March MMA News


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I disagree. A good game does not have to be a 28-27 thriller. There are lots of interesting match ups every week. The thing about pro sports is that it has to be interesting. I haven't watched an NBA game in a long time, and I like basketball. The NBA has diluted the talent pool through expansion and 9/10 of the match ups seem like David V Goliath.

Strikeforce has a hard time staying interesting. Their championship belts are worthless because there seems to be no rhyme or reason to who fights for them. The HW tourney caught my interest, then lost it by spreading the first round fights out over the course of six months.

People can say all they want about Dana, but he keeps my attention and the sport is always interesting. The cards I am most disappointed in tend to be the ones that deliver the best fights. They are doing everything right and I'd rather see the UFC get more opportunities to deliver great shows, and that is what this move essentially does.

i honestly don`t see how you can say that less than blue chip teams matching up can still produce exciting games(i agree)...and then say that strikeforce leaves you cold....their fights have been "dana" type fights of late...

i agree that the ufc has the majority of the bluechip fighters(with the exception of the heavyweight division)...but lately,imo,the strikeforce cards have been much more exciting and interesting than the ufc.....that might be because the ufc has been using more and more middle rung talent to headline their cards and aren`t backing it up with exciting undercards...injuries probably have played a part also...

of course thats opinion...and i`m pretty sure that i`m not on dana white`s list of facebook friends...;)

if that bald headed mofo starts using the term "winning",i`m giving up ufc for lent(sorry about the lent reference)...:grins:
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Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
i honestly don`t see how you can say that less than blue chip teams matching up can still produce exciting games(i agree)...and then say that strikeforce leaves you cold....their fights have been "dana" type fights of late...

i agree that the ufc has the majority of the bluechip fighters(with the exception of the heavyweight division)...but lately,imo,the strikeforce cards have been much more exciting and interesting than the ufc.....that might be because the ufc has been using more and more middle rung talent to headline their cards and aren`t backing it up with exciting undercards...injuries probably have played a part also...

of course thats opinion...and i`m pretty sure that i`m not on dana white`s list of facebook friends...;)

if that bald headed mofo starts using the term "winning",i`m giving up ufc for lent(sorry about the lent reference)...:grins:

You missed the point of my reference. I am someone that needs story lines, and the NFL and UFC deliver. Strikeforce can have all the knock outs they can fit into a two hour show, but if I don't know who the guys are, what the KO means for the division or both fighters careers, or who could get cut if they lose.....I lose interest.


Forum Member
Jul 19, 2002
Somebody already probably said it, but in football, if ones doesnt like their team or contract is up or somebody wants your services more and willing to pay than you can move about, obviously this cant happen now. Has Dana done some good things, sure, but paying isnt one of them IMO....only handful or the truly great ones may be able to capitalize, but not having any other option is going to make him even more of an egomaniac. You know, my way my contract or the highway. In some ways this can be good, we probably can truly define who is the best in each weight class with some unique future matches (ie AO vs Cain) perhaps better cards in terms of listed talents, but giving Dana total contral could be dangerous too. Lets hope not.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Somebody already probably said it, but in football, if ones doesnt like their team or contract is up or somebody wants your services more and willing to pay than you can move about, obviously this cant happen now. Has Dana done some good things, sure, but paying isnt one of them IMO....only handful or the truly great ones may be able to capitalize, but not having any other option is going to make him even more of an egomaniac. You know, my way my contract or the highway. In some ways this can be good, we probably can truly define who is the best in each weight class with some unique future matches (ie AO vs Cain) perhaps better cards in terms of listed talents, but giving Dana total contral could be dangerous too. Lets hope not.

wish i had said it that well...:toast:


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
A few thing...

1. I would hate to be one of the guys that has bashed the UFC and Dana but thought you were ok because of being in another org.

2. I like it. I think the best talent should all be in one org so we do get to see all of the big fights and have no questions. The HW division is going to be sickkkkkkkk.

3. You can feel bad for fighters but this opens it up for them to form a union. As much as I hate unions and think a good % of the time they are detrimental to business, this is one of the times I can see why they're needed.

4. I see more fan bitching about what fighters make than I do fighters. Maybe there's a reason for that. I'm willing to bet even the lowest on the pole make over 50k a year after outside pay. I'm sure there are a lot of Americans that would take 50k a year to get to do a job that is their passion. Add to that the UFC is making their name known and what that does for future pay by getting paid to train other people or open their own gyms.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
I disagree. A good game does not have to be a 28-27 thriller. There are lots of interesting match ups every week. The thing about pro sports is that it has to be interesting. I haven't watched an NBA game in a long time, and I like basketball. The NBA has diluted the talent pool through expansion and 9/10 of the match ups seem like David V Goliath.

Strikeforce has a hard time staying interesting. Their championship belts are worthless because there seems to be no rhyme or reason to who fights for them. The HW tourney caught my interest, then lost it by spreading the first round fights out over the course of six months.

People can say all they want about Dana, but he keeps my attention and the sport is always interesting. The cards I am most disappointed in tend to be the ones that deliver the best fights. They are doing everything right and I'd rather see the UFC get more opportunities to deliver great shows, and that is what this move essentially does.

u take away gambling from the NFL and those ten shithole teams would get smashed each and every week but that is my opinion and impossible to prove.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
zuffa needs to buy the weasel/sponge rivalry from here

that will ignite combat sports worldwide

and have bucs run the show

i think we are on the same side on this one. Dana is saying the same things he said about Pride and Pride is gone. My whole point in this is that when u have Strikeforce putting out good cards it forces Dana to try his best. Well that isn't the case anymore. He wouldn't have bought Pride or Strikeforce if he thought they were worthless. The one thing i do like about Dana is he is a big fight fan. That is a big plus. He wants to see big fights as bad as i do. I just hope he swallows some of his grudges like he did with Tito. I already did hear him say that Daley will never fight in the ufc ever again. What Daley did was wrong but Koschek isn't a little angel either. He knows how to get on ur nerves. I like to see Barnett back in the UFC but then again Barnett brought down Affliction practically all by himself. One thing Gary said which could be big, is better organization. Strikeforce becomes painfully unorganized at times.


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Forum Member
Apr 12, 2008
Just watched Bellator this morning. Good show

Freire showed good boxing and clearly has a great ground game. But Razor Rob is done as a contender

Imada had that submission given to him last night. Shockley should have tried to lock his hands when he was standing rather than take his right arm away and try to move the leg.

Imada will struggle in the next round against Freire. Smaller, not as good boxing and up against a superior grappler.

Very impressed with Woodard. Was tempted to bet on Vanier but decided against as was unsure of the level of Woodard

Wonder how Chandler's knee is. Held had that sub in tight. They fight again on April 9th but he is a powerhouse


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
A few thing...

1. I would hate to be one of the guys that has bashed the UFC and Dana but thought you were ok because of being in another org.

2. I like it. I think the best talent should all be in one org so we do get to see all of the big fights and have no questions. The HW division is going to be sickkkkkkkk.

3. You can feel bad for fighters but this opens it up for them to form a union. As much as I hate unions and think a good % of the time they are detrimental to business, this is one of the times I can see why they're needed.

4. I see more fan bitching about what fighters make than I do fighters. Maybe there's a reason for that. I'm willing to bet even the lowest on the pole make over 50k a year after outside pay. I'm sure there are a lot of Americans that would take 50k a year to get to do a job that is their passion. Add to that the UFC is making their name known and what that does for future pay by getting paid to train other people or open their own gyms.

aside from #1,i couldn`t disagree more with this post...

why do you think you don`t hear fighters bitching about dana white? really think that the ufc controlling the entire mma market encourages guys to speak out?...

unions? if unionization hasn`t done enough to ruin this country already... i had a few uncles that worked at bethlehem steel....they had it made... got away with murder until unionization made them un-competitive and they finished out their lives grubbing for nickles...

who`s to say that pro football wouldn`t be better off without a monopoly? would we ever know?...hope everyone enjoys not having football next year...thanks players` union...:nooo:

mark my word....monopolies are don`t have to be a rocket scientist to understand the concept...

it might seem cool right now to see fighters from one organization fight another...but wait a few years...dana`s gone make the fighters and the fans rue this day...he`s an asshole with a napoleonic complex...he`ll f it up if zuffa and the fertitta`s don`t get overly greedy and finally rein him in...

just my opinions....we`ll have to wait and see how it all shakes out...maybe i`ll be proven wrong..
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The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
aside from #1,i couldn`t disagree more with this post...

why do you think you don`t hear fighters bitching about dana white? really think that the ufc controlling the entire mma market encourages guys to speak out?...

unions? if unionization hasn`t done enough to ruin this country already... i had a few uncles that worked at bethlehem steel....they had it made... got away with murder until unionization made them un-competitive and they finished out their lives grubbing for nickles...

who`s to say that pro football wouldn`t be better off without a monopoly? would we ever know?...hope everyone enjoys not having football next year...thanks players` union...:nooo:

mark my word....monopolies are don`t have to be a rocket scientist to understand the concept...

it might seem cool right now to see fighters from one organization fight another...but wait a few years...dana`s gone make the fighters and the fans rue this day...he`s an asshole with a napoleonic complex...he`ll f it up if zuffa and the fertitta`s don`t get overly greedy and finally rein him in...

just my opinions....we`ll have to wait and see how it all shakes out...maybe i`ll be proven wrong..

For a guy who cries wolf when someone post something political u sure are a hypocrite.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
For a guy who cries wolf when someone post something political u sure are a hypocrite.

spongy...the grown-ups are having a civil conversation...shouldn`t you be in political blaming bush?...

the union subject was broached in regard to sports......i responded to a poster on the subject(a poster that i have the utmost respect for,btw)....i`m actually sorry that i mentioned my experience with unionization...

layin` and i can disagree in a civil your case,i`d have a better chance of forcing a bowling ball up a minnow`s ass....

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
spongy...the grown-ups are having a civil conversation...shouldn`t you be in political blaming bush?...

the union subject was broached in regard to sports......i responded to a poster on the subject(a poster that i have the utmost respect for,btw)....i`m actually sorry that i mentioned my experience with unionization...

layin` and i can disagree in a civil your case,i`d have a better chance of forcing a bowling ball up a minnow`s ass....

Bottom line u wine and cry everytime someone post something political in a thread besides the political thread. Except when u do it of course. That would be a hypocrite. Or an asshole. Take ur pick.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Also fined it hilarious how u Weasel, almost fought till ur typing death backing oil companies profits, but when it comes to Dana u do an about face because fighting is something that is big in ur life. Imagine that. :mj07: :mj07: :mj07: Which would make u once again a hypocrite.
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