Dick Cheney is a Spiteful Traitor


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Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
No respect for the office of the president. I, for one, am appalled.


Tried to get opinions from others on if they liked the Pre election "Change" Gumby or the Bush Light post election version--unfortunately they were all too embarrassed to answer so lets take diff route on you Edward since your a professed attorney

Which Gumby did you like best
--the one when in his only real job in world as attorney--was badgering banks to give subprime loans to minorities for Acorn

--or after elected when he scorched the banks for giving same said loans.

--As reward for for your honesty in advance I'm going to give you premiere of new photo's released of your messiah :)


---and jabbers--don't be drooling


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
too much Matt? I hate to be a dick, but calling our Pres Gumby really does piss me off.

Ahhh. Not 'too much.' Wayne is a friend of mine and we're all big boys here, ya know?

I have a job or else I could spend the 10 hours a day needed to respond to all the nonsense that he posts.

His problem is that he's incredibly inconsistent, but I go through stages where you just don't have the inclination.

NK supposed nuke test on W's watch? Nothing.

Now it's a major issue.

W's 6 party talks compared to the 1994 Framework Agreement? Exactly the same 'agreement' with exactly the same results, as I predicted a while back when Wayne was crowing about W's 'breakthrough.'

It goes on and on, but it gets old.

I could go on and on, but it gets silly.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Wayne, I can answer, although I don't consider myself a true liberal. I voted for Obama for three main reasons. First, I wanted to do my part to make sure that a hypocritical clueless lying soccer mom nominated by a person I thought was losing their hold on reality never held the office of President. Secondly, I liked how our country was galvanized by Obama, as well as the world, and much of that is still alive today. I would have preferred Clinton, as you know, but it was time for something different. And thirdly, I wanted someone representing my country that could put more than 3 or 4 words together without looking like an ass, either assholish, or ignorance-wise.

The jury is out on the extreme measures he is taking. I know you are claiming failure, and were before he was ever elected. I'll wait and see how it all plays out. I know you expected that when Bush was elected, but memories are short around here, aren't they? Some of what I voted for has come to pass, and I feel very good about. Some concerns me. We'll see.


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Oct 22, 2006
south texas


good post. right's ticket was pathetic you have to wonder what was up. don't really know why O was given so much streetcred with his limited expericence. i simply want less government in my life. pretty simple. and i know O isn't the answer to that. wanting someone that makes more money than me pay higher taxes than me is plain wrong in my opinion. i thought the american dream was busting your ass and making it.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Ahhh. Not 'too much.' Wayne is a friend of mine and we're all big boys here, ya know?

I have a job or else I could spend the 10 hours a day needed to respond to all the nonsense that he posts.

His problem is that he's incredibly inconsistent, but I go through stages where you just don't have the inclination.

NK supposed nuke test on W's watch? Nothing.

Now it's a major issue.

W's 6 party talks compared to the 1994 Framework Agreement? Exactly the same 'agreement' with exactly the same results, as I predicted a while back when Wayne was crowing about W's 'breakthrough.'

It goes on and on, but it gets old.

I could go on and on, but it gets silly.

i think we`ve had 6 north korean missiles fired off in a few months on obama`s watch....way more than ever happened in 8 years with bush...

they know a capitulating weakling when they see one...

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Devastating photographs Wayne. Those photographs coupled with your complete, indisputable and accurate account of his pre-financial meltdown positions in that regard have really turned the lights on as far as I am concerned. I must have been crazy to vote for him in 2008. I'll be even more crazy when I vote for him in 2012. Too bad we can't go back to the good old days of Alan Paulson and the Bush economic plan.



Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
good post. right's ticket was pathetic you have to wonder what was up. don't really know why O was given so much streetcred with his limited expericence. i simply want less government in my life. pretty simple. and i know O isn't the answer to that. wanting someone that makes more money than me pay higher taxes than me is plain wrong in my opinion. i thought the american dream was busting your ass and making it.

We are never going to see the day of less government again no matter who is president.

Jon Stewart

Forum Member
May 31, 2009
Best part is watching the SHEEP HERDERS brag that Cheney now has higher approval numbers than Charles Manson

His ass with a gernade live in his mouth is an event I would be cheering for the gernade to launch ...
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