I knew there was a reason for me to stay away from that shenanigan of a fight.
Under and TKO hits for Klit.
It sure looked like Klit was worried about the blood from the cut on Rusian with his hepititis and all that.
This is what really gets me. If I am Rusian. A heavyweight with a good chin and strong punch.
I am not going to stand if front of Klit unless I am completely stupid. You got nothng to lose dude.
Bull rush and him throw wild ass crazy punchs like Haye would have done. If you catch him on the chin, Kilt goes wobbly and starts staggering around. Then you clock him again and its over.
Is there anyone that can give us a good fight against this guy.
Jab jab jab with his 84 inch reach. No one can get through that ? Granted he has the big right hand but circle to the right and disrupt him,
Geez Louise.
HBO did the right thing. That fight belonged on ESPN.
PS - another fight where the fight is stopped because of a cut. This wasnt a head butt , but the same result.