This video worries me :scared
Seems confident about his chances this week, said it doesnt hurt at all on his swing.. :shrug:
Document3 1
An Interview With:
Q. Update us on the condition of
your knee.
VIJAY SINGH: Perfect right now. I rode in
the cart all day. It's okay, actually. It doesn't hurt
much until I start walking.
Q. And the future prognosis?
VIJAY SINGH: I 'm going to have i t
operated on on Wednesday, and I should be out
for three weeks and I'll be okay.
Q. What is is the exact procedure?
VIJAY SINGH: I've got a torn meniscus. I
don't know what that means, a torn meniscus. It
happened during Tiger's tournament, I think going
up and down those hills. Either it happened that
week or it just got worse that week, but it's feeling
okay now.
Q. Has it been a problem before?
VIJAY SINGH: No, that's pretty much
when it started.
Q. This is such a hilly golf course. Will
it be difficult getting through this week?
VIJAY SINGH: Only hurts when I walk
downhill. Doesn't hurt when I go uphill at all. I'm
going to have deal with that.
Q. Do you anticipate playing any West
Coast events?
VIJAY SINGH: Planned to play AT&T. If I
can come out then, then it will be okay, but I don't
know what the doctor is going to tell me. He said
my legs are really strong, which is a big advantage,
having an operation like that. So I should be all
Q. Where will you have it done?
VIJAY SINGH: In Jacksonville, same guy
that's doing Fred Funk. I think Fred Funk's leg is
not doing as good as he wanted to, but I think my
procedure is a lot less complicated.
Q. Was it an option to just rehab it?
Q. Did you consider not having
VIJAY SINGH: It had to be done. If it was
just a slight tear; but it's quite a big tear, there.
At Chev ron, went in there and put
cortisone in there, and it feels great.
Q. Had you thought of not playing this
VIJAY SINGH: No, I'm going to play this
week and then I'm going to go back and do it, yes.
It doesn't hurt at all. I haven't walked at all this
week, so try to walk one or two holes, and then the
second hole, I tried to walk it, and it's feeling okay.
Q. With the PGA drug testing policy,
did you have to under the TOUR that you are
were on painkillers?
VI JAY SINGH: Not real l y . I think
painkillers are diagnosed by the doctor and you
take it as you wish. It's not against the policy not
to take it.
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Document3 2
Q. What exactly is the surgery? Is it
VIJAY SINGH: It's arthroscopic. It's not
that complicated.
Q. Have they told you how long?
VIJAY SINGH: They said I'll be out for
three weeks, so that's what I'm planning to do.
Q. Is that going to be next Wednesday?
VIJAY SINGH: Next Wednesday.
Q. And did he tell you whether it's a
lateral meniscus or which meniscus?
VIJAY SINGH: It's inside, I think it's the
lateral meniscus.
Q. You won't be able to work out for a
couple of weeks.
VIJAY SINGH: My upper body is okay. As
long as I don't move my legs.
Q. How long have you been doing the
pushups with the weight in each hand?
VIJAY SINGH: Yeah, I've been doing it.
It's a new trainer I have now, so he's got new stuff
that I'm going doing.
It's different than the last guy I had. Just
got to change it up. Otherwise, you're going to be
stale. He's doing a good job.
Q. Who is your new guy?
VIJAY SINGH: His name is Junior Tuyo.
He used to be an MMA fighter, and now he's been
training those guys, so I kind of stole him from
those guys.