Northwest Flight 253

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Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 4, 2006
pug being an attorney you more than anyone should know that you may cause more damage than anything good. By telling all that there was a well dressed indian guy in the mix you may be giving him a head start in disapearing. there is a reason why certain things are kept on the hush hush.


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Forum Member
Apr 25, 2002
did have return ticket

did have return ticket

according to yahoo

The device consisted of a six-inch (15-cm) packet of powder and a syringe containing a liquid, which were sewn into the suspect's underwear, according to media reports.

Demuren said Abdulmutallab had purchased his $2,831 Lagos-Amsterdam Detroit return ticket at the KLM office in Accra, Ghana, on December 16 with a January 8, 2010 return date
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Eat my pickle
Forum Member
Aug 23, 2002
Bartlett, TN
Pug I'm glad things worked out, must have been stressfull.

But are sure you want to put you and your family in this situation being in front of the media. Doesn't seem like much good can come from it for you.


I agree....

it's a catch 22...we want the information...we want u to be safe....

you don't want the 'wrong' people to get this info....

esp..when the shit hits the fan with the 'no passport'.......

u r an adult, so u know what's best......


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2004
Jaco, Costa Rica
Just did in camera interviews with CNN and CBS which could be aired at anytime.

Also, it looks like my wife and I will be on the CBS Morning Show tomorrow and Anderson Cooper 360.


Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
Just did in camera interviews with CNN and CBS which could be aired at anytime.

Also, it looks like my wife and I will be on the CBS Morning Show tomorrow and Anderson Cooper 360.

:00hour :00hour :00hour
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"

these guys are turnng out to be a handful...

""DETROIT ? A passenger onboard the same Northwest Airlines flight that was attacked on Christmas Day was taken into custody in Detroit on Sunday after becoming verbally disruptive upon landing, officials said.

A law enforcement official said the man was Nigerian and had locked himself in the airliner?s bathroom. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing.

Delta Air Lines spokeswoman Susan Elliott said crew members requested that security remove the man from Flight 253 after he became disruptive. The remaining 255 passengers got off safely, she said. Airport spokesman Scott Wintner said it was the same flight on which a man tried to set off an explosive on Christmas Day.""..
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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
how long before BO goes ahead and apologizes to the sudanese govt as well as everyone who's muslim and the entire middle east.


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Forum Member
Nov 15, 2004

Christmas bomber 'trained' by Al-Qaeda in Yemen

DETROIT, Michigan (AFP) ? A Nigerian man who tried to blow up a Detroit-bound plane on Christmas Day has confessed to training with an Al-Qaeda bombmaker in Yemen, security officials told the US media on Saturday.

The allegations highlight Yemen's growing centrality in global terror plots as the country's government carries out an offensive against Al-Qaeda suspects, that has reportedly killed 68 alleged militants in the past 10 days.

New details emerging about Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab suggested his abortive attack on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 was planned in Yemen by Al-Qaeda members who even sewed an explosive device into the 23-year-old's underwear.

Law enforcement officials told US media that Abdulmutallab had offered several details about his links to Al-Qaeda and his plan to take down the flight en route from Amsterdam.

Abdulmutallab told investigators that a radical Yemeni cleric he contacted through the Internet put him in touch with an Al-Qaeda leader living in Yemen, ABC News said.

He described spending a month at an Al-Qaeda compound north of Yemen's capital Sanaa and said he was denied permission to leave the site until he completed his training alongside a Saudi Al-Qaeda bombmaker.

US counterterrorism officials said the Nigerian claimed he received specific instructions about how to carry out the attack, NBC News said.

He claimed he was told to blow up the plane as it approached Detroit because it would produce more casualties and collateral damage on the ground if it crashed into a densely populated area.

Details emerging from Abdulmutallab's homeland suggested the young man had been a religious teenager who became radical after studying at University College London.

Nigeria's This Day newspaper reported that he relocated to Egypt and then Dubai, and while in the United Arab Emirates told his family that he was severing all contact with them.

His attitude worried his father so much that he informed the US embassy in Abuja about his son's activities.

But Dutch authorities said Abdulmutallab had a valid US visa when he passed through Amsterdam and his name was reviewed by US authorities before he boarded the Airbus 330 travelling from the Netherlands to the Michigan city of Detroit.

Details about when Abdulmutallab may have travelled to Yemen were still unclear, but charges filed against the Nigerian on Saturday revealed new information about the device he tried to detonate.

The US Justice Department alleged in charging documents that he went to the bathroom before the plane began its final descent, spending 20 minutes away from his seat before returning and saying he had an upset stomach.

"He pulled a blanket over himself. Passengers then heard popping noises similar to firecrackers, smelled an odor and observed Abdulmutallab's pants leg and the wall of the airplane on fire," the affidavit said.

"One flight attendant... stated that she asked Abdulmutallab what he had had in his pocket and he replied 'explosive device.'

"A passenger stated that he observed Abdulmutallab holding what appeared to be a partially melted syringe, which was smoking. The passenger took the syringe from Abdulmutallab, shook it to stop it from smoking and threw it to the floor of the aircraft," the affidavit added.

Remnants of the syringe had been recovered and were believed to be part of the explosive device, the document said.

The affidavit described the device as containing PETN, also known as pentaerythritol, "a high explosive" that is similar to nitro-glycerin.

The two apparent components of the device, the syringe and the explosive material were sewn into Abdulmutallab's underwear by Al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen, ABC News reported, citing federal authorities.

Bernard Haykel, a US expert on the Arabian peninsula at Princeton University, told AFP that Yemen has longstanding ties to Al-Qaeda.

"Yemen has always been very important for Al-Qaeda. They always had a lot of recruits from Yemen, going back to the 1980s, when many Yemenis have gone to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. It's a very old connection," he said.

He added that after the defeat of Al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia, "many of the Saudis who survived the Saudi government attacks on them regrouped in Yemen.

The country has come under US scrutiny in recent months, particularly in the wake of the Fort Hoods shootings in Texas, which killed 13 people.

The man accused of perpetrating that attack, Nidal Hasan, was linked to Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Aulaqi, who has encouraged US Muslims to carry out militant attacks and praised the Fort Hood massacre.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"

these guys are turnng out to be a handful...

""DETROIT ? A passenger onboard the same Northwest Airlines flight that was attacked on Christmas Day was taken into custody in Detroit on Sunday after becoming verbally disruptive upon landing, officials said.

A law enforcement official said the man was Nigerian and had locked himself in the airliner?s bathroom. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing.

Delta Air Lines spokeswoman Susan Elliott said crew members requested that security remove the man from Flight 253 after he became disruptive. The remaining 255 passengers got off safely, she said. Airport spokesman Scott Wintner said it was the same flight on which a man tried to set off an explosive on Christmas Day.""..

seriously for a light of recent events why was this passenger allowed to remain in the bathroom for an hour?.....

shouldn`t they have been more aggressive in removing this ya-yo from the bathroom?

same flight, same airports, same country of origin, and delta/nwa/powers that be let this man sit in the bathroom for one hour?.....

might be time to install flushable bathroom compartment floors for potentially dangerous,belligerent passengers........


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!

these guys are turnng out to be a handful...

""DETROIT ? A passenger onboard the same Northwest Airlines flight that was attacked on Christmas Day was taken into custody in Detroit on Sunday after becoming verbally disruptive upon landing, officials said.

A law enforcement official said the man was Nigerian and had locked himself in the airliner?s bathroom. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing.

Delta Air Lines spokeswoman Susan Elliott said crew members requested that security remove the man from Flight 253 after he became disruptive. The remaining 255 passengers got off safely, she said. Airport spokesman Scott Wintner said it was the same flight on which a man tried to set off an explosive on Christmas Day.""..

I read this to mean the EXACT same flight, but it turns out it was the same ROUTE.

Now, between you and me.....this fucker would have been dead on the floor in about 10 seconds after not answering the first knock on the door.

Just how much are people willing to take?????


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I read this to mean the EXACT same flight, but it turns out it was the same ROUTE.

Now, between you and me.....this fucker would have been dead on the floor in about 10 seconds after not answering the first knock on the door.

Just how much are people willing to take?????

our dhs secretary napolitano said that"the system worked"....??//

not really...we got lucky...ask spongy...he e-mailed me and said that the suspect failed to realize that in order for that particular type of explosive to ignite successfully it has to be packed up the rectum as far as possible......

i trust the sponge...:shrug:

i guess the next step after skivvies is we`re going to have to remove our balls and run them through the x-ray machine.....

and then what?....


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
our dhs secretary napolitano said that"the system worked"....??//

not really...we got lucky...ask spongy...he e-mailed me and said that the suspect failed to realize that in order for that particular type of explosive to ignite successfully it has to be packed up the rectum as far as possible......

i trust the sponge...:shrug:



el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
our dhs secretary napolitano said that"the system worked"....??//

not really...we got lucky...ask spongy...he e-mailed me and said that the suspect failed to realize that in order for that particular type of explosive to ignite successfully it has to be packed up the rectum as far as possible......

i trust the sponge...:shrug:

i guess the next step after skivvies is we`re going to have to remove our balls and run them through the x-ray machine.....

and then what?....

spongy...i`m kidding....i love you dearly even though you bust my balls unmercifully...:toast:
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Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Pug, What a horrible experience but happy to hear that you and your wife are safely home. Maybe you should take BBC's advice and see your family doctor and try to get something to help you sleep.

ambien is the shit:00hour