My first novel

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Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
just bought it for my kindle.....congrats on the 1st book

i read about 40 - 50 a year and will give ya real feedback as well. looks like it's a pretty short book. sounds like a cross between grisham and least the description does.

been working on my own novel for past 9 months using my own fcked up version of the snowflake method.

congrats and I can't imagine how much effort you put into it. be're published


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
Just downloaded on kindle. Feel like I am ripping you off at 99 cents!!! I will give you an honest opinion, ask Joker. As will Angela. He will be here again sometime this next month for another signing, please come meet up with us for a beer or 3, along with UGA12. Cheers!
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Forum Member
Oct 12, 2006
Acworth, GA
Thanks everyone (PAChicky, Kneifl, Nick, BDB, HH, UGA) for the very kind words. Chuck, I will definitely make it a point to meet up with you guys when Joker comes to town.

BDB- 9 months in, how far along are you and have you gotten that "itch" to keep doing it once your first one is done? It's so much harder than I thought (rewrites, proofreading, backchecking), but as long as it doesn't become a JOB, I'm going to try and get better at it.

I probably should have a method, but I'll admit I winged Break It with legal pads, sketching out three or four chapters at a time. You are way ahead of me if you have a method. I did write the last two chapters of the newest book when I was only halfway done with it, and that made it seem easier.

And . . . writing the book is only half the battle. Self-publishing and understanding the 800 lb. gorilla that is Amazon, as well as the other platforms is definitely a learning curve. Getting reviews of your book is like trying to extract blood from a turnip. I feel fortunate to get the ten I have.

Having said all that, congratulations to you and best of luck with getting it published What genre is it? Also, one thing I have learned is to get a really good cover done. I use Rachel at Littera Designs and she is really good and easy to work with, but there are tons of other designers out there. Be happy to help any way I could. My email is



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Forum Member
Jul 7, 2003
Between The Hedges
Didn't realize you were as close as you are. Will actually be bringing my oldest son over your way to Governors Towne Club next month for the preliminaries of the Masters: Drive, Chip, and Putt contest. Hope you get to meet up with us when joker is in town, and congratulations again on the book, huge accomplishment brother:0008
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The Mover

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 22, 2000
Just downloaded... Usually read 2-3 books a month yours is next up. Will try to give you some feedback.
Congrats & much success.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Downloaded it this morning, next book on my list.


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Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Forgot to mention...

10 reviews on Amazon...ALL 5*

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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
Angela is 40 pages into it and loves it thus far, so she said as I left this morning. She always reads at night as I fall asleep next to her, then I will wake an hour or so later and roll over and always have to take off her glasses, slide the book or kindle out of her sleeping hands, and turn off her light. Like clockwork 5 out of 7 nights, LOL.



Forum Member
Oct 12, 2006
Acworth, GA
Thanks to everyone for the kind words. UGA, good luck to your son on the Drive, Chip and Putt contest. That would indeed be awesome if he made it to Augusta.

Chuck, I'm glad to hear that Angela is liking it so far, but if I'm reading your post right, it sounds like it put her to sleep. Only kidding. Thank you for the feedback. Our wives share the same name.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Angela is 40 pages into it and loves it thus far, so she said as I left this morning. She always reads at night as I fall asleep next to her, then I will wake an hour or so later and roll over and always have to take off her glasses, slide the book or kindle out of her sleeping hands, and turn off her light. Like clockwork 5 out of 7 nights, LOL.



I know who wears the pants at your house :mj07:


Forum Member
Feb 7, 2013
Central Pa
Angela is 40 pages into it and loves it thus far, so she said as I left this morning. She always reads at night as I fall asleep next to her, then I will wake an hour or so later and roll over and always have to take off her glasses, slide the book or kindle out of her sleeping hands, and turn off her light. Like clockwork 5 out of 7 nights, LOL.


I do that a lot of times when I read in bed except the Kindle usually smacks me in the face and wakes me back up - then I know it's time to roll over :mj07:


HBD Sports!
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2002
Franklin, MA

will definitely check it out.

too bad you couldn't play an instrument, sing, sculpt or paint...

Best of luck!

Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
Finished the book this morning. I read it very fast, and that is always a compliment in itself, because it means it was engrossing enough that I couldn?t put it down. I have to admit that mystery-action books are not a huge part of what I read, so I may not be the best person to critique it from that point of view. Most of what I read are heavier, more philosophical types of books. However, for a fast fun read, I would definitely recommend it to others.

A couple things I noticed - there were some narrative time switches at the beginning. I didn?t notice them later in the book, but maybe that was because I was paying more attention to the story line at that point, but at the beginning there was some switching between past and present tense in the form of ?said? vs ?says?. Also, I know some books do switch between points of view, but I found it a bit distracting going from first-person to third-person. It seemed that there was not much advantage to the first-person point of view in this type of story, and maybe everything could have been in third person? Just my take on it.

I thought you did a really good job overall at ending chapters well with foreshadowing and making the reader want more - for example, at the end of chapter 25:

?He reached over gingerly with his right hand and made a call, one he?d regret later.?

Definitely makes you wonder who he called and what he will regret. You ended chapters more often than not with good leading sentences such as this, but a few times they were missing and that is something I would emphasize, as it is natural stopping point for readers unless there is some reason they ?have? to go on.

Overall, for being out of my usual genre I liked it and for your first book I would say really good! I can?t imagine all the effort you put into it, and congrats on the accomplishment.

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Go Pokes!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2003
I don't have time to do a lot of reading but showed it to my wife as she has a kindle fire. She just purchased the book. Let you know how she likes it.



Forum Member
Oct 12, 2006
Acworth, GA
Finished the book this morning. I read it very fast, and that is always a compliment in itself, because it means it was engrossing enough that I couldn?t put it down. I have to admit that mystery-action books are not a huge part of what I read, so I may not be the best person to critique it from that point of view. Most of what I read are heavier, more philosophical types of books. However, for a fast fun read, I would definitely recommend it to others.

A couple things I noticed - there were some narrative time switches at the beginning. I didn?t notice them later in the book, but maybe that was because I was paying more attention to the story line at that point, but at the beginning there was some switching between past and present tense in the form of ?said? vs ?says?. Also, I know some books do switch between points of view, but I found it a bit distracting going from first-person to third-person. It seemed that there was not much advantage to the first-person point of view in this type of story, and maybe everything could have been in third person? Just my take on it.

I thought you did a really good job overall at ending chapters well with foreshadowing and making the reader want more - for example, at the end of chapter 25:

?He reached over gingerly with his right hand and made a call, one he?d regret later.?

Definitely makes you wonder who he called and what he will regret. You ended chapters more often than not with good leading sentences such as this, but a few times they were missing and that is something I would emphasize, as it is natural stopping point for readers unless there is some reason they ?have? to go on.

Overall, for being out of my usual genre I liked it and for your first book I would say really good! I can?t imagine all the effort you put into it, and congrats on the accomplishment.



First of all, thank you for taking the time to read the book and giving me feedback so quickly. I really respect your opinion, as well as the constructive criticism. It's the most thorough I've received to date.

Regarding tenses- Yeah, I think that is just something I've got to work on. It feels natural to write in the here and now. I must've done three rereads just trying to correct tenses, and as you found, some slipped through the cracks. I hope over time it will come easier.

Point of view- Thank you for pointing this out to me. I totally didn't do my research regarding which points of view to use. I think a part of me thought a first person perspective would make readers like the main character more, by actually giving him a voice. Third person is the way to go; I just need to make sure I don't switch viewpoints too often.

I was a little unclear about what you meant with the narrative time switches. I think I was trying to develop characters with a little backstory, perhaps I overdid it.

Two more questions:

Did you notice an overabundance of typos or grammatical errors. Not that I would expect you to make notes, just in general. I cringe and feel sick to my stomach when I see them.

Did you find the actual funny parts, funny?

Again, I can't thank you enough for doing this, Jess and I'm glad you enjoyed it and didn't think it a total waste of your time.

All the best to you in your future writing endeavors. :toast: