Northwest Flight 253

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2004
Jaco, Costa Rica
Check out this article. It looks like I caught the government in yet another lie.

Specifically, I am referring to this quote:

"Federal agents also tell they are attempting to identify a man who passengers said helped Abdulmutallab change planes for Detroit when he landed in Amsterdam from Lagos, Nigeria.

Authorities had initially discounted the passenger accounts, but the agents say there is a growing belief the man have played a role to make sure Abdulmutallab "did not get cold feet."

These assholes call me a liar all over the press and then say I am correct at the bottom of an unrelated article. Unfucking believeable.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i don`t know what they`re trying to hide...other than maybe the fact that they`re involved in pursuing other leads...

maybe they want the fact that other folks are being sought not publicized....

britain just upped their terror alert..they`re expecting more.....
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Looks like our government let Mutallab on our plane intentionally.

up until now you had me...but if you think the guy that accompanied mutallab to the airport with a bomb strapped to his schtup was a u.s.government operative,you`re venturing into serious moonbat territory.....

"the reason why Mr. Wolf of the Obama administration indicated on the Keith Olberman Show that the White House was investigating a possible "intentional act" from within the U.S. Government as the reason for the Christmas Day attack."

i`m no fan of this administration,but,they aren`t willing to murder u.s. citizens to further some nefarious agenda....

and if not the administration,who?...what shadowy rogue group working inside the u.s.government(in cahoots with the dutch government?) wants to see 300 american citizens murdered?...and to what end?...

dude,`s time to pull the reins in(unless you`re angling for a book deal)...or a lawsuit?....


g.l. with that.....:rolleyes:
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2004
Jaco, Costa Rica
GW, sorry, you need to look at the admissions made in today's Congressional hearings. The conclusion is inevitable. I know it is hard to believe.

I didn't say he was let on the plane to kill us. You can draw your own conclusion whether the bomb was designed to blow or not. As a matter of fact, I never even said the U.S. Government let him on the plane knowing he had a bomb. Get your facts straight before calling me a moonbat. I am not saying anything that is far fetched at all. As a matter of fact, there really is no other conclusion if you look at all of the evidence that is coming out.

Other people thought I was a moonbat early on in this story too. They have all had to eat crow and admit I was right. You will too.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
GW, sorry, you need to look at the admissions made in today's Congressional hearings. The conclusion is inevitable. I know it is hard to believe.

I didn't say he was let on the plane to kill us. You can draw your own conclusion whether the bomb was designed to blow or not. As a matter of fact, I never even said the U.S. Government let him on the plane knowing he had a bomb. Get your facts straight before calling me a moonbat. I am not saying anything that is far fetched at all. As a matter of fact, there really is no other conclusion if you look at all of the evidence that is coming out.

Other people thought I was a moonbat early on in this story too. They have all had to eat crow and admit I was right. You will too.

we can come to no other conclusion regarding what?...i still don`t know what your actual contention`re speaking in riddles...

what are you claiming?...and why......what is your rationale?....

i see "proof" of nothing(except every time i go to your posted website my computer crashes)...

it`s all supposition culled from heresay and snippets of comments taken out of context...

if i were you and i were chasing a potential lawsuit,it might be smarter to look toward lax airline security procedures and practices...
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Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999

Can you write in simple form what you hold to be a rational summary of the events laid out before you.

I'm lost as to what you are stating as evident, starting on page 7.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2004
Jaco, Costa Rica
Sorry guys for not being more clear. If I don't provide all of the background information my story will be immediately disregarded.

The conclusion is that an agent for the U.S. Government was the person who helped Mutallab on the plane in Amsterdam. Whether he knew Mutallab had a bomb or not is open for debate.

The evidence is pretting damning if you read the blog post, but I agree, it is very long.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Sorry guys for not being more clear. If I don't provide all of the background information my story will be immediately disregarded.

The conclusion is that an agent for the U.S. Government was the person who helped Mutallab on the plane in Amsterdam. Whether he knew Mutallab had a bomb or not is open for debate.

The evidence is pretting damning if you read the blog post, but I agree, it is very long.

or maybe the guy was just a terrorist`s "handler"?...why do you surmise that this "indian/pakistani" is an agent of the government?...

makes a helluva lot more sense to conclude and acknowledge that many of the folks that we have working in airport security and screening are less than vigilant....maybe in amsterdam,too...

g.l. with your "inside job"theory...when you have some concrete proof,please let us apology will be gladly proferred..
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Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999


Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
Continue to fight the good fight Pug. GW the reason false flag operations like the panty bomber work is because a large majority of the public simply believe the government would never do anything like that. It's easy to just dismiss these types of operations or people who speak of them as "moonbats" until it happens to you or you are involved in the execution of a "op". Quite honestly this whole thing just stinks and look at the results...pre-panty bomber nobody wanted body scanners at the airport. Post panty bomber a large majority now wants them. Ask yourself who will make money from scanners being in every airport..of course the companies who make/manage them Smiths Detection (1/3 market share) GE and Siemens. Funny thing about Smith Detection their parent company is the Smith Group and their stock was at an all time low in June of 2009 and has been on the rise...coincidence? I am sure we have a few people on here who work in the government sector and/or served in the military and have seen numerous types of operations that the public never hears about....


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
I believe that the claim is...

The US Government wanted Mutallab to get into the country without incident so they could track him and try to uncover a larger cell.

The claim that the well dressed man was a US agent is the part that is confusing.

The reason that a US Agent is confusing is that if we were trying to allow Mutallab in without suspision this would definitely throw up a red flag.

Get past the terminology of "US Agent" and I think I see where you are heading.

Double Agent type stuff. Here's a well dressed guy who is maybe known in the terrorist circle and shows up to help Mutallab get through security, acting on behalf of the US Gov't but not offiliated with the US.

Which leads me to this question or set there of.

Pug - Did Mutallab and the Dapper Don appear to know each other?

Did they chit chat at all while this was going on?

Did Mutallab do any talking or did he stand there and listen the whole time?

For the assumption above to pass my litmus test, then Mutallab would not have shared the fact that he had explosives wired to his Peter. They wanted him to get into the country safe and sound so they could follow him. They did not want him bringing down a plane in the middle of Detroit on Christmas Day.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Continue to fight the good fight Pug. GW the reason false flag operations like the panty bomber work is because a large majority of the public simply believe the government would never do anything like that. It's easy to just dismiss these types of operations or people who speak of them as "moonbats" until it happens to you or you are involved in the execution of a "op". Quite honestly this whole thing just stinks and look at the results...pre-panty bomber nobody wanted body scanners at the airport. Post panty bomber a large majority now wants them. Ask yourself who will make money from scanners being in every airport..of course the companies who make/manage them Smiths Detection (1/3 market share) GE and Siemens. Funny thing about Smith Detection their parent company is the Smith Group and their stock was at an all time low in June of 2009 and has been on the rise...coincidence? I am sure we have a few people on here who work in the government sector and/or served in the military and have seen numerous types of operations that the public never hears about....

the allegation was that this guy...the enabler/assistant/handler was acting on behalf of some "government organization"......

like it or not,this guy was trying like hell to blow that plane up...he had 80 grams of petn in his drawers and only by the grace of god did he not succeed.....he was seriously burned in the process....hard to believe a government operative trying to smuggle him into the states to uncover some larger conspiracy didn`t know he was packing all the explosives.. the government is inept,but come on...and the dutch?...wth is that about?..

i don`t believe either guy had any affiliation with any government entity and until someone comes up with some proof,i`ll set this in the trash bin right next to all the "troofer" and the "roosevelt knew about pearl harbor" nonsense...

in case anyone wasn`t aware,this crap has been going on for decades...they`re trying to kill didn`t happen in a vacuum...

we have to accept that an open and free society is vulnerable to terrorism....if that thought unsettles some,and rather than face that fact they look for a conspiracy which accounts for these incidents,so be it...

/the next knock you hear on your door will be :SIB..... ...:lol: