Originally posted by hellah10:
Well I just got back from lunch. We went to Applebees!
First mistake. Applebees? Christ! You might as well have taken her to McDonalds! Could have saved a few bucks, too.
NEVER take a first date to a franchise restaurant. It might seem like a "nice place" to take her, but you are tipping your hand as a novice dater, leading to thoughts of a novice lover.....Strike one.
Why is it that whenever a guy takes a girl out to dinner or lunch...they ALWAYS get a salad!?!?!?!? I was pretty hungry so I got a fat juicy steak and some fries..and a salad! And she ate realllllllllll slow. I freakin beat her and I had more stuff to eat.
She ordered a salad to be polite, more than likely, which is in your favor. If she thought you were a waste of time, she would have had some real eats, and belched on her way out the door. So, you have one pip in your corner. (Don't get too happy. You gave the point back in the next breath.)
She ate real slow. She was feeling you out. She wanted to get to know you a little. This whole time, she is doing her "scouting report".
I freakin beat her and I had more stuff to eat. You were not racing, my friend. I can only assume that while you were eating, she was talking.....asking you questions, and looking for answers. It sounds like you didn't have time to answer many questions, and more importantly, didn't ask any!. (Girls want you to ask them things, find out what they like, etc.....you need to show an interest in them.)
We had alot to talk about...about the past and what to expect for the future...crap like that.
Crap like that!??? If you feel that way, she saw it, partner. Another strike, Hoss.
But then I finall asked...I asked her if she wants to go out saturday night...she said "YES I`d love too!"...So I got all happy...then she excused herself and went to the bathroom...then she came back and like 2 minutes later she said..well actually my parents wanted me to come home this weekend..but I will try to postpone that till sunday.
Well, I'm lost here, too. It could mean a dozen things, or could mean nothing. I'm guessing she is playing poker here, and re-checking her hole cards.
Now Iam realllllll lost here...what the hell just happened!!!!!! She said yes....she said it as if she hit a 10 team parlay or something. It surprised me. Soooooo now I have to play the waiting game...I got pissed and told her not to call me tonight because I will be watching the Marshall game. So I guess she will call tomorrow.
So I guess she will call tomorrow.
I wouldn't make book on that. Don't call, because I'll be watching the game????!!!!
What are you, stoned? You just told her that a game was more important than her? I'm guessing she probably let out that belch, shortly after that.
This will be the last time I go after her if she decides to go home. I hate head games...I always lose. Stupid head games..
Son.....I think some of the "games" were being played by you, as well, so you have to foot some of the blame. It sounds like you didn't pass the "combine", my man. I wish you well, but you need some work on you game plan.
I should say fawk it and go with yyz's technique.