NCAA Lifts Penn State Penalties


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
I'm sort of hoping they do, so then we can kill Notre Dame off holding the same standard. Not only are they sex crimes, but they're racist too. Complete with cover up and everything.

You're good at deflecting, rationalizing and justifying, but I'd suppose you'd have to be when you have to convince 18 year olds to go get themselves killed so you can cash a paycheck. It's the kind of activity that would make someone ask their wife to fuck them in the ass as some sort of punishment. But you already know that.


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
You are still worried about people taking too big of a stick/punishment to the football/athletic side of things. It's obvious that you can't comprehend the people that are the most offended by this, and that is a rather large group of people with pretty normal ideals and values, realize there are bigger issues with this matter than whether wins exist or are vacated in a record book.

No one arguing against Paterno is not on the side of justice/punishment happening for others involved. You think you are being cute by arguing that degrees awarded by the university should be null and void. In my mind that is the equivalent of Hedgehog arguing that allowing same-sex marriages could eventually lead to a human marrying an animal. An asinine response because you have no legit way to defend your stance on the matter.

But let's hear another one of your retread arguments on this. Like Barry Switzer is just as bad as Paterno because he knew of his players using cocaine.

I think you very much misunderstand my stance on this. If we're going to go with a guilty verdict, I want it all. I want all the guilt laid out and every hand that was involved to be slapped.
I have zero ties or love for the penn state football program. I'm not an alum nor is anyone in my family an alum. Vacating football wins 10 years after it happens, and suspending a team of players that had exactly zero anything to do with the incidents is absurd.
Why are we punishing some student athletes that had zero to do with it? That in some cases, were not even born yet when these things happened? Why?
Why are we picking and choosing who is charged with guilt in this? Why?
You can't answer that with anything but... because.
And that, is what is wrong with the pitchforks and torches.


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
You're good at deflecting, rationalizing and justifying, but I'd suppose you'd have to be when you have to convince 18 year olds to go get themselves killed so you can cash a paycheck. It's the kind of activity that would make someone ask their wife to fuck them in the ass as some sort of punishment. But you already know that.

I want the standard to be held.

Your taxes went directly to the federal government, which in turn was sent to the defense budget, which went on to my paycheck. So really, you were paying me to do that. Thank you.


Forum Member
Apr 10, 2014
You're good at deflecting, rationalizing and justifying, but I'd suppose you'd have to be when you have to convince 18 year olds to go get themselves killed so you can cash a paycheck. It's the kind of activity that would make someone ask their wife to fuck them in the ass as some sort of punishment. But you already know that.


did hank read that write? so many guys on here like the ass love........dont get any ideas


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
I want the standard to be held.

Your taxes went directly to the federal government, which in turn was sent to the defense budget, which went on to my paycheck. So really, you were paying me to do that. Thank you.

Glad you kept your sense of humor. Probably only 10 of them or so died. Hilarious.

Mr. Poon

Forum Member
Jan 14, 2006
I think you very much misunderstand my stance on this.

The only thing I can't understand is your delusional stance.

You are so worried about the program and kids being punished that weren't around when the crimes were committed. By that token, were is the alarm when members of the Penn State basketball team, hockey team and general student body celebrated the wins of Paterno's being restored? Those kids weren't around when Paterno amassed the wins/records so why should they give two shits and party like the won a championship because of some paper signed by the NCAA meant that a pedophile-enabler had a bit of his legacy restored?

Ingrained culture - google it, then when you still can't grasp what it means, find someone who is of at least average intelligence to explain it to you.

Ingrained culture is the reason there was punishment of the program that affected kids that weren't around when Sandusky was committing unfathomable crimes on young boys. Ingrained culture is the reason mouth breathers like PaSprint want Paterno still celebrated.

Did the actions of the NCAA help to change that culture. That's a different topic and one I would argue 'probably not' given how quickly they walked back their punishments in certain regards, but that's beside the point.

You are nitpicking a flawed organizations punishment of a football program and using it to try to further a slant that people who associate the word Paterno with evil as irrational.

Keep up the good fight, I just don't see you winning many battles outside of PA.
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Forum Member
Apr 11, 2000
berlin md
The only thing I can't understand is your delusional stance.

You are so worried about the program and kids being punished that weren't around when the crimes were committed. By that token, were is the alarm when members of the Penn State basketball team, hockey team and general student body celebrated the wins of Paterno's being restored? Those kids weren't around when Paterno amassed the wins/records so why should they give two shits and party like the won a championship because of some paper signed by the NCAA meant that a pedophile-enabler had a bit of his legacy restored?

Ingrained culture - google it, then when you still can't grasp what it means, find someone who is of at least average intelligence to explain it to you.

Ingrained culture is the reason there was punishment of the program that affected kids that weren't around when Sandusky was committing unfathomable crimes on young boys. Ingrained culture is the reason mouth breathers like PaSprint want Paterno still celebrated.

Did the actions of the NCAA help to change that culture. That's a different topic and one I would argue 'probably not' given how quickly they walked back their punishments in certain regards, but that's beside the point.

You are nitpicking a flawed organizations punishment of a football program and using it to try to further a slant that people who associate the word Paterno with evil as irrational.

Keep up the good fight, I just don't see you winning many battles outside of PA.



poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
The only thing I can't understand is your delusional stance.

You are so worried about the program and kids being punished that weren't around when the crimes were committed. By that token, were is the alarm when members of the Penn State basketball team, hockey team and general student body celebrated the wins of Paterno's being restored? Those kids weren't around when Paterno amassed the wins/records so why should they give two shits and party like the won a championship because of some paper signed by the NCAA meant that a pedophile-enabler had a bit of his legacy restored?

Ingrained culture - google it, then when you still can't grasp what it means, find someone who is of at least average intelligence to explain it to you.

Ingrained culture is the reason there was punishment of the program that affected kids that weren't around when Sandusky was committing unfathomable crimes on young boys. Ingrained culture is the reason mouth breathers like PaSprint want Paterno still celebrated.

Did the actions of the NCAA help to change that culture. That's a different topic and one I would argue 'probably not' given how quickly they walked back their punishments in certain regards, but that's beside the point.

You are nitpicking a flawed organizations punishment of a football program and using it to try to further a slant that people who associate the word Paterno with evil as irrational.

Keep up the good fight, I just don't see you winning many battles outside of PA.

I think you misunderstand the real reason that the NCAA reversed their stance on the punitive measures they put in place. It wasn't because they changed their mind, it was because they didn't have the authority to dole them out in the first place.

This is what I love about 'Murica. We all get our own opinion on things.
You get to say I am a delusional nut that can't comprehend complex thought because I want to go all the way and mete out the punishment all the way up and down the chain equally.
And I get to say you are an emotional based, knee jerked decision maker that fails to understand how to think big because you want one thing punished, but not others of equal guilt - because it makes for a satisfying headline to read in the paper.


Thread banned
Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
I'm just a simple guy, but this thread sure took a left turn somewhere. Either Marine is very good about changing the subject or I'm just poor at paying attention (maybe both, probably).

I didn't think this was about the legitimacy of the punishment handed out, I thought this was about the irrational hero worship of a guy who knew kids were getting raped and didn't report it?

There is no punishment suitable for something like that and it doesn't really matter, JoPa has passed.

I guess it's easier if you dumb it down for me. Punishing people who had nothing to do with the situation seems pointless to me. Singing the praises of a guy who let decades of child molestation go on under his nose is just frightening.


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
I'm just a simple guy, but this thread sure took a left turn somewhere. Either Marine is very good about changing the subject or I'm just poor at paying attention (maybe both, probably).

I didn't think this was about the legitimacy of the punishment handed out, I thought this was about the irrational hero worship of a guy who knew kids were getting raped and didn't report it?

There is no punishment suitable for something like that and it doesn't really matter, JoPa has passed.

I guess it's easier if you dumb it down for me. Punishing people who had nothing to do with the situation seems pointless to me. Singing the praises of a guy who let decades of child molestation go on under his nose is just frightening.

Part of my argument.. he did report it. Those he reported it to with the legal power to intervene did not do their job.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Part of my argument.. he did report it. Those he reported it to with the legal power to intervene did not do their job.

So still defending Joe, noted.

Joe reported back in 1971, ok got it.

marine and PaSprint still think Paterno is a good guy, ok got it.

now marine will change the subject....carry on.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 7, 2003
Between The Hedges
As a total outsider who has not read much if any of the links/new info let me state some things that seem obvious to me.

-(New info aside)No way Joe Pa did not know and no way he should not have done more to stop it.
-No way can he be celebrated any longer for his good deeds. His legacy is sealed.
-No way should he be the only one crushed by this as there are many others that are culpable.
-No way should a University be given the death penalty when all involved and to blame are gone(if indeed they are)
-Arguing the extent of his role as if you know it is silly as neither side(innocent or guilty) will ever know the full truth. But anyone saying that he is getting a bad rap and is a victim of circumstance is simply not using basic comprehension skills.
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