Hey guy's what's up?
First of all, give it up for Bundrage!!!!
:00hour :00hour :00hour :00hour :00hour
We saw that one clearly!
Well, tonight not like last. That Munyai loss stung a bit. I felt very confident that he would out class the Mexican, but not to be. A little subdued because I was on the cusp of a HUGE HUGE weekend, and when I say huge, I mean more money than I ever suspected I could make at this...
I thought Johnson did lose, maybe by a round, but 116-112 across the board didn't seem quite right. Cloud more impressive with his shots, but Johnson more consistent. Johnson maybe starting to lose steam just a bit though. At his best I think he beats Cloud. Nice group call on that one guys. Being the doggie weekend that it was, I played the odds a bit there.
All that said, this was my best weekend of the year, and I think my best weekend ever!!!! Gotta be very happy for that! :0074 :0074 :0074
Let's get'em next week fellas!!!!!!