yak, man haven't we all been there. for me, it wasn't so much when I was dating in college cause i never had enough money to make a really big play but man, sitting around with your wife and in-laws with a game in the background is absolute torture...especially since they aren't big sports people and are basically asking you to rehash and explain the plays that are killing you.
hellah, sounds very promising. critical juncture. she's made a date and promised libations and fun but at the same time she's also mentioned how hot another guy was.
good call not to notice that. you could make a mad powerplay dash for the goalline but I'd say play it cool a while longer. still very early.
two ways she's going. she's either A,testing you to see how you handle being alone with her (ie wants to see if you're gonna paw all over her) or if you're lucky b, decided you're a stud and she want's to put another notch on her bedpost.
happens...rarely but happens
wow. something to look forward to this weekend.
and remember... foreplay to a woman doesn't mean a parlay. slow and steady wins the race baby. sometimes multiply