I have two arguments that I am going to present as I am sick of this war that has been going on for too long now.
This latest attack in the hotel that killed 20 people (I am not counting the suicide bomber) and "severely wounded" an additional 48 people with a total of more than 170 injured makes my blood boil. Imagine if that had happened here at an Easter celebration?
And yet there are still people making excuses. "Nabil Sha'ath, a Palestinian
Cabinet minister, denounced the attack and offered condolences to the victims. But he said Israel's "mentality of siege and occupation" has created such frustration and resentment that many Palestinians are ready to die for their cause "because there's no hope for living." These are sick people!
Remember why Israel is "occupying" this land? They responded to a surprise attack on three fronts in the 1967 "Yom Kippur War". The intent of those attacks was likely to massacre every Israeli - men, women, children, and babies. Israel has kept the land in order to provide more defensible borders. It's a tribute to their restraint that they haven't expelled all of the "Palestinians" back to Jordan, where most of them are citizens in the first place.
But, Israel isn't helping matters by flying over in gunships and blowing stuff up all the time...but yeah, you're right. Arafat can do nothing...he's just a figurehead. These suicide bombers are just militant Muslim thugs worthy of Al-Qaeda. They take no marching orders from anyone in particular.
And the Arabs will ALWAYS make up excuses because they'd love to see Israel gone and the whole Middle East made up of Muslim holy warriors or whatever...they just don't say so publicly cuz they're afraid of being nuked.
They may not want war individually, but get a bunch of Arabs together and they find some kind of unity in hating America and non-muslims. Deep down, even the ones who work with us would like to see us fall.
I'm not saying it's their fault for being so hateful and war-like, but they're born and bred that way, so it's kinda hard, if not impossible, to teach them any different. I feel pity for them, yes, but I don't sympathize with their cause. They just want to scare Israel out of the Middle East. If the whole world decided to displace the Jews from Israel and give it to the Palestinians, they wouldn't stop there. They'd start suicide bombing in ANOTHER country and find some historio-religious grounds to demand that land too.
Sometimes I wonder if exterminating them all isn't such a bad idea. These people truly believe their greatest reward will come from walking into a public building and blowing themselves up, dying in a "holy war." If they want a "holy war," I say we give 'em one. If we end up killing all of them, then at least they'll be with their 27 virgins if they're right. We're doing them a FAVOR.
Militant Islam is a cancer on this world...militant ANY RELIGION is a cancer on this world. All it is is using religion as a means of manipulating people and as an excuse for getting your way all the time.
My apologies to those who are of Arabic descent and/or practice Islam in a peaceful, nonviolent way. My comments are not targeted toward you.
But looking at the other side of this argument, I say this:
First of all, don't talk about terrorism before you know what you are talking about. Read some books or something and stop being fooled by stupid american propaganda. The Palestinians are NOT terrorists. What if somebody bombed a hotel here on easter?Wow whoopdie doo, what if you and your family were kicked out of their house and then had to negotiate to get your own ****in house back against an infinitely powerful force that even the U.S. can't regulate any more and your leader that has almost no political weight anyway is arrested and is being held in the West Bank.
The Entifada has been made out to be terrorist forces when in reality the Entifada is a bunch of teenagers and young men fighting with weaponry that Israel should laugh at. All 22 arab states AND the U.S. have agreed that normalized relations with Israel in exchange for all Arab land that was Arab occupied before the war in 1967. The only member who did not agree is Israel, who also happen to have Yassir Arafat, the designated leader of the Palestinian people cooped up in Ramallah. So they want peace but they don't want Arafat to attend the summit? Hmm... yea doesn't make sense to me either. What they really want is the Palestinians to disappear. You know who Manahem Begin is right? He was so close to making peace with Palestine but apparently the Israeli people didn't like that option and opted to elect Banjamin Natanyaho. Here's something you probably never heard, Ariel Sharon among a few other Israeli prime ministers are wanted in Britain for war crimes. That brings me to yet another point, this has turned into strictly American affair. What other countries support the actions in Palestine and none of them care to do anything about it except the big momma country America.
Let me tell you what I think, and you can take it however you want. Israel, among other countries from that region are American pawns protecting American interests in the Middle East. If you think about it, it's almost obvious... Let me speak on the honorable Ariel Sharon now. Ariel Sharon, the caniving bastard, was demoted from minister of defense to minister of housing for a Palestinian massacre in Lebanon a few years back. How the hell is he a prime minister now? Pure corruption.
You people don't know what goes on behind closed doors and I really am sorry that you never got to hear another side of the story. Oh and if I hear that stupid moron bush and his stupid annoying voice one more time talking about how peace can never be had until Arafat controls the "terrorism" I'm gonna flip. Bush is not a president, he is a money maker. The whole Afghanistan campaign was for 2 reasons, to appease the angry american public and so bush can get oil. If you don't believe me, read up. Even General Tommy Franks, the leader of the Afghanistam operation said that this 'war on terrorism' may last more than a lifetime. So what the flying **** did you go there for in the first place! To kill people so everybody here can be happy that we got revenge... No respect for human life, it's disgusting.
How about this, how the hell can you expect Arafat to have total control of the Palestinian people while he is cooped up in Ramallah leading a people that has learned to take orders from nobody. It's so absurd to think that Arafat can tell them what to do, a people that has been opressed for years upon years is not going to stop without some sort of assurance that they will get something in return. The only thing they are getting is pushed down more and more towards the Egyptian and Jordanian borders so that the Israelis can finally get rid of the 'pesky' Palestinians. Oh and as for the 1967 6 day war that was so tragic.
If the Israelis were surprised then they would not have the Gaza Strip, the Sinai, the Golan Heights, Jerusalem, and the West Bank. On top of that, the war in 1973 was Egypt regaining the Sinai and other land that it had lost in 1967.
I don't want to sound like am insulting everybody because I know not everybody is this ignorant but some people unfortunately are. When I see ignorance, especially about an Arab issue I have to speak on it because I take it as my responsibility to know what goes on in other parts of the world. Why do you think the U.S. government tried to block Al Jazeera from being broadcast over satellite TV in the U.S.?, because they told another point of view and it could be dangerous for people to know the freaking truth.
The U.S. even wanted to create their own TV network like Al Jazeera but full of American propaganda and broadcast it in the middle east and target it towards the younger arab generation. That's just not happening, sorry Bush. I have a suggestion for all you uneducated people that I do not wish to talk to any more because it is a waste of time anyway because I'm sure most of you will just criticize me and not even take into account what I am saying.
Read a book called Manufacturing Consent written by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky. Maybe if you hear about the corruption from the mouths of Jewish people you will believe it. There are 2 Jewish authors educated at Harvard that explain the corruption in the U.S. foreign policy and regulation of the mass media in order to mold events to their advantage. So, enjoy, sorry if I sounded aggravated but it's because I am to a certain degree; hopefully, there will be no flaming.
Again, this is just my opinion.
Vent mode OFF
This latest attack in the hotel that killed 20 people (I am not counting the suicide bomber) and "severely wounded" an additional 48 people with a total of more than 170 injured makes my blood boil. Imagine if that had happened here at an Easter celebration?
And yet there are still people making excuses. "Nabil Sha'ath, a Palestinian
Cabinet minister, denounced the attack and offered condolences to the victims. But he said Israel's "mentality of siege and occupation" has created such frustration and resentment that many Palestinians are ready to die for their cause "because there's no hope for living." These are sick people!
Remember why Israel is "occupying" this land? They responded to a surprise attack on three fronts in the 1967 "Yom Kippur War". The intent of those attacks was likely to massacre every Israeli - men, women, children, and babies. Israel has kept the land in order to provide more defensible borders. It's a tribute to their restraint that they haven't expelled all of the "Palestinians" back to Jordan, where most of them are citizens in the first place.
But, Israel isn't helping matters by flying over in gunships and blowing stuff up all the time...but yeah, you're right. Arafat can do nothing...he's just a figurehead. These suicide bombers are just militant Muslim thugs worthy of Al-Qaeda. They take no marching orders from anyone in particular.
And the Arabs will ALWAYS make up excuses because they'd love to see Israel gone and the whole Middle East made up of Muslim holy warriors or whatever...they just don't say so publicly cuz they're afraid of being nuked.
They may not want war individually, but get a bunch of Arabs together and they find some kind of unity in hating America and non-muslims. Deep down, even the ones who work with us would like to see us fall.
I'm not saying it's their fault for being so hateful and war-like, but they're born and bred that way, so it's kinda hard, if not impossible, to teach them any different. I feel pity for them, yes, but I don't sympathize with their cause. They just want to scare Israel out of the Middle East. If the whole world decided to displace the Jews from Israel and give it to the Palestinians, they wouldn't stop there. They'd start suicide bombing in ANOTHER country and find some historio-religious grounds to demand that land too.
Sometimes I wonder if exterminating them all isn't such a bad idea. These people truly believe their greatest reward will come from walking into a public building and blowing themselves up, dying in a "holy war." If they want a "holy war," I say we give 'em one. If we end up killing all of them, then at least they'll be with their 27 virgins if they're right. We're doing them a FAVOR.
Militant Islam is a cancer on this world...militant ANY RELIGION is a cancer on this world. All it is is using religion as a means of manipulating people and as an excuse for getting your way all the time.
My apologies to those who are of Arabic descent and/or practice Islam in a peaceful, nonviolent way. My comments are not targeted toward you.
But looking at the other side of this argument, I say this:
First of all, don't talk about terrorism before you know what you are talking about. Read some books or something and stop being fooled by stupid american propaganda. The Palestinians are NOT terrorists. What if somebody bombed a hotel here on easter?Wow whoopdie doo, what if you and your family were kicked out of their house and then had to negotiate to get your own ****in house back against an infinitely powerful force that even the U.S. can't regulate any more and your leader that has almost no political weight anyway is arrested and is being held in the West Bank.
The Entifada has been made out to be terrorist forces when in reality the Entifada is a bunch of teenagers and young men fighting with weaponry that Israel should laugh at. All 22 arab states AND the U.S. have agreed that normalized relations with Israel in exchange for all Arab land that was Arab occupied before the war in 1967. The only member who did not agree is Israel, who also happen to have Yassir Arafat, the designated leader of the Palestinian people cooped up in Ramallah. So they want peace but they don't want Arafat to attend the summit? Hmm... yea doesn't make sense to me either. What they really want is the Palestinians to disappear. You know who Manahem Begin is right? He was so close to making peace with Palestine but apparently the Israeli people didn't like that option and opted to elect Banjamin Natanyaho. Here's something you probably never heard, Ariel Sharon among a few other Israeli prime ministers are wanted in Britain for war crimes. That brings me to yet another point, this has turned into strictly American affair. What other countries support the actions in Palestine and none of them care to do anything about it except the big momma country America.
Let me tell you what I think, and you can take it however you want. Israel, among other countries from that region are American pawns protecting American interests in the Middle East. If you think about it, it's almost obvious... Let me speak on the honorable Ariel Sharon now. Ariel Sharon, the caniving bastard, was demoted from minister of defense to minister of housing for a Palestinian massacre in Lebanon a few years back. How the hell is he a prime minister now? Pure corruption.
You people don't know what goes on behind closed doors and I really am sorry that you never got to hear another side of the story. Oh and if I hear that stupid moron bush and his stupid annoying voice one more time talking about how peace can never be had until Arafat controls the "terrorism" I'm gonna flip. Bush is not a president, he is a money maker. The whole Afghanistan campaign was for 2 reasons, to appease the angry american public and so bush can get oil. If you don't believe me, read up. Even General Tommy Franks, the leader of the Afghanistam operation said that this 'war on terrorism' may last more than a lifetime. So what the flying **** did you go there for in the first place! To kill people so everybody here can be happy that we got revenge... No respect for human life, it's disgusting.
How about this, how the hell can you expect Arafat to have total control of the Palestinian people while he is cooped up in Ramallah leading a people that has learned to take orders from nobody. It's so absurd to think that Arafat can tell them what to do, a people that has been opressed for years upon years is not going to stop without some sort of assurance that they will get something in return. The only thing they are getting is pushed down more and more towards the Egyptian and Jordanian borders so that the Israelis can finally get rid of the 'pesky' Palestinians. Oh and as for the 1967 6 day war that was so tragic.
If the Israelis were surprised then they would not have the Gaza Strip, the Sinai, the Golan Heights, Jerusalem, and the West Bank. On top of that, the war in 1973 was Egypt regaining the Sinai and other land that it had lost in 1967.
I don't want to sound like am insulting everybody because I know not everybody is this ignorant but some people unfortunately are. When I see ignorance, especially about an Arab issue I have to speak on it because I take it as my responsibility to know what goes on in other parts of the world. Why do you think the U.S. government tried to block Al Jazeera from being broadcast over satellite TV in the U.S.?, because they told another point of view and it could be dangerous for people to know the freaking truth.
The U.S. even wanted to create their own TV network like Al Jazeera but full of American propaganda and broadcast it in the middle east and target it towards the younger arab generation. That's just not happening, sorry Bush. I have a suggestion for all you uneducated people that I do not wish to talk to any more because it is a waste of time anyway because I'm sure most of you will just criticize me and not even take into account what I am saying.
Read a book called Manufacturing Consent written by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky. Maybe if you hear about the corruption from the mouths of Jewish people you will believe it. There are 2 Jewish authors educated at Harvard that explain the corruption in the U.S. foreign policy and regulation of the mass media in order to mold events to their advantage. So, enjoy, sorry if I sounded aggravated but it's because I am to a certain degree; hopefully, there will be no flaming.
Again, this is just my opinion.
Vent mode OFF
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