Guys, how can you beat a drug test?

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Nov 21, 2001
THC stays in your system for at least 30 days and if you are a heavy smoker it is traceable for up to 6 weeks...soo, if you are already smoking prior to your vaca., it's still gonna show up even if you don't smoke in the next two weeks.

there are drinks you can purchase at most specialty nutritional stores or small independant natural food stores (vitamin world is a chain that carries it - GNC does not carry it). looks like a gatorade or sports drink, but costs about $25.00. if you let them know what you are looking for, they will tell you exactly, you won't be the first to ask. you have to follow the instructions exactly, and take it right before the test, so if it's a random test, you might be screwed.

it does work.


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Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY

hey ray, I met you and tara and chickie and petes in philly before that met game last summer, go easy on me bro, I was asking for some advice, everyone likes the doobies now and then ya know? :clap:
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Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
kosar said:
lol-I can see how you'd take that from his post, but I haven't smoked for a year and a half. That was out in vegas for the SB party in 2004 when 'somebody' busted out a joint. About 4 hours later I was puking like i've never puked before. I thought every organ was lost in the toilet.

Before that I hadn't smoked in at least 5 years.

Never liked the stuff at all. Done it maybe 20 times in my life.

Always made my heart race and not a pleasant 'buzz.'

He was talking about the fact that I enjoy a whiskey every now and then.

For the record, to clear Matt's name, I did NOT imply he liked to puff the cheeba or any other drugs, I in fact only smoke rarely and dont do other drugs, never have and never will, when I meant matt liked the extra cirricular activites I was alluding to the fact that he is very fond of the drink on occasion, but aren't we all?

Agent 0659

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Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
"in fact only smoke rarely and dont do other drugs, never have and never will" :wtf: What do you think you are doing when you get high? :mj03:


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Jul 19, 2003
Big Wiskey
Your a idiot if smoking with your buddies is more important than this job. I don't care how old you are, your friends should understand that.

Just my opinion...........
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Jan 12, 2001
NySportsfan said:
I in fact only smoke rarely and dont do other drugs, never have and never will,

NySportsfan said:
everyone likes the doobies now and then ya know? :clap:

Obviously no one has ever indulged in the Mary-wanna or other drugs here. I mean for Chrissakes, didn't you realize we are in a gambling forum. We have a bunch of Saints in here:)

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Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
Yes I got baked quite a few times in the old days, for about two years staight, and would love nothing more than to grow my hair long, and lay on the beach stoned all day pondering the duality of man, HOWEVER my priorities dictate something else :cursin:
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Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
Agent 0659 said:
Yes I got baked quite a few times in the old days, for about two years staight, and would love nothing more than to grow my hair long, and lay on the beach stoned all day pondering the duality of man, HOWEVER my
priorities dictate something else :cursin:

I hear that man..........I don't want people to get the wrong idea about me though, and Matt can attest to this, but I am not smoke habitual pot smoker hippy degenerate, in fact the opposite, it looks that way b/c of the post, but it really was just the fact that I like to puff now and then, and my once a year fun vacation happened to exactly coincide with a side job I'm going to get, so I wanted to bake my cake and eat it too.......laying on the beach stoned all day, lol is fun, but it gives me headaches, I prefer about a 6 pack of heinekens, and some puffs of a fatty :clap: then you are flying high


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Nov 9, 2000
kosar quote: "lol-I can see how you'd take that from his post, but I haven't smoked for a year and a half. That was out in vegas for the SB party in 2004 when 'somebody' busted out a joint."

and you didn't even look for me to join in........

and here i thought that we were buddies......

that's it i'm taking you out of my will........& putting manson in it....anyway he makes more sense (lol).
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Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
AR182 said:
kosar quote: "lol-I can see how you'd take that from his post, but I haven't smoked for a year and a half. That was out in vegas for the SB party in 2004 when 'somebody' busted out a joint."

and you didn't even look for me to join in........

and here i thought that we were buddies......

that's it i'm taking you out of my will........& putting manson in it....anyway he makes more sense (lol).

yea AR, after seeing your picture and the hippie hair do, I thought you would join in, LOL in all seriousness have heard you're a good guy, and plus you're an ex-new yorker so you automatically get points in my book, see you at the SB party one of these years when I make it.........hey Matt, get back to work, telling me to 'start living life' :mj07: :mj07:


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Nov 9, 2000
i smoked for many years (don't anymore).....

but i never used it as an excuse or let it interfere with me making money.


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Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
AR182 said:
i smoked for many years (don't anymore).....

but i never used it as an excuse or let it interfere with me making money.

I was bustin your balls man.......I havent let it interfere with myself here, it just happened to come up as a coincidence with my vacation and side job thing coming at the same time, but you're right, it is not important enough to overshadow anything significant in ones life (family, work, school, etc) but then again, neither is Gambling, or alcohol


Forum Member
I can't find this thread from a few months ago..but here's my situation, I'm sure some of you fellow degenerates can give me my best option...........
Applied for a job today, heading home for vacation for 2 weeks next week though w/the old friends, and will be puffing the green a fair amount of times, calling woman from company when I return here and then she said will send me for drug test, etc......Questions are
1) If I smoke in the next few wks, how long does it stay in system, does it always show up?
2) what can I take and/or what can I do, to avoid pissing positive when I come back from my trip, Id rather not take some nauseating substance, is there anything you can do or tricks, etc to get it to not show, aside from using someone else's clean urine, as Id rather not ask someone to piss and carry it with me on the plane! Thanks my fellow gamblers :clap: :clap:

Need I say more? Hey, have you found anyone yet that will let you do their handicapping in exchange for rent???

:142smilie :mj07: :com: :mj19: :mj122:


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Oct 3, 2006
Just get up early that day and drink as much liquids as possible. You will pee so many times before that urine test that no trace of THC will be found in the sample. Ive done it many times with 100% success. Goodluck
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JJ Reddick

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Aug 6, 2006

drink this a lot, and exercise a lot and you will pass.

this is the cheap way.


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Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
lol one of the minion clowns on here rehashed a thread from 2 years ago, thats funny. ps, since that time, have never been drug tested so i suppose it was false worrying :shrug: