Northwest Flight 253

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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
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Forum Member
Jun 24, 2002
Sometimes it's time to dig in and fight

Sometimes it's time to dig in and fight

I have not posted here for a while. However, had to jump in, and thank Kurt and his wife for having the courage to step up to the plate, and tell of their experience on flight 253. Question - will your story be aired on Dateline, if so when?

It's refreshing to see the attitude you and your wife have taken. Thankfully, you did not opt to adopt the attitude that "life is to short to battle everyone". IMO, American's should stand up and demand the truth from our government officials . It's clear someone wanted your report stifled. However due to you and your wife's diligence, the true story is emerging. In the end hopefully your efforts will help make our country a safer place to live.

Keep up the good fight...:00hour


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Posted by chrispaulfan (Pt1gard)

January 01, 2010, 6:04PM
gawd, when will you sheep wake up? if the gov wanted these passegners wiped out in mid-air like Beverly E., Mike Connel, P. Wellstone et al, they woulda blown this tub up in flight ... instead they orchestrated this whole sham to scare the sheeple and make sure Yemen etc was "attackable" in the usa sheeps' paradigms ...

this 253 clown is not and was not anything but a patsy ... sorry kurt you went thru this, I realize it was scary, but you were never in danger bc it WASNT PLANNED TO BLOW YOU UP ....

All these things are blueprinted in clandestine board rooms and hoisted on the populace to make sure the evil muslims are targeted scapegoats .... its always the muslims, those wild religious zealots, and the poor christians and Jews their lambs to sacrifice (lets not look into gaza for 2 secs where the usa gives israel 30 million $ a day to murder innocent palestinian children, that fact never gets reported anywhere on USA airwaves) ...

kurt, you are right that the MSM wont ever reveal the zionists masterplan to pit christians against the muslims ... what I have written is way over the head of 99.9999% of the american flock but its so obvious to anyone who's studied this that we can only laugh now at your collective ignorance... check into this 253 patsy's background, see who his dad was, the nexus to the mossad/cia etc ...

do some friggin homework and quit being lazy so you have everything handed to you on a plate for your fat guts to gobble without even chewing properly ...

over and out!


:rolleyes: ..i think we`ve just been bukakked with stupid.....:lol:
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Glenn Quagmire

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Nov 15, 2005
Posted by chrispaulfan (Pt1gard)

January 01, 2010, 6:04PM
gawd, when will you sheep wake up? if the gov wanted these passegners wiped out in mid-air like Beverly E., Mike Connel, P. Wellstone et al, they woulda blown this tub up in flight ... instead they orchestrated this whole sham to scare the sheeple and make sure Yemen etc was "attackable" in the usa sheeps' paradigms ...

this 253 clown is not and was not anything but a patsy ... sorry kurt you went thru this, I realize it was scary, but you were never in danger bc it WASNT PLANNED TO BLOW YOU UP ....

All these things are blueprinted in clandestine board rooms and hoisted on the populace to make sure the evil muslims are targeted scapegoats .... its always the muslims, those wild religious zealots, and the poor christians and Jews their lambs to sacrifice (lets not look into gaza for 2 secs where the usa gives israel 30 million $ a day to murder innocent palestinian children, that fact never gets reported anywhere on USA airwaves) ...

kurt, you are right that the MSM wont ever reveal the zionists masterplan to pit christians against the muslims ... what I have written is way over the head of 99.9999% of the american flock but its so obvious to anyone who's studied this that we can only laugh now at your collective ignorance... check into this 253 patsy's background, see who his dad was, the nexus to the mossad/cia etc ...

do some friggin homework and quit being lazy so you have everything handed to you on a plate for your fat guts to gobble without even chewing properly ...

over and out!

He seems well-adjusted.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

wow this is like a mystery novel

maybe you can end up right a book . Name it Passenger 253

here is my question - what did the man in orange look like ? was he a middle eastern type or what nationality ?

could it be possible that the guy had touched the explosives helping the terrorist dude and the dog was alerting to that ?

It dont make sense that if the man in orange was released that he was walked through the other passengers handcuffed ?
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Jun 11, 2004
Jaco, Costa Rica
Scott, this whole thing really is bizarre. I just want to find out what really went on. It is really amazing to me that so many people bash me (Not here but on the internet in general). I was almost blown to bits and people bash me for putting pressure on the authorities to do an honest investigation. Unbelievable.

1.The man in orange was approximately age 30 and was also of Indian/Pakistani/ or similar descent. He was of an average height and weight and of course wore orange.

2. I suppose anything is possible, but you are missing the big problem with this guy. The big problem is that they let him in the terminal and let him stand there by the other passengers for an hour NOT KNOWING IF HE HAD A BOMB IN HIS BAG!

3. You are right about the handcuffs. What is weird is that when they took him back to be interviewed/searched, he was not handcuffed. When he came back out he was handcuffed and was taken away. Then we were moved to a new area because our area was "not safe". Also, why has Customs changed their story 5 times regarding this guy?


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
The real bad part about this is the pychological affects it can have on you and your wife.

I think it can be like post tramatic stress trama.

I know that it would affect me and not sure how I would deal with it. Everyone is differant.

But lets face it, had he been able to detonate that on the plane it would have been a very bad outcome.

I think at this point I would back off and wait until they come out with more information on the investigation. You did your part.

gl - my wife and I have included you in our prayers.
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Jan 12, 2001
Hi Kurt,

Really scary what you and Lori had to go through. Also, the turn of events don't surprise me too much right now either. The US will get this done how they want and the media will try to twist it the way they want as well. That seems to be the way things go in this country. I'm glad you're speaking up, keep fighting the good fight. It sounds like you had a fun time on your trip, post some pics for us. I'm really glad you're both safe and home now!



Registered User
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Jun 11, 2004
Jaco, Costa Rica
Thanks Kneifl. It isn't easy to continue to speak out against the establishment. I appreciate the support.

For those of you that believe I should let up, that is not going to happen. I'm going to press the authorities into an open an honest investigation (or at least give it my best shot). I am not too happy that I was almost blown up, and I am not going to sit back and do nothing.

Here is a further update:

I'll try and post some trip pics later today. KH


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
just saying :0corn

Loose Change 2.0... :0corn

There are a lot of conservative folk here I know...
...but LC2 is just about a must watch.

You believe stuff or you don't, that's fine...but way too many people simply bury their heads in the sand and refuse to even accept the possibility of any other side of a story.

The similarity between pug's story and those of the people who were herded of the 'mystery plane' in Cleveland back then is pretty striking...except pug is here to make a noise...

Meh...too old and grizzled for this political stuff...and I still don't quite understand why no-one on board (passenger that is) [no air marshall I assume?] jumped a seat or two and beat this guy to a pulpy mess...

...but you're alive, and that's the main thing.

{So...anyone want to start a book on when pug gets "silenced"? :0corn } ;) ;)
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Loose Change 2.0... :0corn

There are a lot of conservative folk here I know...
...but LC2 is just about a must watch.

:0corn } ;) ;)

no theres not...and no it`s not....and please,get the password to political....

i`ll meet you there...:toast:
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The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001

Funny you say that...

...I actually scrolled down passed NFL (wo!! :scared ) and saw the last post in the Political Forum was like, "never"! :mj07:

How do I get a password?

Jack, help out a guy who wants to argue with a fellow Raven... :SIB

[You know the reason I stopped posting there is because I actually do seem to get on well with half the blokes I used to throw crap at, right?? :mj06: ...
...but for you, I'll make an exception! :mj07: ]

Good "movie"...anything that makes you think, makes you think. ;)

(Anyway, which part of "old and grizzled" didn't you understand...feel a lot like Favre atm...same greying too-lazy-to shave growth...except with a hotter woman and a more understanding boss...:142smilie
(sans the bank balance tho I'm afraid. :thefinger )