A sad situation that happened here.Its quite obvious that this man had other issues.I feel for the families that had loved ones killed.
But DTB is right, I just saw Diane Sawyer state the same thing .I believe her mother was the one who said racism was to blame for stealing beer and taking innocent lives.
Reminds me of this forum and how it works.
you and DTBlackgumby are two peas in a pod of mis-understanding.
The guy was obviously a mental case to do what he did. I dont condone it and work rage happens way too often.
But lets just take for one moment a differant kind of mindset and thinking.
Lets say Rusty just happens to be black. You struggle for a long time and finally gets a job in a warehouse for budweieser. Its a good job with benifits. You are able to afford to put a roof over you're head and be a productive member of society.
For awhile everything is good for Rusty. You get paid every week. But you notice that you are the only black person in the company.
Rusty notices that the white people around him arn't too friendly and they dont talk to him much if at all.
Its not easy but Rusty carrys on feeding his family every week and paying his bills , with the check he makes. Then one day Rusty is up for promotion as a driver. Its a job that not everyone can get. It takes senority and keeping you're nose clean with no infractions or bad reports.
And low and behold Rusty is rewarded with the promotion and he starts his job as a driver. Rusty soon begins to notice something is not right. The fellow employees that he thought were friendly , are not anymore. Rusty is puzzled.
After a time, Rusty walks into a restroom and sees a black doll hanging from a noose swinging from the ceiling. On the wall painted in red it says
DIE NIGGER ! He goes home and cannot get it out of his mind. He dreams about it. He worrys about how he will feed his family.
Rusty is no longer amused. He has worked as hard as anyone in the company. He has showed up on time everyday. He has worked overtime whenever asked. He gets along with all the customers on his route and never had a complaint. He also starts to hear people snicker as he walks by and hears muffled under the breath nigger thrown his way.
Rusty is in a dilemma . If he reports the abuse he knows it will just get worse.
Then one day Rusty is in a bathroom stall. He hears a Supervisor come into the bathroom and tell one of his fellow employees that they are going to get that nigger. If its that last thing they do. Rusty records the conversation and it eats at him as he listens to it at home over and over.
Rusty is shocked hearing this, especially from a Supervisor. Supervisors are supposed to be impartial. Supervisors are not supposed to hate in their hearts for employees that work for them.
When Rusty has the opportunity, he starts stealing beer. Its not alot. A case here and there and he drinks it himself to escape the pain and the bad thoughts.
Its a way to get back at the company who he knows is going to fire him in a matter of time.
Then the day comes. Rusty is called into the union office and told that he has been caught on tape stealing beer. They have all the proof. There will be nothing that can be done for him.
Report to the office at 1100 AM monday morning for a meeting with the adminstration officials.
Do you feel it Rusty. Walk in his shoes just for a
What would you do. How would you feel ?
Do you feel boxed in like a caged animal.
Can you really believe that the stealing of the beer was the cause of this guy going postal ?
Thats the way DTBlackgumby thinks.
Dont fall into that trap.
Look outside the box for once in you're life.
It will make you a better man and person.