Obama 2012


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Change the name, skin color,and party of the guy in charge, but keep doing the exact same shit and you go from being a great president to one of the worst of all time. Comical.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/DyLmru6no4U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Obama has added 5 TRILLION in 3 years.


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
I will bet anyone here the republican nominee wins the election who wants some action :shrug:

If they don't we are fucked as Obama will then go way left and the rats will be in power for the rest of my life :facepalm:

really? does a dime work for you, or is that too rich for you? You are a self-described M.J. Millionaire, so I think a lousy 1000 bucks wouldn't put you out too much.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

I don't like you and none of my neighbors like you.

If you are the nominee we are voting for Obama.

You cheated on you're wives and you have no morals.


Newtster - have you heard the one about leading a old woman to water......


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
How does Newt get by with attacking the media whenever he dont like the questions.

That Peter King CNN dude is a little pussychops.

King - what have you to say about your ex wife saying you requested a open marriage, you were sleeping with Caliss in her home and.....

Newtster - I would just say that for you to ask that in a Presidential debate is dispicable and appalling and the elite media should be ashamed

( This is what the pussy King should have followed with )

King - Well then what would you say about voters who think their President should have a sound moral character and not be a bed hopping, cheating liar, and divorcing to upgrade woman in his life at every turn ?

Newt - The elite media is appalling and disgusting.

yeh we get it Newtster

America really cant stand Newt . The polls show his unfaborable rate in the tank across America.

Obama has 4 more years if the Newster gets nominated.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Let me break it to you gently -- you've got a first-class disaster on your hands. I know you boys thought this thing would work out and you would be able to whip the Republicans in line to fall in behind Mitt (I assume you are all males but if there is a female in the establishment, I apologize.) Not going too good, is it fellows?

It's been a terrible time to be a Republican. There have been many moments during this process that have caused me great joy. Certainly the events of Thursday, ending with the CNN debate, and even the Fox debate Monday night, have helped ease the pain of my beloved Tigers' and Saints' recent defeats.

I mean, most people thought it was kind of a watermark when your Tea Party gang booed the golden rule. You know, I've spent some time in Philly and they have always thought they were pretty radical because they actually booed Santa Claus and Willie Mays. Philly, I've got news for you -- you ain't got nothing on South Carolina Republicans. They just aren't buying any of that do-unto-others garbage.

I actually thought my favorite moment of this delightful process was when one of your eight front-runners, Herm Cain, (as Sarah Palin calls him) actually ran an ad with his campaign manager endorsing him. (Rove, why didn't you think of that in 2000? Imagine the headline: "Rove endorses Bush.")

The climax of that delicious ad is when he actually takes a drag on a cigarette. But my favorite thing about Herm's campaign manager is that he is the only person in the history of the world that was actually barred from political consulting. Let me tell you, I've been in this business for quite a while and I've never known of anyone other than Mark Block to be suspended from practicing this profession.

At any rate, let's talk a minute about Mitt. He was your guy -- he was methodical, meticulous, married once. He has completely blown himself up over an issue that everyone knew was coming. Have you had a chance to look at John McCain's research operation on Mitt? Wow. And let me assure you, that thing has been supplemented, expanded, and annotated. God only knows about the Obama people -- they've got a billion dollars! And how about my friends over at American Bridge, the Democrat-leaning political action committee? Clearly Mitt is merely in the beginning of this tax-return, financial-disclosure, Cayman Island (and God only knows what else) fiasco.

Your new front-runner is one of your old front runners, Newt Gingrich. I would like to take a moment to revel: I cannot personally tell you how pleased I am to see old Newt rise to the top after listening to all of your nauseating, sickening lectures on the evils of government and the importance of family values.

Now, you guys have to deal with a $1.6 million Freddie Mac consultant (who says he wasn't a lobbyist) who has been married three times. Hope you, at least, enjoy the Super Bowl. It could be your last hurrah for a while.

PS -- As my former boss once said, I feel your pain. That's why I didn't mention Rick Perry.

james carville sounds off


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
When someone asks when the Republican Party abandoned its longstanding position as the party of family values, we will all be able to say it was shortly after 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on January 19, 2012, in Charleston, South Carolina.

When the invited audience of 2,300 Republicans stood up and applauded Newt Gingrich's angry and defiant response to the opening question from CNN's John King about allegations leveled by the ex-wife of the former speaker of the House, it was clear that the GOP, always judgmental about marital fidelity with Democrats, threw that out of the window.

The GOP's desire to beat President Barack Obama at any cost, and its unwillingness to coalesce around Mitt Romney, clearly outweighs its view on rampant adultery by one of its leading presidential candidates.

Those willing to make excuses for Gingrich's cheating on his second wife, Marianne, with his current wife, Callista (he also cheated on wife No. 1 with Marianne, who later became wife No. 2) are quick to say that the Christian faith requires forgiveness. And that is absolute right. But when has Gingrich apologized to President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore for his routine missives declaring both of them morally corrupt? When has Gingrich ever said publicly that while he was ripping other to shreds, he was doing the same to his marriage vows to forsake all others?

The nation clearly was made aware of Clinton's extramarital affairs while serving in the White House with the impeachment trial. But nothing of the sort was said about Gore. Yet that didn't prevent the bombastic Gingrich from lobbing his morally bankrupt grenades towards the Clinton-Gore White House. Now we know that while he was doing that, he was deeply involved in a torrid affair with Callista, then a Capitol Hill staffer.

Roland MartinWhat was amazing Thursday night is that we were in South Carolina, the Bible Belt, where evangelicals hold significant sway. Just last year, Republicans were aghast when the governor, Mark Sanford, was busted for engaging in an international extramarital affair, hiding away in Argentina and lying about his whereabouts. Details of his sordid affair made national headlines and embarrassed the state and the national party.

South Carolinians were disgusted with his behavior, and the potential presidential candidate who was a darling of Bible-thumpin' social conservatives ended his tenure in shame, losing his wife in the process.

So why was the GOP so quick to leap to their feet as Gingrich castigated King for even asking the question? No doubt they will say it was his denunciation of the media for asking such a tawdry question. Others will say that Newt's multiple affairs were common knowledge and since he was a declared changed man, we all should move on.

But how can someone like Gingrich stand up in debates and forcefully talk about the sanctity of marriage when he has no history of believing what he is saying? How can any social conservative talk about the moral fiber needed in a presidential candidate when the man many of them love has none?

It's highly likely that when the group of influential social conservatives met in Texas last weekend to coalesce around a candidate, Gingrich's rampant cheating was too much for them to overlook and that's why they settled on Rick Santorum.

The GOP loves to scream from the mountaintop about family values, but when a Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana continues to sit in the U.S. Senate after it was revealed he often used an escort service, then their protestations ring hollow. And there are many other Republicans who have had to come forward, some unwillingly, to own up to their transgressions.

Gingrich lashes out on 'ex' question See, when Republicans are busted for cheating on their spouses, they will quickly play the forgiveness card. Yet isn't a failure to have character and integrity at home a sign of how someone will act in the workplace?

And it must gall the GOP to watch Obama often dote on his wife, and make clear that even while in the White House, his family is a top priority.

Gingrich is correct in stating that many of the folks in the audience understand personal pain. But when Newt himself, and his party, has shown little concern in the past about such pain when it has affected someone in the other party, their pleas for understanding looks like shameful pandering.

So to the Republican Party, your high-minded and sanctimonious positions about others not having morals and values should end. If you are willing to accept Newt Gingrich with all of his failings, then you had better open your arms for a whole lot of other sinners who have also sought God's redemption.


so the GOP is now taking a new stand

Fawk Family Values :scared

wow that was a long time coming


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Unlike Mitt Romney, who occasionally beats President Obama in general election poll match ups, Newt Gingrich trails far behind President Obama in every survey. But just how bad are Gingrich's unfavorable among the general public compared to Obama and Romney?

Not every poll releases their full results, so here are the most recent favorability results I could find for Obama, Romney, and Newt.

Fox News, 1/12-1/14:
Obama, fav/unfav, 51%/46%, +5
Romney, fav/unfav, 45%/38%, +7
Gingrich, fav/unfav, 27%/56%, -29

CBS/NYT, 1/12-1/17:
Obama, fav/unfav, 38%/45%, -7
Romney, fav/unfav, 21%/35%, -14
Gingrich, fav/unfav, 17%/49%, -32

PPP, 1/13-1/17:
Obama, app/dis, 47%/50%, -3
Romney, fav/unfav, 35%/53%, -18
Gingrich, fav/unfav, 26%/60%, -34

America does not love Romney, but boy do they hate Newt

:scared :shrug: :scared


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
really? does a dime work for you, or is that too rich for you? You are a self-described M.J. Millionaire, so I think a lousy 1000 bucks wouldn't put you out too much.

100 is enough :0003 yeah, I got money being conservative with it , plus I do not want to take a grand from a friend:shrug: lets talk weather and sports on facebook instead of politics here


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
100 is enough :0003 yeah, I got money being conservative with it , plus I do not want to take a grand from a friend:shrug: lets talk weather and sports on facebook instead of politics here

If u have money it was given to you, and nothing besides. There is nothing wrong with that, as I, too, have been fortunate in that regard. Difference is you don't see me on here blowing myself because my family is generous and have done well for themselves. Tool.


Forum Member
Jan 19, 2012
If u have money it was given to you, and nothing besides. There is nothing wrong with that, as I, too, have been fortunate in that regard. Difference is you don't see me on here blowing myself because my family is generous and have done well for themselves. Tool.

Well there is a huge surprise..you couldn't make it on your own in life..
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Forum Member
Jan 19, 2012

Nice Fact : In your own words Pal...
Just like you post 19-13 Bowls and in Bowl Pool your 13-17..
Your so full of crap ..
Living off the Backs of Ma n Pa .. You should be ashamed.. :facepalm:
Explains why Obama the Socialist is your Man!!


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
Nice Fact : In your own words Pal...
Just like you post 19-13 Bowls and in Bowl Pool your 13-17..
Your so full of crap ..
Living off the Backs of Ma n Pa .. You should be ashamed.. :facepalm:
Explains why Obama the Socialist is your Man!!

What do a bowl pool record and posted wager record have to do with each other? One is filled out at a glance, and the other are handicapped plays over a period of weeks.

As stated, nice try.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
Nice Fact : In your own words Pal...
Just like you post 19-13 Bowls and in Bowl Pool your 13-17..
Your so full of crap ..
Living off the Backs of Ma n Pa .. You should be ashamed.. :facepalm:
Explains why Obama the Socialist is your Man!!

I voted Bush, Bush and Paul. I will not vote for Obama this time either. Again, nice try.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
Nice Fact : In your own words Pal...
Just like you post 19-13 Bowls and in Bowl Pool your 13-17..
Your so full of crap ..
Living off the Backs of Ma n Pa .. You should be ashamed.. :facepalm:
Explains why Obama the Socialist is your Man!!

I opted out of my family's local business in my late 20s to pursue my thing. Last year I opened the doors of my firm. I assure you that I've been luckier than good. Yet again, nice try:)


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
If u have money it was given to you, and nothing besides. There is nothing wrong with that, as I, too, have been fortunate in that regard. Difference is you don't see me on here blowing myself because my family is generous and have done well for themselves. Tool.

You do not have a fucking clue how I have money:sadwave: go smoke your pot and leave me alone
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Forum Member
Jan 19, 2012
I opted out of my family's local business in my late 20s to pursue my thing. Last year I opened the doors of my firm. I assure you that I've been luckier than good. Yet again, nice try:)

I opened my own EE company 20 yrs ago with my own $..In the consulting phase now.. less stressful and much more free time..Soon to retire:00hour !
About time so I can go full time as Madjacksports Political Advisor.. :142smilie

GL on your venture!

Hedge: Don't take seriously any of the shit people give you.. They are in their own little rat pack and have to feed each other by destructive criticism to uplift their frail senses of manhood...
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