Just finished 1st day of tourney--with the brothers--will have some pics for the race baiter tomorrow.
Great bunch of guys from all over the country.
Always look forward to playing with them
Flip side would I drop kids off to go trick or treating on Ky Ave on halloween--no chance--and neither would the group I golfed with today.
Does that make us racists or prudent :0corn
Didn't turn out real good-took from cell phone-will try to get some better ones for the ole race baiters today.
Have seen some our crew that abode only in cyberworld (t -brothers and muffins) have down toned it to biggot now. Trying to figure out diff.
They seem to have a diff word to fit every occasion - to hit on a couple--
Profiling and predjudice. Going to have plead quilty on each.
Profiling--If I'm looking for Islamic terrorist I'll be profing muslims--if hate crime in the projects--I'm stopping 1st car load of skin heads I see in area--if illegal immigrants--I'm stopping the van load of hispanics--
To do others wise would be--liberal logic
Predjudice--Am statistically predjudice.
If the #'s dictate probabilty- to go against them them because of political correctness is nonsense. I can think of number of times here when comment was made regarding statistics in an area--and the race baiters come rolling out despite no mention of race.Why- those that were ranting on profiling-are doing the profiling.It really amusing how flagrant that is.
Personal I do not care for criminals--parasites on society--terrorists--drug addicts etc--has nothing to do with race--however I am predjudice to stats that will dictate prudence and profiling in areas.
--but thats not to say I dislike a black criminal any more than a white one or any other race--its tit for tat. It the crime/person I dislike.
The revese is also true--I enjoy the comraderie of golfers (or others with similiar interests) equally,with no regard for race.
So IMO being predjudice to statistics and profing when warrented is not racist but prudent.
--and I pay little attention to the little cyber PC dweebs that make their cyber rules in their little cyber worlds--when they call me racists-
--as I know there are 100 + I'll be enjoying the company of again this morning that would disgree-
So only way I could remotely see myself as racist--is if PC liberals become classified as a race--but for most part that would just be a cyber racist.