition I'd say, but the African doesn't have any shit in his blood. Ya gots to love a guy that comes to fight ALL the time, as such is Clottey. I'm not disparaging Cotto in any way. He too is a warrior, and I do agree Clottey isn't been a KO artist, but he works his tail off in a fight. Lets see some Lederman props to hammer.
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