discovery channel has 2 hour special tonight on the global warming debate.

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
Answer me first what are each one of YOU doing as your part to help the earth??

Do you recycle, etc?

Do you follow the "restrictions" of No Zone action days, etc?

Maybe you do, maybe not but if not quit pointing fingers..

Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
Agent - no one in this thread is pointing fingers except you :shrug:

We were just having a discussion about what you can do to lessen impact on the earth, just in case there is global warming. Did you even read the thread, or you just want to throw out accusations?

If you read the thread, then you would see that indeed, some of us do act as we believe - and at no point in the thread were we negative towards other's lifestyles.

I am not judgmental and accept people however they are and understand that different life experiences mold people into who they are. I could care less whether you recycle or drive an SUV or whatever you want to do... I won't like you any less or more. I don't point fingers :nono: But I also don't mind doing my part - just in case, and if someone asks me for information (as in this thread), I will provide it.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
SixFive said:
well, I think the global warming thing is overblown, but I also think we should be using more diesel. My first car was a little diesel Rabbit, and I loved that car. It was known to make 50 mpg. All these SUVs should be made with a diesel engine. I didn't look this up, but I think many of the European auto makers have large lines of diesel vehicles.

65- I had a friend in high school that had a diesel truck when he got his DL, and it had fantastic gas mileage. The problem was that we lived in northern Wisconsin, and (granted this was 11 years ago so my memory might be a bit hazy) I think there were a lot of problems with it starting in the winter. Not a problem the whole country faces, but I remember inquiring about getting a diesel as well simply because I hardly worked due to playing sports and didn't like paying for gas. But I was advised against it because of the problems during the cold months.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
To add a little more confusion on the subject - let me paraphrase an article published Saturday in the rather liberal slanted Los Angeles Times.

"Eastern Sahara Apparently Once Lush"

"A 3,200 hundred year interlude of tropical rains once transformed the eastern Sahara into a verdant savanna where seminomadic people thrived amid elephants, cattle and more than 30 species of fish, according to German researchers.

After collecting more than 500 radiocarbon dates at 150 sites in qn area larger than western Europe, University of Cologne researchers found that the sudden climate change 10,500 years ago coaxed thousands of people to move into the now desolate desert."

It goes on to comment additionally, but I think this is but another bit of evidence that our earth's climate has changed constantly through time and we may be seeing something similar occuring now, with a tiny, tiny bit of help from human hands.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
SixFive said:
hippo, et al, isn't it true that a diesel engine is more fuel effecient and would therefore be better for the envirnoment than a regular gasoline engine? I've never understood why the US automakers seem reluctant to make more cars with diesel engines.

I think the problem with diesel is the pollution it causes. It might get better mileage, but I guess it's much worse for the air.

Diesel exhaust is not just a nuisance, it threatens public health. Numerous scientific studies indicate that exposure to pollution from diesel vehicles can cause cancer and other serious health problems. Diesel emits significant amounts of nitrogen oxides, particulate matter (PM) and hydrocarbons (HC) that contribute to acid rain, ground level ozone and reduced visibility. However, diesel engines are a durable and economical source of power. EPA is working on a number of fronts to advance cleaner diesel engines.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
If it gets more miles to the gallon it burns less fuel therefore causing less pollution, right? BJ, diesel fuel in really cold weather will gell a little. Once the engine gets warm it's usually ok.


Turgid Member
Forum Member
Apr 6, 2001
Are we to assume that it was a T-Rex in his Escalade that caused the glaciers that covered a large portion of North America thousands of years ago to receed?

Maybe it was the flatulence(sp?)from Fred Flintstone's dyno-excavator that caused the initial holes in the ozone.

I believe that I heard that one of MIT's top scientists has serious doubts about global warming. But I am sure that he is waiting for some government funding for research which would skew his opinion. :shrug:

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
Happy Hippo said:
Agent - no one in this thread is pointing fingers except you :shrug:

We were just having a discussion about what you can do to lessen impact on the earth, just in case there is global warming. Did you even read the thread, or you just want to throw out accusations?

If you read the thread, then you would see that indeed, some of us do act as we believe - and at no point in the thread were we negative towards other's lifestyles.

I am not judgmental and accept people however they are and understand that different life experiences mold people into who they are. I could care less whether you recycle or drive an SUV or whatever you want to do... I won't like you any less or more. I don't point fingers :nono: But I also don't mind doing my part - just in case, and if someone asks me for information (as in this thread), I will provide it.

No I didnt read any of it. Was it that obvious?Sorry, just wanted to stir the pot a little. I would love to argue with you but we see pretty much eye to eye on this one. I will pick a better spot :)


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
SixFive said:
If it gets more miles to the gallon it burns less fuel therefore causing less pollution, right?
It sounds like the pollutants in diesel are so much worse than unleaded, that it more than offsets whatever better mileage it gets. I'm not an expert, but that's what my limited research seems to say. Perhaps someone else knows more on this.
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