Isreal VS Arafat


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Nov 9, 2000
I am glad that Powell is going to the Middle East.Hopefully a peace agreement can happen.I feel almost everyone involved wants peace.Unfortunately the palstine militants & the extremeists that are backing these militants do not want peace.Today I heard some AlQaeda snuck into Palastine to "help out".I also heard the Palestine terrorists say if anybody from The Palestine "gov't" met with Powell he will be assassinated.These developments don't surprise me because I always felt that Sadam has his hands invovled in the Middle East.It makes sense because with the way it is being played out,all the attention is on Israel,instead of 9\11 & Iraq.

I wonder when everyone realizes that the war that Israel is fighting is directly related to the coalitions fight against terrorism.They are all connected.


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Oct 14, 2001
Hamilton, Ontario
Funny thing is that Israel came under condemnation from most of the world when they bombed Iraq's nulear power plant in 1981. I think it's safe to say that had they not done that there would be parts of the U.S. and/or Israel that would no longer exist.

In retrospect the world should be kissing Israel's feet but I guess people have short memories.


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Mar 14, 2001
just to nitpick but the 1967 war is usually referred to as the "six day war" , the war in 1973 was the Yom Kippur war.

He Hate Me

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Feb 21, 2001
Seal Beach,Ca
It all boils down to Jerusalem, Israel was the host to our Lord Jesus Christ, and has a trustdeed from God to that piece of real estate. I have noticed people in this thread have said the main concern is whats best for America, well I believe the reason God has blessed America is because we have watched over Israel. Not that Israel needs the USA because Jesus Christ is the reason Israel exists today, it says very clearly in Zechariah that Jerusalem will be a burdensome stone to the world in the last days. Well folks I believe very firmly that this is an earmark to Ezekiel 38. There are some peace loving muslims in the world, the reason they are is because they dont understand the Koran, Islam is a religion of hate and is satanic. Arafat is a stonecold terrorist, a ceasefire would only be a bandaid, that might last a week. I think things will only escalate and the return of Christ is very soon. I think this is an anti-semetic world we live in, especially outside of the U.S., anyone who is a bible beliving Christian could only come to the conclusion that the current situation is a birth pain of the Lords 2nd coming.
My best advice for peace in the situation is to pray, because that is the only solution I see.
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