Northwest Flight 253

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Feb 7, 2002
Sioux City, Iowa
Hey guys, today was one of the craziest days of my life. I got calls from all over the world requesting interviews and I did interviews nonstop all day. I had reporters stopping in to my law office out of the blue, including Dateline NBC, which will be doing a one hour episode on us later this week. Going live on Anderson Cooper 360 at 10:00if anyone wants to watch.

Very cool. Watching you on TV right now.

Do you get paid for these interviews?


Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
Hey guys, today was one of the craziest days of my life. I got calls from all over the world requesting interviews and I did interviews nonstop all day. I had reporters stopping in to my law office out of the blue, including Dateline NBC, which will be doing a one hour episode on us later this week. Going live on Anderson Cooper 360 at 10:00if anyone wants to watch.

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Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Man oh man....are there any networks pug hasn't been on:confused:


Pug, you must be one tired dude. Hope you get some cash for all these interviews, I mean how can you get any work done? All you are doing is interviews:scared

And wew baby, that must have been one hell of a flight:eek:

Maybe Anderson will ask ya who ya like winning the Superbowl:shrug: :142smilie
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Pug must be the most famous Jacker of all time now. The blows away Jaek's little exploits at WSOP and even Kosar shaking hands with that one poker guy.
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The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
I hope they don't drop the whole no passport thing. Scary.

Not sure, but wouldn't be surprised if you guys are getting a far more "editted" version of events than the rest of the world... gets even crazier than the no passport thing. (As crazy as that is!)

He (the terrorist guy) was (is still I guess!) on an FBI "watch list"...

...his father (a diplomat over there somewhere) became concerned after he lost contact with his son and heard he'd moved to Yemen... concerened that he told US officials that he suspected his son was involved with religious extremists...

Just seems incredible that this man could ever get near a plane bound for the US.

Would have been a very scary time Pug...but I'm honestly pretty surprised that one or two nearby guys didn't drag him into the aisle and beat him to within an inch of his life.
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Jul 13, 1999
Not sure, but wouldn't be surprised if you guys are getting a far more "editted" version of events than the rest of the world... gets even crazier than the no passport thing. (As crazy as that is!)

He (the terrorist guy) was (is still I guess!) on an FBI "watch list"...

...his father (a diplomat over there somewhere) became concerned after he lost contact with his son and heard he'd moved to Yemen... concerened that he told US officials that he suspected his son was involved with religious extremists...

Just seems incredible that this man could ever get near a plane bound for the US.
Yes, we're getting that version as well.
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Staff member
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Jul 13, 1999
They say they are "looking into the no passport" thing. How fuking hard is THAT? He had one or he didn't? What am I missing and what's so hard?


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Really is madness huh.

The spin is almost as crazy...yeah, the system sure did work! :eek: :nono:

In Australia we had just relaxed laws, as of next June people can again take on knitting needles and nail clippers onto planes...(which is totally fair enough imo)...

..then a week later this happens.

Rather than just speaking the truth, saying it was a massive fuck up by any number of people (not least the people in Amsterdam!), they spun it to say, "We are relaxing the laws so security can concentrate on finding more dangerous items."


SO that was the problem. European security were too busy looking for cans without lids and pointy objects that they forgot all about trying to find explosives.


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Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
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Second person was detained by U.S. Customs after alleged attack on Flight 253
By Sheena Harrison |
December 29, 2009, 6:46PM

A person was detained by customs at Detroit Metro Airport on Friday following Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's alleged attack on Northwest Airlines Flight 253, according to a spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

It is unknown why the person was detained or whether the person will face any charges, spokesman Ron Smith told

Update: In an interview on Wednesday afternoon, Smith said's story was accurate. He clarified that the man taken into custody came to Detroit aboard a separate flight and was detained for issues unrelated to the attack on Flight 253.

Bill Carter, a spokesman with the FBI in Washington, D.C., said in an interview Tuesday that Abdulmutallab was the only person arrested or charged in relation to Friday's foiled attack.

The news about a person being taken into custody comes after two passengers aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 said they saw a second man being taken away in handcuffs on Christmas Day while they and others were waiting to be interviewed by FBI agents at the airport. Smith was unable to say whether that man was the person detained by customs officials.

Update: Smith said Wednesday that the man taken into custody was the one seen by Flight 253 passengers while in customs. Passengers from various flights went through customs processing in one centralized location.

Kurt Haskell, a Taylor, Mich., attorney who says he was seated a few rows behind suspected terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, told on Saturday that he saw a second man taken into custody after search dogs appeared to find something in his carry-on bag.

Daniel Huisinga of Fairview, Tenn., who was returning from an internship in Kenya for the holidays, says he also saw a man being taken away in handcuffs at the airport after a dog search. A third person, Roey Rosenblith, told The Huffington Post on Sunday that he saw a man in a suit being placed into handcuffs and escorted out, as well.

Huisinga talked about seeing a man taken away at the airport during an interview Monday on MSNBC. He mentions it at about the 1:25 mark of the video below. The reporter appears to confuse Huisinga's account with a man who was detained on a separate flight Sunday and deemed not to be a threat.

In a phone interview Tuesday morning, Huisinga told that search dogs were brought into Detroit Metro about an hour after the Flight 253 passengers entered the airport. While the dogs sniffed multiple bags, Huisinga said one dog sat down in front of a bag carried by a middle-aged man who was wearing a nice suit.

? Report: FBI questions Haskell family about alleged Flight 253 passport accomplice

? Videos: Kurt and Lori Haskell talk Flight 253, passport 'accomplice' and FBI questioning

? Report: Dutch police investigating report of accomplice in Northwest Flight 253 terror plot

? Flight 253 passenger: Sharp-dressed man aided terror suspect Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab onto plane without passport ( exclusive)

? Commenter says he was aboard NWA Flight 253, saw suspected terrorist board the plane
Haskell said he also saw a man being escorted out of the airport by agents after dogs searched the area where passengers were waiting to be questioned. In a subsequent interview with Fox News, Haskell clarified the man may not have been arrested, but he reiterated the person -- who he described as being about 30 years old -- was taken away in handcuffs.

Huisinga said the man with the suspicious bag was questioned by agents, who looked through his luggage. The agents left, then approached the man a second time before placing him in handcuffs and leading him away, said Huisinga, who estimates he was about 20 feet away from the scene.

Haskell, who also estimates he was about 15 to 20 feet away from the man he saw detained, told on Saturday that the man was taken into a "back room" to be questioned. Huisinga said the man was questioned in a corner of the passenger waiting area.

U.S. Customs spokesman Smith said customs uses various search dogs that can sniff for a different kinds of materials, including explosives, drugs, food and currency. He would not elaborate on which types of dogs were being used to search at Detroit Metro on Friday.

No matter what was supposedly found in the unknown man's bag, both Huisinga and Haskell said passengers were moved to another area of the airport just after he was detained.

"An FBI agent said to us, 'You are being moved to another area because this area is not safe. Read between the lines. Some of you saw what just happened,'" Haskell said in a comment that appeared in a story on

In his Saturday interview with, Haskell said that the agent's comments made him and other passengers suspect that some sort of explosive may have been detected in the man's luggage.

That was the same assumption made by Huisinga, who said agents told the passengers that they could not use their cell phones or computers. "We were kind of left to draw our own conclusions."

Smith said the passengers may have been moved into a "sterile area" while they were waiting to be questioned by officials.

FBI spokesman Carter said he did not know whether search dogs detected suspicious material at Detroit Metro, or if passengers were moved to another area of the airport deemed to be "safer."

"There?s a lot of stories out there, whether any of them are accurate or not, or they?re a little bit accurate and blown out of proportion," Carter said. "But I?m not aware of anyone charged or arrested other than Abdulmutallab."

Calls to the U.S. Department of Justice have not yet been returned

looks like they did get pugs man .

good job pug
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Posted by shanedr
December 31, 2009, 1:09PM

Have any of you ever heard of the phrase "national security."
By his own account the FBI tried deliberately to provide a modicum of information to the passengers while withholding information critical to their investigation. While pertinent information cannot be legally withheld in a trial. It most certainly can be withheld during an investigation. If someone who is not an investigator presses for additional information an investigator would be forced to lie to prevent compromising their investigation.

You people need to shut up until the investigation is completed and the findings are released at the proper time. As a lawyer Mr. Haskell should be aware of what consists of interfering with an investigation and what the penalties are. The FBI provided all the passengers with as much information as they safely could.

Mr. Haskell, your actions tell me that I would never want to be represented by you.

This is one of the comments from the article DTB posted.

Got to be careful about pressing when your dealing with this kind of a situation.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2004
Jaco, Costa Rica
No regrets. You can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time. Approximatley 90% of all responses have been positive ones.

Customs has now changed its story a fourth time regarding the man in orange but I can't yet post the official "Fourth Version" yet.