those of you in Europe probably don't know about this, but in the United States today all anyone is talking about on the sports news is the umpire in the Detroit baseball game last night.
Pitcher has 2 outs in the 9th inning. One out away from one of the toughest feats in baseball - a perfect game.
They get what is perceived to be the last out of the game, the crowd goes crazy, the team starts to celebrate, THE UMPIRE CALLS THE RUNNER SAFE !!!
A horrible call and the media is going crazy today and demanding instant replay in American baseball. This might be the play that changes the rule.
The umpire issued a very heartfelt apology today, saying he botched it, that he "kicked the shit out of the call" and that he ruined the kid's moment.
Can you imagine some of these moronic judges in boxing issuing an apology for their scorecards a day later after further replay? IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN.
I would love to see instant replay used in boxing though. Not for scoring, but for headbutts, cuts, fouls, running leaps from the ring, etc. Kermit Cintron would have to find a new career immediately if they instituted instant replay.