enquiring minds want to know


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I'll ask again, as it seems this will be glossed over. Rusty:

Comparing yourself to the minorities that you work with every day, do you really think you have to deal with the same issues they do every day? Do you really think that other white people look at you and them in exactly the same way? Do you think you all are treated the same way in all situations? Like being waited on, trying to get a loan, getting the same offer on a vehicle, home or other high ticket item? Do you think police would look at all of you the same way? Do you think a woman walking down a dark street at night would look at all of you the same way?


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
I'll ask again, as it seems this will be glossed over. Rusty:

Comparing yourself to the minorities that you work with every day, do you really think you have to deal with the same issues they do every day? Do you really think that other white people look at you and them in exactly the same way? Do you think you all are treated the same way in all situations? Like being waited on, trying to get a loan, getting the same offer on a vehicle, home or other high ticket item? Do you think police would look at all of you the same way? Do you think a woman walking down a dark street at night would look at all of you the same way?

But why should I feel guilty over it if indeed its true...


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
So, rusty, you've been clogging up the board about a black man who "went postal". That's a fair description of his and your actions, isn't it?

What did you have to say about (white) Charles Roberts who slaughtered ten Amish school children? Nothing?

What did you have to say about (Muslim) Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who slaughtered 12? Nothing?

In fact, what have you ever had to say about a non-black killer? Nothing, right?

Forrest Gump said: "stupid is as stupid does".

He could have also said" "bigots is as bigots does".

We report, you decide.

big?ot (bgt)
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

I rest my case.

Thanks for proving my point.I would say their all guilty of the same crime.Murder.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
So, rusty, you've been clogging up the board about a black man who "went postal". That's a fair description of his and your actions, isn't it?

What did you have to say about (white) Charles Roberts who slaughtered ten Amish school children? Nothing?

What did you have to say about (Muslim) Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who slaughtered 12? Nothing?

In fact, what have you ever had to say about a non-black killer? Nothing, right?

Forrest Gump said: "stupid is as stupid does".

He could have also said" "bigots is as bigots does".

We report, you decide.

big?ot (bgt)
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

I rest my case.

Again you guys go the racist route??WHY??My take on this has nothing to do with race,you just link my issues with racism which are false claims.

The guy stole from the company was terminated under his own choice and decided to kill and kill himself.Sadly it happens far to much no matter what race.In fact you point that out right here.

Case closed!!


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Again you guys go the racist route??WHY??My take on this has nothing to do with race,you just link my issues with racism which are false claims.

The guy stole from the company was terminated under his own choice and decided to kill and kill himself.Sadly it happens far to much no matter what race.In fact you point that out right here.

Case closed!!
Umm... Duff didn't say you're a racist, he said you're a bigot, which you are Rusty.

Just own it.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
But why should I feel guilty over it if indeed its true...

The fact that you cannot OWN the fact that it is true, is the point. Do you think it is true? Did I ever mention guilt in any of our discussion posts? Why is guilt the only thing you are concerned about being guilty of? Why does it have to be an issue of guilt? My point is not to assign guilt, my point is to try to get you to see that there is a difference in this country between being white, and being any other color.

White people of our age are not ultimately guilty of what happened long before us. The only real way we are guilty is to act like none of it happened, or that none of it matters to those it happened to, or the biggest area of self-realization, admitting that it is true.

Are you saying, with all seriousness, that you do not think any of those things are true, in your situation? In my opinion, you are resistant to assuming any personal responsibilities for what you think about other races, and for actually thinking about the privilege you receive on a daily basis simply because of your skin color. I think this is ultimately important in seeing the world outside your own window, or at least pretending to care about why it matters.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Just finished 1st day of tourney--with the brothers--will have some pics for the race baiter tomorrow.

Great bunch of guys from all over the country.
Always look forward to playing with them

Flip side would I drop kids off to go trick or treating on Ky Ave on halloween--no chance--and neither would the group I golfed with today.

Does that make us racists or prudent :0corn


Didn't turn out real good-took from cell phone-will try to get some better ones for the ole race baiters today.
Have seen some our crew that abode only in cyberworld (t -brothers and muffins) have down toned it to biggot now. Trying to figure out diff.

They seem to have a diff word to fit every occasion - to hit on a couple--
Profiling and predjudice. Going to have plead quilty on each.

Profiling--If I'm looking for Islamic terrorist I'll be profing muslims--if hate crime in the projects--I'm stopping 1st car load of skin heads I see in area--if illegal immigrants--I'm stopping the van load of hispanics--
To do others wise would be--liberal logic

Predjudice--Am statistically predjudice.
If the #'s dictate probabilty- to go against them them because of political correctness is nonsense. I can think of number of times here when comment was made regarding statistics in an area--and the race baiters come rolling out despite no mention of race.Why- those that were ranting on profiling-are doing the profiling.It really amusing how flagrant that is.

Personal I do not care for criminals--parasites on society--terrorists--drug addicts etc--has nothing to do with race--however I am predjudice to stats that will dictate prudence and profiling in areas.

--but thats not to say I dislike a black criminal any more than a white one or any other race--its tit for tat. It the crime/person I dislike.

The revese is also true--I enjoy the comraderie of golfers (or others with similiar interests) equally,with no regard for race.

So IMO being predjudice to statistics and profing when warrented is not racist but prudent.

--and I pay little attention to the little cyber PC dweebs that make their cyber rules in their little cyber worlds--when they call me racists-

--as I know there are 100 + I'll be enjoying the company of again this morning that would disgree-

So only way I could remotely see myself as racist--is if PC liberals become classified as a race--but for most part that would just be a cyber racist. :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 1, 2000
Iowa City
I'm just curious has to why DTB is so hell bent on showing pictures of a golf outing where no one knows any of the participants.

Is it something like showing off a trophy or something? Something I won at the state fair?

Most of us encounter and visit with many different people everyday. I never felt the need to take a picture and put it on a gambling site. Are you trying to prove something to yourself?:)


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

sorry but I only see a few black ppl and none in your cart. It also looks like you got one foot on the side for a quick getaway.

Provide the pic at the dinner like you said with you surrounded by 100 black ppl

that will mean something


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
The fact that you cannot OWN the fact that it is true, is the point. Do you think it is true? Did I ever mention guilt in any of our discussion posts? Why is guilt the only thing you are concerned about being guilty of? Why does it have to be an issue of guilt? My point is not to assign guilt, my point is to try to get you to see that there is a difference in this country between being white, and being any other color.

White people of our age are not ultimately guilty of what happened long before us. The only real way we are guilty is to act like none of it happened, or that none of it matters to those it happened to, or the biggest area of self-realization, admitting that it is true.

Are you saying, with all seriousness, that you do not think any of those things are true, in your situation? In my opinion, you are resistant to assuming any personal responsibilities for what you think about other races, and for actually thinking about the privilege you receive on a daily basis simply because of your skin color. I think this is ultimately important in seeing the world outside your own window, or at least pretending to care about why it matters.

Chad I think minorities have privileges.That
is my point.Just look at the upstanding laws for illegals.Some illegals have it better than some whites.You disagree with that??Take a closer look.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
Some illegals have it better than some whites.

And, as rusty knows, all illegals are black and all whites are legal.

big?ot (bgt)
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Chad I think minorities have privileges.That
is my point.Just look at the upstanding laws for illegals.Some illegals have it better than some whites.You disagree with that??Take a closer look.

Yes, some illegals have it better than some whites, in some very narrow ways of measurement. Does that make you feel better, or somehow more indignant? Whatever makes your boat float, I guess. Guess it's time to drop the subject, as it's clear you either don't think you have privilege due to the color of your skin or doggedly refuse to admit it. And, ultimately, that says it all.

Carry on, Rusty. Clearly, the sky in your world is very white, and I know how important sunglasses are in those conditions. Lord knows, you'd better wear sunscreen, because we know how you'd hate to have your skin turn red for any length of time.


Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Chad I think minorities have privileges.That
is my point.Just look at the upstanding laws for illegals.Some illegals have it better than some whites.You disagree with that??Take a closer look.

Are you fucking serious?

They would trade spots with you in a second. Think about it.

There is no helping Rusty.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001

sorry but I only see a few black ppl and none in your cart. It also looks like you got one foot on the side for a quick getaway.

Provide the pic at the dinner like you said with you surrounded by 100 black ppl

that will mean something

All this proves is that dogs is one fat fuck.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
I'm just curious has to why DTB is so hell bent on showing pictures of a golf outing where no one knows any of the participants.

Is it something like showing off a trophy or something? Something I won at the state fair?

Most of us encounter and visit with many different people everyday. I never felt the need to take a picture and put it on a gambling site. Are you trying to prove something to yourself?:)

I have no clue what he is doing either. I can't wait for the next pic of him with some homosexuals to prove that he doesn't hate gays. WTF.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Yes, some illegals have it better than some whites, in some very narrow ways of measurement. Does that make you feel better, or somehow more indignant? Whatever makes your boat float, I guess. Guess it's time to drop the subject, as it's clear you either don't think you have privilege due to the color of your skin or doggedly refuse to admit it. And, ultimately, that says it all.

Carry on, Rusty. Clearly, the sky in your world is very white, and I know how important sunglasses are in those conditions. Lord knows, you'd better wear sunscreen, because we know how you'd hate to have your skin turn red for any length of time.


I think its pretty clear. Rusty has failed in life and its all because of the advantages that have been given to minorities and not him.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
So I guess because I'm white I'm guilty.I work along side minorities every single day trying to survive just like them.I don't feel privileged at all.

Somehow I think out of the seven this man killed at least 1 probably more were people just like you and me trying to make a living.That's just a guess.

I feel priveledged every day for the job and opportunities I have had. Is that because of my lineage ? Most likely, yes. The two guys that I have working for who are 3rd generation Americans of Mexican decent needed to have a serious no shitter given to them about the "Privilege" to work for me and our company, it's not a right. They, their father and most of their family hates "Wetbacks". Drawing the distinction between Americans with Mexican Heritage and Wetbacks, they despise those who come to the states and screw it up for the hard working Americans. They get it, they understand what a good opportunity they have working for me with the freedom they have to take care of personal matters during the day and stay on the clock. Insurance benifits, profit sharing, annual raises, working in climate controlled conditions. Not out in the heat, where the temps can get to 120+ in the summer. They understand the privilege, as do I.

One interesting thing I have noticed about the shooting in Conn. is that when a "White Shooter" goes off the reservation, the media immediately mentions the shooter by his full name, First, Middle, Last. Not in this case, did I notice this because I am a bigot a racist ? NO, I just notice these things. BTW, I still don't like onions and tomatoes.


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
sorry but I only see a few black ppl and none in your cart. It also looks like you got one foot on the side for a quick getaway.

Provide the pic at the dinner like you said with you surrounded by 100 black ppl

that will mean something
I'm guessing The Par Makers nickname for DTB is Needle Nose Ned... ;)

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