Dr freeze
US should establish better relations with countrys who give something back to US Taxpayers(OIL) not someone constantly putting the American people in the crosshair.
I dont concider OBL to be a leader of an Arab country, You and i both now that he was working for CIA before and maybe still is
About Arrafat just two month ago US gov say hes a marginal figure with no importance to peace prosses and now he suddenly is fully responsibul for Palestiian resistace....go figure
Israel is US best friend you say, but it is a strange relation between friends when you dont even have a extradition deal with them that is balaced
Americans can be extradited to Israel. But Israelis cant be extradited to US.
But maybe this is a favor US gov do for Israel since they built your welth
with a best friend like Israel who needs enemeis
A best friends that spy on YOU? i dont think soo!!!
Israeli spy ring in USA
And what are Israel doing for US that is soo great, guard oil wells or protect mainland USA? LOL
You say Israel is a great democracy i dont think a country allowing torture of prisoners, driving tanks over ambulaces stoping first aid for wounded people, Bulldozing private homes, shooting at journalists( two swedes shoot at today at check point)Making woman give birth at check points, executing combatants
and breaking the UN human rights over and over is a democracy
The toll of 18 months of violence reaches 1,247 Palestinians and 400 Israelis.
This link is not for weak people this is the reality of the palestine People
It feels good also that the UN is going to claim 50 million for all motorveichles and buildings destroyed by israelis.
I hope the Swedish goverment will also demand Israel to pay for the statistics offices given by Swedish tax payers to PA that Israel bombed.
also follow the link and read about these refugee camps you deny
I will say it again US need to stop funding this country, its a disaster for US to continue this support.
money is the only thing they understand.
In Februari this year Israel asked US for an additional 800 million on top of the 3 billion they got this year. But Bush refused(applause) and said maybe you get 200 million if you withdraw your troops and it took like 5 min for the tanks to start rolling back
I watched the election debates on CNN and fox and nbc and Bush talking about bringing the army home and not being everywhere fighting all these wars, even reduce spending on Israel
Do really you think it is a coincidence that all this 9/11 started because he got ellected. i think not .
I think Israel knew about these attack but dident tell US because it serves Israels purpose. Israel have benefitted most of this crises and if they can get US to Attack Irak and US will get more sick veterans.
If not varning your "Best friend" is harbouring terror i dont know what is
Israel fear Bush and that USA is going to wake up
but its going to take a hard effort
He is the best president for palestine and Israels worst nightmare of the two that you could have elected (I hope he got the guts to stand up against Israel)But hes only the president so he can only make small decissions
dont you think Israel had preferred Gore liberman. sure
I will say it again i love The American people. I have always enjoyed my trips to US. (whent first time 84 took the west cost down to mexico, I hope to make next superbowl party)
But supportnig Israel is ANTI-USA in my opinion.
sending your own blood to fight for Israel that have NO RESPECT AND LOVE for USA. Make NO MISTAKE The jews are not US friends.But the WASP in Europe are
we are the same people as majority of USA
the US is a mix of all earth people so it belong to all people in this world even moore important now then ever too be active in US politics when its the only Superpower.
There must be at least 8-9 million swedes living in USA that left Europe in the 1800. I dont whant to see any people die in an unneccesary war. Just to fill the pockets of arms dealers but this lobby is strong and its not looking good at this moment but i feel comfident that there are people that are wakeing up in US
Like fletcher and patternseeker TTM and others
About war on terrorism from the Observer
I think this will be my last post for awhile on this matter
Take care brothers
and peace for all humans
anyone coming this way on vacation in summer drop me a mail