Well Jack,
You have done it , u have just made everything at this site even better.
But since i am still in school and taking IT classes, and doing alot of interface stuff , i did find a few things that i think might help.
A: I think that the "sign-up" and "login" options should be removed from the Welcome "User" frame. I think that it offers some confusion as to if someone is signed in already.
B: And i am a bit confused as well with why u are allowing a private user to not reveal their picks. (I thought that the purpose of this site was to see how everyone one is doing on an individual basis and to get a collective consensus.) I think that if we can not see exactally who is sumitting the picks that someone like Feist and crew can just come in make picks private and throw the entire concensus off. I would like to see exactually all "48" picks on a side and see who is on that side. Just an idea, thats all.
Anyway great and i mean great job u have done here, hell i dont see why u cant start charging just a little to make things more rewarding for ya. I would and im sure that most would agree, that a small , like $10 a year charge would keep alot of the rift-raft out of here like myself.
And really improve things considerable. But i cant think of much more that can make this site any better. Keeep up the good work.