I'd just like to thank Jack for helping me with 1Vice. :0008 Griffin explain the situation that he is in, and apologized for their mistakes. In a way I feel bad, so I agreed to a payment plan. The first one he said to expect on Tuesday from them and Griffin said I'll receive a payment once a month until my account is paid in full, I just have to remind him. No payment amount was discussed, but I assume no less than $500 as that is the smallest amount that I've ever received from them. It's not ideal, but I have no choice and Griff said it's better than them packing up shop and him sitting on a beach somewhere. He also gave me some good advise about staying away from the small shop recreational player sportsbooks, so I'll have to do some research. Any suggestions Jack? Is GT Bets a rec shop?
I'm going to miss 1vice, they had outstanding bonuses and great customer service.
Once again, Thank you Jack! :toast: