Have you ever been stuck behind a farm tractor. Ever had anybody brake check you for no reason. Have you ever gone 5 MPH over the limit, forgotten to use your turn signal?
Once again you take my statement out of context and try to turn it around into some self serving bullshit that always ends with a story about how awesome of a person you think you are when it comes to that particular topic.
My post concerning emergency vehicles was a direct response to those that made assertions that getting passed at a high rate of speed by motorcyclists, something that happens every single day a number of times, is cause for people to swerve in fear and cause a high number of accidents. If being passed at high speed causes you to freak out and hit someone, you shouldn't be driving. Period.
You understand that yet or am I comparing periods to firemen now and are you going to tell us how you saved a cat from a fire when you were a volunteer sheriff with that fat bastard Steven Seagal? Another narcissist like yourself.
People pass across double yellow lines all the fucking time, and they change lanes within 100 feet of intersections and railroad tracks, they speed up at yellow lights, but not you right? Nope, not you. Do all those people deserve to be run over, or just those damn motorcyclists? It's a stupid fucking statement and a stupid fucking stance for anyone to think that a fucking traffic violation is criminally equitable as running someone on a motorcycle off the road.
Is your rearview mirror full length so you can see yourself all the time? That's why your head's going to explode, you've got like a 5000 psi ego.
Hope this helps,
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