Happy Days


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
August 15, 2007 -- A surprising 94 percent of Americans say they are satisfied with their lives - although far fewer in New York and other Eastern states think they're better off than they were five years ago, according to a new survey.

The Harris Poll of more than 1,000 people reported the overall "satisfaction" level, defined as people who said they were either very or somewhat satisfied with their lot, was up 4 percentage points, from 90 percent two years ago.

But only 42 percent of people in the Eastern U.S. said things had improved since 2002. By contrast, 60 percent of Southerners and 62 percent of Westerners said their lives had improved.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
My position has improved since 2002, despite the fact that a natural disaster flooded 80% of the homes and businesses in my city less than 2 years ago. I did not sustain any physical damage to my home, but EVERY single one of my clients were completely wiped out.

My investments have flourished, which gives me peace of mind, and I have been shift gears career-wise. I have been able to make the best of the situation by obtaining and renovating flooded property as a side deal. There is no market for selling these rehabbed properties, but there cetainly are tons of renters these days.

Also, my wife and I have been blessed with 2 boys in the past 2 years--- one now 21 months and one 3 months. Sure, my plan has changed, but I am as happy as possible. Life is good..... really, really good.

I have dual citizenship with a European country b/c my father was born there, so maybe I'll move there if Hillary fawks it up our quality of life. In reality, I do not like any of the candidates in this election, so my fingers are definitely crossed hoping for the best for my little boys.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I have dual citizenship with a European country b/c my father was born there, so maybe I'll move there if Hillary fawks it up our quality of life. In reality, I do not like any of the candidates in this election, so my fingers are definitely crossed hoping for the best for my little boys.

What do you possibly see Hillary doing to "fawk" things up? ...Create massive deficits? Send us to a pre-emptive war with no defined victory? Sit by and ignore memos telling us we are about to be hit by suicide bombers? Lower every safety and environmental standard we've had in place for 30 years? Dig us even deeper into energy dependence? Shut down Pinnacle Sports to Americans? I'm just wondering what she would do that would send you running to Europe?

So when/if Hillary is elected:

Dr. Freeze will move to Canada
Dogs That Bark will move to China
Gardenweasel will move to Australia
and now Cie Grant will move to Europe.

....Happy days indeed.:)


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
August 15, 2007 -- A surprising 94 percent of Americans say they are satisfied with their lives - although far fewer in New York and other Eastern states think they're better off than they were five years ago, according to a new survey.

The Harris Poll of more than 1,000 people reported the overall "satisfaction" level, defined as people who said they were either very or somewhat satisfied with their lot, was up 4 percentage points, from 90 percent two years ago.

But only 42 percent of people in the Eastern U.S. said things had improved since 2002. By contrast, 60 percent of Southerners and 62 percent of Westerners said their lives had improved.

What are you and this poll trying to say ? People are happy with their lives and their lot ? If so; I agree : but it has nothing to do with gov and politics. If you ask : are people satisfied with our politicians on the left or right, I would think that 75% are not. Life is what you make it, I think most Americans are resourceful,grateful, hardworking and optimistic. It's to bad our want to be leaders can't use our resources in a ethical way and improve our bridges, our security, education, toys for our children, food, water, and keep drugs out of our country. A poll of a THOUSAND PEOPLE IS A JOKE. It's like using the few people that showed up in Iowa to get a picture of what will happen in the next election. Most Americans are like me. We don't rely on Government, if we did, this poll couldn't say what you and these pollsters said it does. I haven't posted in a while because the corruption and the incompetence and the out right lies and and fraud and criminal activity in our government has given me a sense of every man for himself. I don't like to think this way but it's hard when you look at the people that are supposed to be working for us, work against us every day !
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The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
What do you possibly see Hillary doing to "fawk" things up? ...Create massive deficits? Send us to a pre-emptive war with no defined victory? Sit by and ignore memos telling us we are about to be hit by suicide bombers? Lower every safety and environmental standard we've had in place for 30 years? Dig us even deeper into energy dependence? Shut down Pinnacle Sports to Americans? I'm just wondering what she would do that would send you running to Europe?

So when/if Hillary is elected:

Dr. Freeze will move to Canada
Dogs That Bark will move to China
Gardenweasel will move to Australia
and now Cie Grant will move to Europe.

....Happy days indeed.:)

Sorry you missed a few:

Katrina You would think this one would be huge to him
Plame/CIA leak
Torture is OK
Abu Ghraib
Habeas Corpus
Libby's pardon
Supreme Court picks
Warrentless wiretapping
Faith based programs-sickening waste of tax dollars
Ignoring/working to deny global warming
EPA lies about toxicity at ground zero
Conditions at Walter Reed
Endless "signing statements"
Ludicrous claims of "executive privilege"
Lack of body armor
Training and supplies for the troops
The elections and voter disenfranchisement


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
What are you and this poll trying to say ? People are happy with their lives and their lot ? If so; I agree : but it has nothing to do with gov and politics. If you ask : are people satisfied with our politicians on the left or right, I would think that 75% are not. Life is what you make it, I think most Americans are resourceful,grateful, hardworking and optimistic. It's two bad our want to be leaders cant's use our resources in a ethical way and improve our bridges, our security, education, toys for our children, food, water, and keep drugs out of our country. A poll of a THOUSAND PEOPLE IS A JOKE. It's like using the few people that showed up in Iowa to get a picture of what will happen in the next election. Most Americans are like me. We don't rely on Government, if we did, this poll couldn't say what you and these pollsters said it does. I haven't posted in a while because the corruption and the incompetence and the out right lies and and fraud and criminal activity in our government has given me a sense of every man for himself. I don't like to think this way but it's hard when you look at the people that are supposed to be working for us, work against us every day !

This is one of those things that Dogs will post when GOP is running the show, but steer clear of when Dems are in charge. Like you say, Americans are generally happy with their lot in life. And it's a human nature thing to feel you are always improving individually - becoming better off than you were in the past.

Dogs is getting desperate. He's looking for whatever polls and reports he can to convince people that his boy has done the right thing in the white house - and that the Dems will ruin this "utopia".


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
In my family we are foodies, we care what we eat and where it came from and what it will do to our quality of life. Americans can not even count on our government to protect our food source. We as a country don't produce very much anymore. Even if a chicken is raised in America, were is it processed ? Every ****ing thing is from China, India, Korea, Japan and who knows where. If China will poison our children with lead paint in toys, how can we trust them with our food ? We can't. I hope you guys are not eating fish or anything from China. You look at the health of the American People. Every one knows someone or has lost someone to cancer. It's the food. Take a look @ the global system we are in, there are no American Companies, and there are no American politicians. Recall after recall. Who's looking out for you and me ? There is no more made in America, even if it says it, you better verify it !!
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The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
This is one of those things that Dogs will post when GOP is running the show, but steer clear of when Dems are in charge. Like you say, Americans are generally happy with their lot in life. And it's a human nature thing to feel you are always improving individually - becoming better off than you were in the past.

Dogs is getting desperate. He's looking for whatever polls and reports he can to convince people that his boy has done the right thing in the white house - and that the Dems will ruin this "utopia".

One of Georgies big platforms was that home ownership was at an all time high. Unfortunately him a Rove forgot to mention that home ownership is at an all time high each and every year because of population growth. I think for the first time in history Georgies last year may make a run at that record. they may have a new claim something along these lines. " For the first time families are coming together more now then in years past".


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
In my family we are foodies, we care what we eat and were it came from and what it will do to our quality of life. Americans can not even count on our government to protect our food source. We as a country don't produce very much anymore. Even if a chicken is raised in America, were is it processed ? Every ****ing thing is from China, India, Korea, Japan and who knows where. If China will poison our children with led paint in toys, how can we trust them with our food ? We can't. I hope you guys are not eating fish or anything from China. You look at the health of the American People. Every one knows someone or has lost someone to cancer. It's the food. Take a look @ the global system we are in, there are no American Companies, and there are no American politicians. Recall after recall. Who's looking out for you and me ? There is no more made in America, even if it says it, you better verify it !!

Our mass importation of cheap goods from China is really biting us lately. Whether it's pet food, human food, toys, or whatever - we are beginning to see serious negative impacts.

Bush protects pharmaceutical corporate interests under the guise of "protecting the consumer from cheap imports". ....Well, where the F'k is that same fake concern when it comes to EVERY SINGLE OTHER PRODUCT, ie Chinese imports? Thank God there are still enough "beurocrats" in government to maintain some safety standards regarding lead in paints, otherwise the greedy executives on both sides of the Pacific could have a completely unchecked field day at the expense of the public.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
One of Georgies big platforms was that home ownership was at an all time high. Unfortunately him a Rove forgot to mention that home ownership is at an all time high each and every year because of population growth. I think for the first time in history Georgies last year may make a run at that record. they may have a new claim something along these lines. " For the first time families are coming together more now then in years past".
Yeah, that's another trick that DTB also likes. He boasted that last year the US had the largest tax payments of all time. ....Tends to happen when the population grows. But I seriously doubt he will boast this claim when/if Hillary is president and the tax payments continue to increase as population does also.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
now were are my razor blades again?

I'm not saying the sky is falling, all I'm saying is, you better be a good consumer. You better know what you are buying if you care about your health. I have always felt that we can't leave it up to government but it is worse than I thought. If you care about your health, you can't just walk into any place and CONSUME anything for your family. Look at the unexplained RISE in autism in American Children, some have thought that it was the mercury that was in some vaccines . Now we have lead in toys. What else do we have that we don't know about yet ? In both cases it came down to profit first people second. I don't have a problem with profit but give the people what they think they are paying for. The American people will pay for it. Why do the people we pay to look out for us look the other way ? Not for profit, their not interested in a fair profit. They are ****ing thieves. This is America, Make all the money you want. Greed is good : when you give the buyer what they payed for !
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Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
What do you possibly see Hillary doing to "fawk" things up? ...Create massive deficits? Send us to a pre-emptive war with no defined victory? Sit by and ignore memos telling us we are about to be hit by suicide bombers? Lower every safety and environmental standard we've had in place for 30 years? Dig us even deeper into energy dependence? Shut down Pinnacle Sports to Americans? I'm just wondering what she would do that would send you running to Europe?

So when/if Hillary is elected:

Dr. Freeze will move to Canada
Dogs That Bark will move to China
Gardenweasel will move to Australia
and now Cie Grant will move to Europe.

....Happy days indeed.:)

I realize you don't know me, but if you did it would have been obvious to you that I was speaking tongue in cheek. In reality, I would not like to live in Europe, nor would I expect to ever be forced to leave.

As for problems I have w/ Hillary. I will start with Capital gains tax rate being nearly doubled. That alone, is a problem for me. Why do I need to pay for those who choose not to not make it on their own?


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
As for problems I have w/ Hillary. I will start with Capital gains tax rate being nearly doubled. That alone, is a problem for me. Why do I need to pay for those who choose not to not make it on their own?

OK, this is good. This is an actual issue, and not just the standard unsubstantiated Hillary bashing.

Mrs. Clinton would not like to extend Bush's tax cuts beyond 2010. Bush cut the capital gains tax down from 20% to 15%. So - worst case scenario - capital gains will return to the 20% they were at with Mr. Clinton. .....What's so bad about that? Bush has been operating the national budget at an extreme defitcit. This cannot continue much longer without serious financial consequences.

When capital gains were 20% instead of 15% during the Clinton years, the economy was healthy, the budget was at a surplus, and no reasonable person was complaining. There are very few people that actually cash enough capital gains profits to have benefitted significantly from this cut. Are you saying that simply returning this tax to the Bill Clinton days of balanced budgets would hurt you? Seriously?
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