A lot of these points are up for debate, NJ- as far as Ortiz being too polite for the sport, he's never had a problem trying to knock guys heads off and has left many seperated from their senses- seems like a killer in the ring. And the right gameplan and focus is no guaranteed victory for Ortiz against Funky Cold Maidana. Maidana is probably better than first meets the eye. What was the last punch to send Ortiz down- a left to the liver, Maidana realizes the value and is good at body punching. I was actually suprised by the variation in Maidana's attack against Kotelnik, up and down, changing pace.... Much was talked about his wide looping punches and that ended up being a crock with that beautiful straight right that decked Ortiz in the first and then when he needed a looping punch he timed a bomb around Ortiz's guard at the end of the 5th round bell which I thought knocked the will and focus out of Ortiz. He obviously hits well with both hands with that damaging left hook, and he also counterupunched , not just crudely leading and chasing Ortiz.... didn't see much of a jab although that is harder against a southpaw . I was just getting frustrated by the amount of people labeling Ortiz a quitter, just like some did to Vasquez in Marquez 1. Ortiz fought hurt, almost got his guy out of there and just ran into an exceptional opponent who wasn't going to be denied and was starting to inflict major damage. Ortiz knew he only had Jacks to Maidana's Aces and decided to fold rather than go all in and get crushed.
That straight right hand was a shocker. He still threw primarily wide shots in the fight, and telegraphed them. He has a sort of awkward effectiveness, Mayorga-like but without the same caliber chin. We can't change our perceptions of him based on 1 straight punch thrown, when the majority are winged. Though I was impressed with his left hook, the way he timed Ortiz coming in.
I'll have to watch it again, but I saw him as being slower, less accurate, and less skilled. He's also a blatant cheater, those were hard shots he threw consistently to the back of Ortiz's head. He fights with more skill and intelligence than expected - like Mayorga - but let's not get ahead of ourselves here, clearly Ortiz is the better talent and the more schooled boxer.
I agree about Trinidad ending Vargas, and another young fighter in David Reid. Those careers were rushed.
If Ortiz is as smart as we think he is, he's probably realized that his opponents can't earn a paycheck any better way. They are getting TV dates against a big-name opponent, and consciously chose to get knocked out for that money rather than mow a few thousand lawns. And no matter how reluctant you are to hurt someone BEFORE getting into the ring, anyone with sense knows you have to shut off your conscience once the bell rings, because your opponent is there to hurt you. Kill or be killed. Feel guilty before and after. A good example is Roy Jones.
The Ring wrote an article about the Freitas-Corrales bout, and summed it up beautifully: Freitas quitting doesn't make him any less of a man, but it does make him less of a fighter. Ortiz doesn't lack character as a human, but clearly his character as a fighter is worth questioning. The boxing media wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't scrutinize him.