Just saw a red jeep stopping by all mail boxes. Not sure if it's from post office. Just thought of keeping everyone aware...!
Just saw a red jeep stopping by all mail boxes. Not sure if it's from post office. Just thought of keeping everyone aware...!
6 hrs ?
I don't get to sleep in very often, but on the days that I do get to sleep until 7:00 a.m., I would like to actually sleep until then. I certainly do not appreciate being woken up by the repetitious thud of a dribbling basketball outside. Yes, I would like to "thank" the boys, whose parents did not raise them to be respectful of others, that came down the street to a basketball goal that is not theirs and begin playing a game of basketball at 6:45 a.m.. I would like them to think about that the next time the beg their mom or dad for just 15 more minutes of sleep when they are trying to wake them up. The basketball hitting the ground is not quiet and 6:45 a.m. is NOT an appropriate time to be doing that. Just because you have to get up for school doesn't mean everyone else on the street is awake. Have respect for your neighbors that may be getting that infrequent opportunity to sleep a bit later than normal and those who may have lIttle ones that do not have be up that early. My parents would have busted my butt if I had been so rude, and I would have done the same to my kids. Some parents just don't teach their kids the basics, like respect, anymore. Sad!
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3 people like this.
NGK So maybe I shouldn't mow my lawn at 6:30am?
Just talk to the boys. I'm sure they would understand since I'm they would love to be sleeping also.
We have a car that picks up someone and honks. The same time everyday. You'd think by now the person they pick up is well aware that they will be out there at the EXACT time everyday. Doesn't bother me enough to care since it still hasn't woken up my babies. I sure hear it though.
6 hrs ? Like ? 3
AD I think we already talked about this. The lovely moms of this neighborhood think it's too much to ask for us to expect their children to respect that we all are not awake at the crack of dawn. We shouldn't mind them making noise in the morning bc they are happy to be up and going to school. I'm on your side. My children are young and do not attend school yet so I let them sleep until they wake up. Thankfully we do not live by the park. Just wait for the comment that you bought that house knowing the park was right there.
5 hrs ? Like ? 1
RO Move to the county side
5 hrs ? Like ? 12
LA If we don't teach our kids, good moral values, and respect, who will? It seems to be getting worse and worse with each generation!
5 hrs ? Like ? 1
LM I don't think that kids playing basketball before school means that have no respect or moral values. People complain when kids are getting into trouble before school and now people are complaining when kids are being active instead of rotting their head watching tv before school we live in a NEIGHBORhood with neighbors. Maybe an earplug investment is worth looking into?
4 hrs ? Like ? 23
AR I have neighbors with kids who are often home alone. The family is struggling financially and it seems to me the kids cope with an unstable home life by playing outside as often as possible and the boy loves to shoot hoops. The boy is actually quite good at basketball and is as sweet as can be. Who knows, maybe its the same boy and maybe he wants to try out for a team and the coach told him to practice everyday. My point is, you have no idea the kids or the parents' circumstances. I dont feel it's fair to judge. If it upsets you, have a calm adult conversation with them and ask how you can help reach a comprimise. I think handling this situation in a kind compassionate way might actually set a good example for the kid if, in fact, he is not fortunate enough to have good parenting.
4 hrs ? Edited ? Like ? 13
TE Dogs barking, kids playing,cars zooming by, the sound of lawn mowers early in the morning is pretty much a way of life living in a big neighborhood. Only country living is where you'll find peace and quite, unless you have a rooster!
4 hrs ? Like ? 13
AN-P Seriously?? 6:45 a.m?? You people are nuts! There are city and county noise ordinances that even invoke the right to peace and quiet, but, hey, whatever, as long as they might have some family issue or trying out for a team, who cares! There are appropriate times for such activities, not just as the sun may be coming up and people are still sleeping. I do have the right to expect some level of quiet not intentionally interrupted by others, thus the reason for noise ordinances. Driving down the street (with the exception of revving your engine purposefully or blaring loud music) or the occasional dog bark quickly handled by the dog owner are understandable, but the intentional act of doing something that may disturb others around you at unreasonable hours is a lot different. If the kidS are practicing for a team, then there is probably open gym time at the school ,there is a basketball court by the elementary school and there are numerous daytime hours that this can be done during, not before or immediately at the time the sun is coming up. Sorry, but your excuses are invalid to me. Oh, and Lisa, buy your kid a book and they can quietly sit out and read or take a quiet walk or run. There are plenty of activities kids can do during quiet hours that is not mind numbing. TV is not the only answer.
3 hrs ? Edited ? Like
LM Point is you don't live in the country deal with the noise! Plum creek doesn't revolve around your sleeping schedule
3 hrs ? Like ? 15
AN-P Okay, well instead of telling them to stop, next time I will let the cops deal with them, as they are violating noise ordinances, Lisa. 6:45 a.m. is a reasonable sleeping time for me and many others, including young children. Your child doesn't have the right to disturb that during specific hours as appointed in the city and county ordinances, regardless of where I live. Teach kids to respect others and use reasonable judgement regarding activities and the times they are being done. It is rude people like you that have no respect for those around them that make it unpleasant. I do not feel that it is unreasonable to ask for peace at such an early hour. I did not say it was a problem at noon or 2 pm, it was very early in the morning. There is a difference of an expectation of noise at various hours of the day and night.
3 hrs ? Edited ? Like
TE Wow!
3 hrs ? Like ? 1
EO Did you ask them to stop? Or talk to the family before posting to the Plum Creek page?
3 hrs ? Like ? 4
AR Sleep deprivation can make a person irritable, so I understand. See!? Compassion....... give it a try, I think you will lilke the way it feels.
3 hrs ? Like ? 3
GLO Maybe just ask them to take their game to the park that early in the morning. There's a b-ball court at the McNoughton park, so the kids can still play early in the morning and the neighbors can sleep at what really is a reasonable hour to still be sleeping. Lots of issues can be solved with compromise when we're all living so close together. Be courteous to each other as well as understanding.
3 hrs ? Like ? 3
LM Well just do that call the cops and waste their time because some kids are playing basketball and poor little neighbor can't get her beauty sleep. I'm sure that the police have nothing better to do then tend your sleeping needs.
3 hrs ? Like ? 6
LM And FYI it's not my children we leave at 545 and every morning I hear dogs barking and revving motorcycles sometimes the train and omg even birds chirping but that's life going on its expected...
3 hrs ? Like ? 1
AN-P I did go out and ask them to stop. They continued. That is what I mean by disrespect. Lisa, you are not worth my time.
3 hrs ? Like ? 1
AN-P BTW, for those who feel it is my beauty sleep I need, I don't care that much about the bags under my eyes. I earned every wrinkle, every dark circle and every puff on my face. I have a busy schedule with kids, work, etc., and I do it all while battling a disease that is viciously destroying my body. I fight with everything I have in me, but sometimes it wins and I need rest to get up the energy to continue my fight, though it has been futile. My need for peace and time for sleep, especially at that hour, extends far beyond the need to prevent bags under my eyes, but more to aide in my ability to move throughout the day and keep going.
So what about compassion for the things you do not know neighbors may be dealing with in that respect? What about a need at 6:45 a.m. to get a little more sleep for health reasons? What if that neighbor spends nights up puking from chemo drugs or unable to sleep well due to debilitating pain?
3 hrs ? Edited ? Like
JKA Way to go boys for getting in a quick game of bball before you have to go sit in a classroom for 8 hours! Sounds like their parents have done just fine to me!
3 hrs ? Like ? 8
AD I'm sorry that these women are so rude. It sucks knowing people like this live around you. I wouldn't bother venting on these pages bc these women have huge balls when the can write it on social media.
1 hr ? Like ? 2
KK Wow most ridiculous post ever!!
1 hr ? Like ? 2
JW I don't see anywhere in the noise ordinance for Kyle where basketball is prohibited. Just fyi.
Sec. 23-60. - Noises prohibited.
Any unreasonably loud, disturbing or unnecessary noise which causes material distress, discomfort or injury to persons of ordinary sensibilities in the immediate vicinity thereof, or any noise of such character, intensity and continued duration which substantially interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of private homes by persons of ordinary sensibilities, is prohibited after the effective date hereof, and is hereby declared to be a nuisance. The following acts, among others, are declared to come within the purview of this article and to be nuisances within the meaning hereof, but said enumerations shall not be deemed to be exclusive, such acts being as follows:
The playing of any radio, phonograph or other musical instrument, or any musical reproduction or amplification device, in such manner or with such volume, particularly during the hours from 10:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m., as to annoy or disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of persons of ordinary sensibilities in any dwelling, hotel or other type residence;
Any loud or vociferous language or any soliciting for, or description of, any amusement house, moving picture theater, or other like place of amusement, or for the performance therein, in the entrance thereto, the foyer or lobby thereof, or on the sidewalks adjoining the same;
Any loud or vociferous language which annoys or disturbs the quiet, comfort or repose of persons of ordinary sensibilities in any dwelling, hotel or other type residence;
The use of any stationary loudspeaker or amplifier, particularly during the hours from 10:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m., to produce a noise or sound of such pitch, intensity that annoys or disturbs persons in the immediate vicinity thereof;
The keeping of any animal or fowl which, by causing frequent or long continued noise, disturbs the comfort or repose of persons of ordinary sensibilities in the immediate vicinity thereof;
The continued or frequent sounding of any horn or other signal device on any automobile or other vehicle except as a danger or warning signal, or the creation by means of any such signal device of any unreasonably loud or harsh noise for any unnecessary purpose or unreasonable period of time;
The blowing of any steam whistle attached to any stationary boiler, except when giving notice of the time to commence or stop work, or as a warning of danger;
The discharge into the open air of the exhaust of any fixed and stationary steam engine, stationary internal combustion engine, or motor vehicle or boat engine, except through an exhaust system in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise; provided that this subsection shall not apply to trains and locomotives;
The use of any mechanical device operated by compressed air, unless the noise to be created thereby has been effectively muffled and reduced;
The creation of any excessive or unreasonable noise on any street or premises adjacent to any school, place of religious worship, or other institution of learning while the same is in session, or any hospital, which unreasonably interferes with the operation or use of any such institution;
The raucous shouting or crying of peddlers, hawkers or vendors which unreasonably disturbs the peace and quiet of any neighborhood; and
The excavation or grading of land, or the erection, construction, demolition or alteration of any building or structure, between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., within 600 feet of any occupied residential structure, or that generates, produces or results in any noise or sound that may be heard at the property line of any occupied residential structure; provided that this subsection shall not apply to any such work, construction, repairs or alterations that constitute an urgent necessity for the benefit and interest of the public safety, health or general welfare, e.g., repairs and emergency installations by any public utility, or to any excavation, erection, construction, demolition or alteration authorized by the city council to be undertaken between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Motor vehicle stereos. Any person operating or controlling a motor vehicle to operate any radio, stereo receiver, compact disc player, cassette player or other similar device in the motor vehicle in such a manner that, when operating, it is:
Audible in a public place or on private property other than that owned or occupied by the person at a distance of 30 feet or more from the vehicle; or
Causes vibration that can be felt at a distance of 30 feet or more from the vehicle.
(Ord. No. 775 , ? 2, 2-4-2014)
1 hr ? Like ? 2
SMG Just curious,...where is this basketball goal??
55 mins ? Like
AN-P It is the people who are fine with the disrespect of other neighbors peace and quiet that make this neighborhood undesirable to live in. So many choose not to raise their kids with respect for others, possibly because they themselves have no respect for others, and then people wonder why kids are rude and disrespectful and vandalize and feel a sense of entitlement. Why teach them to think logically about how their actions may affect others. It amazes me that their is an intolerance to dogs barking outside and owners who choose not to do anything to control that behavior, but we have a much lower expectation of how children should behave and their parents lack of respect for teaching them to think of others. 6:45 a.m. is not a reasonable hour. This was not at a park, but use of a private goal, not their own either. If they want to go to a park that is not directly next to a home that is one thing, but directly adjacent to a home where people may be sleeping is disrespectful. Jason, read the very first part. It is not limited to the numbered examples below.
50 mins ? Edited ? Like
AN-P it is located in the front of a private home.
48 mins ? Like
KK Maybe you shouldn't of chose a neighborhood that the house's are 10 feel away from each other if you are worried about noise. The only one whos behavior is irrational is yours.
33 mins ? Edited ? Like
AN-P Hey KK, read comments. I did ask them, they continued. I have not had many issues with this in the past and generally, with the exception of neighbors fighting (physically) in front of their house, deal directly, just as I did this morning, with no result. Once again, I have no problem with them playing basketbalk, it is the time in which islt was being done. Please read above for the reason why. I do not care to repeat it.
32 mins ? Like
GLO She did say that she went out and asked them to play somewhere else, and they ignored her, so I'm sure she was coming here to vent after being blown off by some loud kids before 7 a.m. I'm always appalled and angry when I confront kids about rude or disruptive behavior, like nasty language right in front of my toddler on a children's playground, and I'm either insulted in return or ignored outright because I was taught that teens shouldn't ever treat adults like that. Whether or not anyone agrees that it's okay to be out playing basketball in front of someone else's house before 7 a.m., the way she's been spoken to in response by other adults on this thread has also been completely disrespectful and rude, so it's not surprising that teens think it's okay to be openly rude to people when there are plenty of adults who also think that rudeness is perfectly acceptable when you disagree with someone's point of view.
27 mins ? Like ? 3
KK Sorry I didnt have time to read about all your "reasoning". Kids will be kids. Maybe if you were as rude as you were with this post, I wouldnt have stopped either. Its done. Get over it.
26 mins ? Like
KK Or better yet if you didnt want anyones opinions. Maybe you shouldn't of post on a site where people have very strong opinions. You're just getting urself more upset.
24 mins ? Like
Andrea, I guess I was lulled by my realtor that this was a "nice, sweet, quiet neighborhood" when we moved here almost 8 years ago. Things do changed over time. I guess it was my bad to think this would be a nice place with respectful people. I wish my agent had told me there was a communal wake up time that comes at daybreak, though normally I am up by then. Trust me, once my last two kids have graduated, I have no intention of staying. At this point, I am only here for the sake of my kids getting to all graduate from Hays and then I am done.
Another springtime reminder....please remember when caring for your lawns, that your complete lawn needs to be cut and trimmed. This includes the areas behind your homes/fences and around your fences. Those who have fences, please remember that your grass grows behind the fences as well. I personally prefer to keep snakes away and when there is tall grass growing, there tends to be snakes hiding. Please trim around your fences and behind your property. We all like to have our surrounding look nice around us both inside and outside the fence lines.
Yes and yes.
That's my hood - and that's the topic for today.
There's another 10 to 15 posts since but nothing news worthy - Well maybe this one from the thread starter
This is just a regular neighbor. :mj07:
MY next door neighbor has a fence and HE doesn't trim my side of it, and he's on the HOA board!
Another springtime reminder....please remember when caring for your lawns, that your complete lawn needs to be cut and trimmed. This includes the areas behind your homes/fences and around your fences. Those who have fences, please remember that your grass grows behind the fences as well. I personally prefer to keep snakes away and when there is tall grass growing, there tends to be snakes hiding. Please trim around your fences and behind your property. We all like to have our surrounding look nice around us both inside and outside the fence lines.
you live in Indiana or the amazon rainforest?.....
If we act like adults, people will stop speeding and pay more attention. Throwing water on moving vehicles, yelling and flipping people off from your driveway is not an adult way to take care of it. As a matter of fact throwing water at a moving car is reason to file a police report. Seriously people need to grow up. I promise once we all take the high road and stop being mid life bullies this issue will get 99% better.
<iframe width="640" height="390" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fu8bODcFfAQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Elizabeth Burke Hatcher GuidryPlum Creek - Kyle, Texas
Yesterday at 8:54am ?
Sorry for the small inconvenience at the roundabout near the apartments a few minutes ago. My children and I were assisting a baby turtle across the road. It took less than a minutes but it seems that the car behind us didn't appreciate our kindness. Please watch out for the turtles. This is the 3rd one we've helped along its way in the past few weeks and two of them were very small.
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Erica Pickens, Libby Smith Pennington and 58 others like this.
Gina Pupillo-Kunda I have stopped traffic to save a wounded butterfly before. People can wait!
Yesterday at 8:55am ? Like ? 3
Elizabeth Burke Hatcher Guidry seriously Gina Pupillo-Kunda, I was in and out of the car in less than a minute. If you are in that much of a hurry you need to start sooner.
Yesterday at 8:56am ? Like ? 7
Ashlea Kerr I have stopped twice to move them, the one a few weeks ago was LARGE!
Yesterday at 9:24am ? Like
Sandra Freitag-Graziano We stopped two days ago to help one at the same spot. Turtles are wonderful people can wait a few minutes 🐢
Yesterday at 9:29am ? Like ? 3
Carmen McPherson Rodriguez Yea I have helped two across the road. smile emoticon
Yesterday at 9:37am ? Edited ? Like ? 1
Michelle Benziger Winn Awwwww
Yesterday at 9:40am ? Like
Cathy Robinson Thank you for being so kind. Life is precious. 🐢
Yesterday at 9:46am ? Like ? 2
Tiffani Shoemake Same here! The turtle was hugewe moved it out of the street!
Yesterday at 10:16am ? Like
Jacqueline Redwine That person can just get over himself. Thanks for helping the turtle! You're awesome!
Yesterday at 10:31am ? Like
Shannon Douglas Waits Thanks for being kind. More people should try it!
Yesterday at 10:34am ? Like ? 2
Brenda Riffe I stop when the birds won't move in time. People get aggravated with that too. Too bad.
Yesterday at 10:42am ? Edited ? Like ? 2
Lila Knight You are very kind.
Yesterday at 10:43am ? Like
Susan Reynolds Muckelroy We watched you and my kids said wow I'm so glad she did that! We would have done the same!!
Yesterday at 11:35am ? Like ? 2
Lila Knight Its an awesome lesson you are teaching your children - to value life. Sorry I wasn't in the car behind you. I would have gladly waited for however long it took - and smiled.
Yesterday at 11:38am ? Like
Melinda Nowak You have no idea why someone may have been in a hurry...maybe they were on their way to the hospital? Trying to get someplace to see a relative who was about to pass away?
The fact is, stopping and impeding traffic is against the law. Not trying to be a jerk...but maybe consider that the other driver was not the one in the wrong? Here is the Transportation code:
Again, not trying to be contrary...just saying that many motorists have a certain expectation that other motorists and pedestrians will follow traffic laws. Yes, it was kind to save the turtle, but we all need to remember we are not the only one on the road with places to go smile emoticon
Have a good and safe day everyone!
(1) "Pass" or "passing" used in reference to a vehicle means to overtake and proceed past another vehicle moving in the same direction as the passing vehicle or to attempt that maneuver.
Yesterday at 11:39am ? Like ? 2
Andrea Danielle Garcia You guys are awesome🐢.
Yesterday at 11:43am ? Like
Elizabeth Burke Hatcher Guidry Melinda Nowak, I was pulling into the subdivision, not leaving so I guess they were rushing to get home. There was room to get around my vehicle if they needed to and it wasn't necessary to blow their horn. It was just rude. As I stated earlier if less than one minute makes that much of a difference in your commute time you need to start earlier. Have a blessed day.
Yesterday at 11:44am ? Like ? 6
Veronica Tate Wow....Quoting transportation codes?? Is it really THAT serious??? I didn't realize how uptight some of my fellow neighbors were. Pretty Sad. Good for you Elizabeth Burke Hatcher Guidry. Good Karma your way. smile emoticon
Yesterday at 2:13pm ? Like ? 5
Michael Brame Wow Veronica, you did not realize how uptight some of our neighbors are? You must be new, welcome to the neighborhood! LOL
Yesterday at 2:16pm ? Like ? 6
Veronica Tate Hahahaha! Michael Brame, good one!
Yesterday at 2:30pm ? Like ? 1
Ron Warren This is why this page is so entertaining! Getting all bent out of shape and calling others uptight, just because they don't share the same opinion. Stay classy Plum Creek.
Yesterday at 2:44pm ? Like ? 4
Kathy Jackson I am still glad you helped the turtle
21 hrs ? Like ? 1
Colleen Cardas Amazing you can state your opinion and then say have a blessed day. Like that smooths everything over or makes it the last word? It seems so strange to see people tack that onto a post, because it feels passive aggressive. A little like an insult followed up with bless their hearts. Anyway I picked up a turtle in our ally and returned it to a more suitable habitat and was reminded that turtles often carry salmonella so wear gloves if you are touching them.
16 hrs ? Like ? 1
Melinda Nowak Uptight? Um ok....
14 hrs ? Like ? 1
Ron Warren Exactly, your response proves my point Colleen. Watch this video, and see how many wrecks were almost caused by people placing higher regard for wildlife over human life. I think this was the point of Melinda's original comment. Just because she didn't agree with the original post, assumptions were made. Like I said before, the Plum Creek page has been a hoot to watch.
RAW: Cars swerve as mother duck leads babies across busy...
14 hrs ? Like ? 2
Ron Warren Oh, and have a blessed day.
14 hrs ? Like ? 5
Denise M. Quinterri Melinda I thought you sounded perfectly nice. You were just saying to consider another point of view. No worries.
13 hrs ? Like ? 1
Melinda Nowak Thanks, Ron and Denise! And Ron, my dad once gave me a great piece of advise that I follow to this day: Don't endanger other people's lives on the road for anything less than a social security number...in other words, put people first smile emoticon Oh, and put down the cell phones, too! (see my post from the other day). I have actually seen someone cause a horrible accident because they slammed on their breaks for squirrel in the road. My car, my life, and the lives and property of other drivers are all worth more to me. If that makes me an "uptight" a$$hole, I guess I am an "uptight" a$$hole. Also, if you are blocking the road and preventing me from getting to my destination, I probably won't honk at you, but I will call you a rapscallion...
3 hrs ? Like ? 1
Elizabeth Burke Hatcher Guidry The only life placed in jeopardy yesterday was the life of the turtle trying to get across the road. No vehicles, lives, or properties of others were at risk and traffic was not impeded due to the fact that my vehicle left room for others to pass if desired. I'm sorry someone called you uptight Melinda Nowak. As everyone loves to point out on the PC page, we are all entitled to our opinions.
1 hr ? Like ? 1
Colleen Cardas
1 hr ? Like
Colleen Cardas I think they were calling me uptight
1 hr ? Like ? 1
Elizabeth Burke Hatcher Guidry Colleen Cardas, maybe. It gets confusing when the name calling starts.....like using phrases such as passive aggressive. Thanks for the salmonella warning. While I don't keep gloves in the car I did wash my hands thoroughly smile emoticon
1 hr ? Like ? 1
Libby Smith Pennington I love you Elizabeth!!!! I love that you are such a caring person and I would have done the same.
1 hr ? Like
Melinda Nowak Elizabeth Burke Hatcher Guidry I never accused you of putting anyone's life in danger. I was actually responding to Ron and the video he shared....
Why an old dodge truck roaming in section of our neighborhood ??? Looks like a shady truck.
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