Isreal VS Arafat


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Oct 14, 2001
Hamilton, Ontario
Apparently Israel found a "smoking gun" in Arafat's compound. The thing I can't understand is if Arafat and the other Muslim leaders think it is such an honor to "martyr oneself", then why do they always send out young kids to do it rather than they being the martyrs? My guess, taking one look at Arafat, is that regardless of his "good deed" in killing himself along with innocent civilians, that no virgins will go near him in heaven with a 10 foot pole :D

Arafat?s Book-Keeping Department Yields
Bill Linking Him to Suicides

This piece of correspondence was discovered by Israeli troops who went through the files in Yasser Arafat?s personal accounting department in Ramallah. It is an itemized bill signed by the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades ? Palestine, and dated September 16, 2001, exactly five days after the September 11 suicide attacks in the United States.

The document is a routine request for Arafat to approve the daily outlay for the arming of suicides with explosives and ammo, their memorial ceremonies and funeral posters.

It is part of the body of evidence Israeli troops gleaned at Arafat?s headquarters in Ramallah and demonstrates that Arafat supervised every last detail of the Palestinian suicide offensive.
Translation into English:

1. Cost of posters for Martyrs of the al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: Azam Mazhar, Osama Juabra, Shadi Afouri, Yasser Badawi, Ahad Fares (inserted by hand: NIS2,000).

2. Cost of printed notices, invitations and mourners? tents (inserted by hand: NIS1,250.

3. Cost of attaching personal photos of these martyrs to wooden panels, plus those of Tabeth Tabeth and Mahmoud al Jamil (inserted by hand: NIS1,000).

4. Cost of memorial ceremonies for martyrs. Memorial ceremonies held for Martyr Azam, Martyr Osama (inserted by hand: NIS6,000)

5. Cost of electrical goods and miscellaneous chemical substances (for manufacturing explosives and bombs ? the largest item. (One prepared explosive device ? NIS700 at least) We need 5-9 devices per week for the squads in the different regions (inserted by hand: NIS x 4 = NIS20,000 per month)

6. Cost of bullets (cost of Kalashnikov ammo is NIS ?8 per bullet; M-16 bullets cost NIS2-2.5 each) We need bullets supplied on a daily basis.

7. Note: Available are 3,000 Kalashnikov bullets @ NIS2 each. We need a sum of money at once to buy them (inserted by hand: NIS22,500 for Kalashnikov bullets ? NIS60,000 for M-16 bullets)
In conclusion, glory and pride to those who support our brave resistance against the occupation. Revolution until victory.


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Nov 9, 2000
Myron you beat me to the punch on Israel's find.

Additional points I would like to make:
Iran is sending money & arms to Hezzbalah(spelling?) who in turn is funding money to AlQeada.

Iraq is paying $10,000-$25,000 to family members of the suicide bombers.This is what they are grooming their children for.Some of these nations teach their children to hate US&Israel & the Western Culture.Their textbooks don't even list Israel as a country.

I keep hearing that the reason that there are suicide bombers is because they feel repressed.That is nonsense were the thugs who killed 3,000 people on 9\11 oppressed ? The answer is no some of them came from wealthy families.If they are surpressed it is from the Arab leaders.These leaders are stealing their people blind.They all live in mansions while their people are starving.They keep their people distracted by blaming Us & Israel for their plight.

Are Palestanians freedom fighters?I would think freedom fighters would attack their opponents military structures,not innocent civilians.They are terrorizing the people of Israel.

In tody's USA Today there is an article that states that US belive that recent suicide bombings in Israel were instigated by disaffected loyalsts to Arafat to sabotage an intelligence sharing agreement with Israel.This was aimed at averting terrorists attacks.Is anyone surprised by this.

On a separate note...A French author wrote a book saying that 9/11 never happened.What I find amazing is that it is a best seller.That alone should tell you how the Europeans feel about The US & the various attacks in France & Belgium on an Israeli couple & synagogues tell you hoe they feel about Israel.As was previously stated that if it wasn't for US & its allies during WW2 many in Europe would be talking German.It seems to me that the only European who understands the severity of the issue is Tony Blair.The rest of Euope will change their positon when it will be beneficial to them.


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Jul 16, 1999
Rebel I wish many countries did not have nuclear weapons, that includes Israel. I am sorry for you that you would like to see Iraq a nuclear power, with a chance to develop nuclear technology.

Actually I think it would be easier for them to build the plant and then develop the weapons than get them from Russia. It was a Canadian designed model which the Cdn. government sold to them, the US had no objections since at the time (80s) Iraq was an ally against Iran. It would have been easy to develop weapons once the plant was functioning. If Israel did not blow up the plant then you may have got your wish and those scuds would actually have something in them.

perphaps you can send them donations if you want them to be a nuclear power. I wish less countries had the technology to blow the world up, I am sorry you do not share this point of view.

by the way the US was not involved in Afganistan when the Taliban took over, I mean they knew OSB was there and he would state how he was going to destroy America. He is not camera shy, still the US did nothing.

they blew up two US embassies which OSB claimed credit for and the US did nothing. They killed 18 sailors in a Yemen port and the US goverment did nothing (ok, they sent cruise missiles in the desert, and each time made up a new wanted poster.) the US government in action help to cause over 3000 people their lives on Sept, 11,2001.

the northern Alliance leader who was killed within the same week of Sept. 11, pleading for the US to send arms and weapons. Despite the US claiming Afganistan and the Taliban were a terrorist state, they did not help him at all. He pleaded with them, they would not send one bloody dollar to help even though OSB and the Taliban killed 18 service men, and bombed two US embassies. That is correct do not get involved, allow you enemies to grow strong, ignore and do not help the people who are trying to fight against goverments like the Taliban. do not get involved after all the US never did. Northern Alliance was down to 5% of the country and had their leader die.

by the way where did the money come from, must have cost money $$$$$ for all of these terroism cells, Taliban government had quite a bit of money and the army was paid along with weapons. Northern Alliance was supported by Russia but Taliban seemed to have more resources, strange since 20% of the country population was starving. Like I said the money came from Saudia Arabia, the US must find the people who supplied the money.




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Jul 16, 1999
my last word on this is that many people say the US being involved in Afganistan helped the Talbian get to power. BS..

Once the Russians were defeated no government could form power until the Taliban came along backed by Pakistan, and money from other arab countries (mostly Suadia Arabia) The US did not want anything to do with supporting any group that was fighting against the Taliban did not want to get involved. Of coarse not better to put them on wanted posters or call them a terroist state than do anything.

in foreign policy you have to choose sides, sometimes your side may be almost or just as bad as the other one. one American president during the cold war when asked about a leader the US backed in central America.


" I know he's a bastard, but he's our bastard"
do not know the president but thank him for his honesty.


Nolan Dalla

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Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV
Smoking gun?

Let's see, the Isrealis invade the compound, then sudddely stumble across a stash of papers that contains an accounting document for suicide bombers and devices. Yeah right.

Chalk another one up for the disinformation campaign being waged by Mossad.

It's a fake. A forgery.

That anyone would fall for this "ground breaking" news amazes me.

-- Nolan Dalla

Nolan Dalla

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Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV
I'm not sure what the Bin laden tape has to do with this, but there is no compelling reason for the US (or any other government) to "manufacture" a tape in order to manipulate public opinion. In this case, there is enormous pressure on the Israelis to try and justify their state terrorism on Palestine and its people. So far as what I know about this supposed official document, I'm just not buying that it is authentic. Myron -- you don't trust everything your government and the media spoon feeds you, now do you?


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Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
Nolan, I heard the same thing from the Palestinians when they claimed Israel "made up" the scandal involving the ship from Iran containing 50 tons of illegal arms. PLO denied it, said it was "convenient" that Israel had captured this ship.....the Jews set it all up themselves to make us look bad. Come to find it was all true.

it's very easy to believe they found those documents. All you have to believe is that Arafat is behind the suicide bombings. If he is, there's certainly going to be documents pertaining to it. The building where they were found is basically Arafat's White House. I'm sure there's a treasure trove of fun and wonderful documents inside.

Remember, these are the same people that think Israel is behind the 9-11 disaster.

Given past history, I'm much more likely to trust what Israel tells us than people who encourage teenagers to strap bombs to themselves and murder innocent civilians.


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Aug 12, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Ar182 wrote

"On a separate note...A French author wrote a book saying that 9/11 never happened.What I find amazing is that it is a best seller"

do you have a link to this book and author or title?

if its a bestseller it should be easy to find it..never heard of it


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Jul 16, 1999
Nollan Dala if it is a fake you have to give Mossad A+ for effort :)
I wonder why there was nothing stated by most arab countries about the sucide bombings. I mean I am sorry Nollan but I doubt Israel will sit back and see their civilians attacked on a weekly basis, there was no Arab country speaking out on a passover massacre, should Israel wait for another one.

The arab countries have to stop the sucide bombings and also make a point that they consider this terrorism and they will not allow it. Israel will have to stop building new settlements and pushing the palstenines out. hopefully there will be peace but one side will have to make a first step, seems unlikely at this time.

As for Mossad I do not put anything past them.



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Aug 12, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Ok Gentlemen

i am getting tierd of being called everything from Commie to anti-semite

i am if you read my early posts none of the above soo pleace refrain from trying to put me in some kind of category OK

i dont call you retarded hillbillys even if you lack history knowlidge

Anyone that continue this name calling will not get any responce from me.

I am white christian scandinavian man and i am second Lt of panzer troops Swedish Defence Force(reserve)

My wife is black and my kids brown soo there is no racist angle too be found

Soo pleace dont play your broken record over and over .Crazy people and backwards, extermination.kill all Arabs you are soon muslin you should talk german if not US yadayadayada

i have been to many places in the world eastern europe during and after communism, arab nations. Afrika mostly east. Asia, USA but not south america and australia

but i doubt many of you have been even outside USA

I have never seen these stone throwing backwards bastards you discribe sitting all day long doing noting but planing apocalypse.

The only way i see an end this spiral of violence is that US put pressure on Israel and leave occupied territory start negotiations to solve the refugee question and start talks about Jerusalem

That means the UN resulotion

Because Israel have no legal right to that land(That has been establiced in the UN many times)

The Palestinians have the human right (folkr?tten) on their side to defend there land by any means neccesary

It was given to Jews by the British that had no right to give it away

But why dont you Israeli supporter let all of them move to florida or somwhere in the states. i meen you got space and you dont have to be so far from your loved one.

make the state of Israel inside the USA

Many of the posters feel that the worst thing in all this is the suicide bombs and it is awful that people die, But then we have to realice that the Palestians tried to trow stones in the beginning of the Uproar and died like flies, Then shooting at settlements with small arms fire and died like flies. Then came the suicide bombs and that have leveled the terror balance.

Have you all forgot the USA Nuked civilians in JAPAN. The only nation ever nukeing people and they did this too protect their nation at any cost same as the palestiian try to do, but they have not that sofisticated weapons

The terrorbombing of Dresden 12 of february 1945

800.000 civilians lost their life in one night
inreplaceble art from the rennesans where wiped out forever.

Dresden had no military value there where only woman and children there, a railwaystation and a porslin factory.

But i expect you to know anything about this since there hasnt been a Hollywood movie made about it.




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Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209


I beg anyone who is interested to please read the latest link Rebel has posted to the Palestinian Chronicle.....there's nothing any of us Pro-Israeli posters could say that would persuade you more than what's written by the truely pathetic Ray Hanania. I read the article yesterday and emailed the author. Here is what I emailed and the response:

Did you really mean this?

"Israel's intractable refusal to compromise."

You can't be that stupid, given the compromise Barak offered. Can you?

You have to be either totally ignorant or totally foolish. Which one?

ed furman

His response:

You can keep Barak's offer yourself ...

Ray Hanania

here's my response, just for kicks:

Exactly, you've got an intractable refusal to compromise.

Here's a definition of intractable, you bonehead:

Difficult to mold or manipulate: intractable materials

Again, please read the article. It's a real eye-opener. And for can defend what this guy wrote?

As for your latest response Rebel, they could taken the deal offered just a short while ago....but no, they, like you, want the Jews to pack up and go to Florida. That's a beautiful sentiment. I love you, man.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
rebel said:
But i expect you to know anything about this since there hasnt been a Hollywood movie made about it.

There is a Jewish movie I'm sure you'll find entertaining....It's called Schindler's List. You'll probably find it in the comedy section there in Stockholm. ;)


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
rebel said:
The terrorbombing of Dresden 12 of february 1945

800.000 civilians lost their life in one night
inreplaceble art from the rennesans where wiped out forever.

Dresden had no military value there where only woman and children there, a railwaystation and a porslin factory.

But i expect you to know anything about this since there hasnt been a Hollywood movie made about it.

It was wartime and every target has "military value." The attack on Dresden appears terroristic in hindsight, but it squelched any plans of the German population to provide resistance. There weren't just women and children, there were also allied soldiers in hospitals. It was an action that the US and Britain did not want to be forced to take but since the panzer troops of the Swedish Defence Force weren't exactly putting fear into the German army at the time, it was a necessary evil. Make the enemy lose their lives so our boys don't lose theirs. Countries like yours can have moral highground for the fact that you have never had any power to be able to abuse it.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
bobbybluechip, kind of off topic, but I daresay the Russians fighting in the Russo-Finnish war were scared shitless of the Finnish people. It's amazing to me that they held off the Russians as long as they did as severly outnumbered as they were. The death toll for the Russians was thought to be around 250K but only 25K for the Finnish. I would have been scared!

I too agree that even though a lot of civilians were killed in Dresden, it's hard to second guess wartime decisions that ultimately were a part of ending the conflict and saving Allied lives.


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Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Thanks sixfive

As i posted earlier my granpa fought the Communist invasion in Finland as a voulanteer.

The links to the finnish winter war and countinuswar are at earlyer posts


The Finnish cause is ours


Hakaa pelitaa soumen poikaa

(war Cry of the finns in ww2 now used
in hockygames and other sports)
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden

if i understand you correct i should just stay quiet because my country is small and at the time of ww2 dident have much firepower.

I hope i havent offended anyone here at MJ and good luck in BBall

i hope i have waken up some people for the PA cause with my posts as i was woken by some senior posters here at MJ after 9/11

I have too say prior to 9/11 i dident think much about all this.

this is final post for me in this matter;)

Thanks for all e-mails of support




Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 14, 2001
Hamilton, Ontario
Rebel you asked for a link to the French book. I found it at theguardian. Here it is

US invented air attack on Pentagon, claims French book

Jon Henley in Paris
Monday April 1, 2002
The Guardian

A bizarre book claiming that the plane that ploughed into the Pentagon on September 11
never existed, and that the US establishment itself was at the heart of the New York and
Washington attacks, has shot to the top of the French bestseller lists to indignation on both
sides of the Atlantic.
The Frightening Fraud, by Thierry Meyssan, sold out its original run of 20,000 copies within
two hours of going on sale. "We've sold 2,500 copies in 10 days, when a blockbuster novel
sells maybe 1,500 in a month," a spokesman at Fnac Les Halles, one of France's biggest
bookshops, said. "It's a phenomenon."

Mr Meyssan's conspiracy theory argues that American Airlines flight 77, which killed 189
people when it smashed into the headquarters of the US defence department, did not exist,
and that the whole disaster was a dastardly plot dreamed up and implemented by the US

The French media has been quick to dismiss the book's claims, despite the fact that Mr
Meyssan is president of the Voltaire Network, a respected independent thinktank whose
left-leaning research projects have until now been considered models of reasonableness and

"This theory suits everyone - there are no Islamic extremists and everyone is happy. It
eliminates reality," said Le Nouvel Observateur, while Lib?ration called the book "The
Frightening Confidence Trick... a tissue of wild and irresponsible allegations, entirely without

A Pentagon spokesman, Glen Flood, said the book was "a slap in the face and real offence
to the American people, particularly to the memory of victims of the attacks". He said he
had not read it and had no intention of doing so.

Mr Meyssan's argument, which started out as a rumour on the internet and has risen to
prominence largely thanks to the author's reputation and chatshow appearances, suggests
that the plane could not have existed because eye-witness statements are contradictory,
there are suspiciously few photographs of the catastrophe and none of them shows any
wreckage. Even the rescue workers' accounts, published on the Pentagon website, are not
convincing, he says.

He also asks why the facade of the Pentagon did not immediately collapse from the shock of
the impact, and questions the fate of the plane's passengers. "What became of the
passengers of American Airlines flight 77? Are they dead?"

Both Lib?ration and Le Monde set out to disprove his theory, tracking down photographs
that do show debris, and speaking to victims' relatives.

But Le Monde admitted that the information made public by Washington did not entirely add
up. "There is no official account of the crash. The lack of information is feeding the rumour,"
it complained.

Special report on the events of September 11 at


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Thanks Myron

this sounds really bizzare cos i saw 9/11 myself on CNN

i was cappin games and suddenly on one euro soccer forum somone say put on TV and i saw second plane hit WT

from the article in guardian

The French may have a greater capacity for thinking big thoughts but unfortunately they possess also a greater propensity to believe them, even when they are demonstrably nonsense.

here is the link,3604,677862,00.html

the finn Hyypia just scooooore for Liverpool goooooo POOOOOL

1-0 i have it BIG
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