Ted Haggard who said on 60 minutes he had a direct line to the white house and spoke with Bush weekly.
i love the way guys slam dtb for bringing up clinton...then,when theres an issue about obama,you bring up bush.....
and god forbid that anybody mention his middle name,his race,his non-record....i mean,i could see it if he were a MORMON...right,edward?....
who`s the hypocrite?...
so bobby,haggard said that?...did bush say it?...i don`t think so...
so i guess you`re saying he`s "not" bush`s "pastor/mentor" of 20 years as OBAMA`S ALREADY ADMITTED WITH WRIGHT?...
the title of obama`s second book is admittedly a quote from his "mentor",pastor wright......
this is a real problem,guys....and i`m not sure just forcing this a-hole`s retirement or breaking with the church will do obama all that much good..the water`s already under the bridge...
and actually,he`s yet to do that...wright is still on staff,to the best of my knowledge...
he belonged to that church for 20 years, was married by this insane hater, and baptized his kids there...i assume he takes his kids there and wright teaches them this hateful, vile stuff....
"Bill did us, just like he did Monica Lewinsky. He was riding dirty."(this while he`s dry humping in front of a packed audience of morons who are howling like they`re insane)....he blames the gov`t for purposefully giving a.i.d.`s to blacks to promote genocide,is a friend of khaddafi`s and farakhan`s....
"We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye,? Rev. Wright said in a sermon on Sept. 16, 2001.
in the skewed yuppy/liberal mind blacks are permitted to be hateful racists.....and if you question that your a reverse racist....
nice...real nice..
"god damn america" - just words...
"the chickens came home to roost on 9/11".. - just words
"the gov`t infected the black community with a.i.d.s"....just words
michele obama`s comments are now beginning to make some sense...