Obama 2012


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
I opened my own EE company 20 yrs ago with my own $..In the consulting phase now.. less stressful and much more free time..Soon to retire:00hour !
About time so I can go full time as Madjacksports Political Advisor.. :142smilie

GL on your venture!

Hedge: Don't take seriously any of the shit people give you.. They are in their own little rat pack and have to feed each other by destructive criticism to uplift their frail senses of manhood...

Thanks Pro, your one of the good guys here...:toast:

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
I opened my own EE company 20 yrs ago with my own $..In the consulting phase now.. less stressful and much more free time..Soon to retire:00hour !
About time so I can go full time as Madjacksports Political Advisor.. :142smilie

GL on your venture!

Hedge: Don't take seriously any of the shit people give you.. They are in their own little rat pack and have to feed each other by destructive criticism to uplift their frail senses of manhood...

You know you have some issues when you think hedgy is doing alright these days. :facepalm: :mj07:
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Nice Fact : In your own words Pal...
Just like you post 19-13 Bowls and in Bowl Pool your 13-17..
Your so full of crap ..
Living off the Backs of Ma n Pa .. You should be ashamed.. :facepalm:
Explains why Obama the Socialist is your Man!!

You are joking, right? You are aware that is Cie is basically conservative, right?


To bring a few of you back to reality:

1) no one will remember these republican vs. republican attacks once the nominee is chosen (I favor Paul)

2) there is a high degree of probability that the republican nominee will NOT be one of the four men remaining in the current field

3) The Obama has no base and will not be able to create the level of excitement and enthusiasm that he had four years ago...a tight campaign and race but, he will lose.

The future is bright.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
To bring a few of you back to reality:

1) no one will remember these republican vs. republican attacks once the nominee is chosen (I favor Paul)

2) there is a high degree of probability that the republican nominee will NOT be one of the four men remaining in the current field

3) The Obama has no base and will not be able to create the level of excitement and enthusiasm that he had four years ago...a tight campaign and race but, he will lose.

The future is bright.

It has been a lot of fun watching these Republican fools bitch fight each other.

I agree that the eventual republican nominee will not be one of these three idiots. They will find a prettier one not damaged in the fray.

Obama will win again. Working Americans cannot stand another tax or fee. And the one thing these Republicans all agree on is "Broaden the tax base." Tax the working man and while we are at it drop the Capital Gains Tax to zero. It's not gonna fly.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
To bring a few of you back to reality:

1) no one will remember these republican vs. republican attacks once the nominee is chosen (I favor Paul)

2) there is a high degree of probability that the republican nominee will NOT be one of the four men remaining in the current field

3) The Obama has no base and will not be able to create the level of excitement and enthusiasm that he had four years ago...a tight campaign and race but, he will lose.

The future is bright.

1) They're all on tape, and you can bet Obama will use them.:0002

2) If Romney wins enough primaries, he'll be the nominee. If Gingrich wins, look for a backroom deal for someone else, maybe Romney, Bush, or Daniels.:shrug:

3) Obama's base is everyone except the 35% of right wing nigger haters. He'll beat any Republican.


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
2) there is a high degree of probability that the republican nominee will NOT be one of the four men remaining in the current field
I disagree. Romney will get the nomination.

The Banksters are backing him.

They know he'll represent their interests because he's one of them...

<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="http://c.gigcount.com/wildfire/IMP/CXNID=2000002.11NXC/bT*xJmx*PTEzMjc*MTQ2MDc2MDMmcHQ9MTMyNzQxNDYxNTA2MyZwPSZkPSZnPTImbz1kNjlmNDZjNjE2YWE*YmEzYTMwZWE4MzNj/NTFhMjRmNiZvZj*w.gif" /><object name="kaltura_player_1327414606" id="kaltura_player_1327414606" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all" allowFullScreen="true" height="221" width="392" data="http://cdnapi.kaltura.com/index.php/kwidget/wid/0_c0rwghze/uiconf_id/5590821"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowNetworking" value="all" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><param name="movie" value="http://cdnapi.kaltura.com/index.php/kwidget/wid/0_c0rwghze/uiconf_id/5590821"/><param name="flashVars" value="autoPlay=false&screensLayer.startScreenOverId=startScreen&screensLayer.startScreenId=startScreen"/><a href="http://corp.kaltura.com">video platform</a><a href="http://corp.kaltura.com/video_platform/video_management">video management</a><a href="http://corp.kaltura.com/solutions/video_solution">video solutions</a><a href="http://corp.kaltura.com/video_platform/video_publishing">video player</a></object>


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
1) They're all on tape, and you can bet Obama will use them.:0002

2) If Romney wins enough primaries, he'll be the nominee. If Gingrich wins, look for a backroom deal for someone else, maybe Romney, Bush, or Daniels.:shrug:

3) Obama's base is everyone except the 35% of right wing nigger haters. He'll beat any Republican.


Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
Sources: Betfair and Intrade

In short, the markets think Obama is more likely to defeat Gingrich than Romney, so when the former speaker's fortunes elevate, so do the president's. Over the last week, Gingrich's likelihood of winning the nomination has climbed from about 5 percent to about 30 percent. Currently, Gingrich is about 39 percent likely to defeat Obama if he makes it to the general election, while Romney is about 44 percent likely to reach the White House if he's the nominee.

An ordinary least squares regression--one of the most weathered tools in the statistician's toolbelt--determines that the Gingrich-Romney battle determines about 87.5 percent of the variability in Obama's likelihood of reelection. To wit, for every 10 percent more likely Gingrich is to win the nomination, Obama is 0.75 percent more likely to win reelection. For every 10 percent less likely Romney is to win the election if he wins the nomination, Obama is 2.75 percent more likely to win reelection. If they're watching the same markets we are at 1600 Pennsylvania, you can be sure they're wearing Gingrich pom-poms.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
So the Mittsters taxs come out.

He made 21 million off investments in 2010

Lets think about this for a minute.

How much money in investments do you have to have to make 21 million in a year.

It sounds to me like 350 million

How can the mittster even begin to comprehend what a normal life struggle in America is ?


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
So the Mittsters taxs come out.

He made 21 million off investments in 2010

Lets think about this for a minute.

How much money in investments do you have to have to make 21 million in a year.

It sounds to me like 350 million

How can the mittster even begin to comprehend what a normal life struggle in America is ?

WHO'S GREEDY? Obama Gave 1% to Charity, Romney Gave 15%

Fire it up736
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AP File
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife Michelle gave $10,772 of the $1.2 million they earned from 2000 through 2004 to charities, or less than 1 percent, according to tax returns for those years released today by his campaign.
The Obamas increased the amount they gave to charity when their income rose in 2005 and 2006 after the Illinois senator published a bestselling book. The $137,622 they gave over those two years amounted to more than 5 percent of their $2.6 million income.
Romney charitable contributions
Tax year Taxable income Charitable donations Donations as % of income
2010 $21.7 million $2.98 million 13.73%
2011 (est) $20.9 million $4 million 19.14%

Read more: http://nation.foxnews.com/mitt-romn...a-gave-1-charity-romney-gave-15#ixzz1kQJq7ejV


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
WHO'S GREEDY? Obama Gave 1% to Charity, Romney Gave 15%

Fire it up736
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AP File
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife Michelle gave $10,772 of the $1.2 million they earned from 2000 through 2004 to charities, or less than 1 percent, according to tax returns for those years released today by his campaign.
The Obamas increased the amount they gave to charity when their income rose in 2005 and 2006 after the Illinois senator published a bestselling book. The $137,622 they gave over those two years amounted to more than 5 percent of their $2.6 million income.
Romney charitable contributions
Tax year Taxable income Charitable donations Donations as % of income
2010 $21.7 million $2.98 million 13.73%
2011 (est) $20.9 million $4 million 19.14%

Read more: http://nation.foxnews.com/mitt-romn...a-gave-1-charity-romney-gave-15#ixzz1kQJq7ejV


All Presidents become very rich . Look at Billy C
dude made 41 million without even blinking

Nothing compared to Bush and Cheney though

Georgey W actually is buying a country in south America.

Damn aint Politics Grand

And why do you think Newt and Mittster want to be President so bad ?

So they can buy Brazil and retire.

pity really


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
It has become hard for me to accept how little the American people remember. It seems like most Americans were just so glad to see Bush get the hell out of Washington, that they did not care whether he was impeached or not for the wreck he made of America. Most everyone forgot that Bush, to finance his wars of lies to attack Iraq, borrowed 4 Trillion dollars more than what the Treasury owed before he left office. All the Neocons like Huckabee and the Bushes can see now is the borrowing that Obama is incurring to clean up the massive financial mess started by Bush. The Tea Baggers did not exist when Bush was president even though he borrowed and spent 4 times more than Obama. The protestors against our paying high taxes didn?t seem to mind when another president shamefully borrowed us into the fiscal toilet more than any other president, but let Obama take office and the Tea Baggers jumped up in a national rage to protest government spending.

Laura Bush just finished her new book, Huckabee told us. Karl Rove wrote one, too, and Sarah Palin is starting her second one (with a little help from the same old ghost writer, it seems). It is truly amazing how well these books have been selling when most of the information in any one of them is drivel and lies to put lipstick on the George W Bush pig image he spawned by screwing America while rewarding his corporate crony buddies who got to sell $500 hammers to Uncle Sam. Glenn Beck, another avowed Neocon and Goebbels apprentice, has two best-sellers on bookstands as we speak. But why are they best-sellers? What messages that spew forth from these sources of opinions and unsubstantiated pages of trash could be of any possible use to the American people? After all, aren?t the Neocons dedicated to drowning all federal social programs (and with them, the people who depend on Social Security and Medicare and welfare) in Grover Norquist?s bath tub? Not one of these self-anointed Neocons believes in a fair or a minimum wage for workers. Surely, Laura Bush does not think Obama worked hard against healthcare for all Americans, nor does she think Obama flew over the oil slick like her husband flew over the suffering in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, does she? I mean, come on, Laura, isn?t George capable of owning up to his own stuff? Aren?t you able to say that, yes, he should be accountable for his own misdeeds while in office?

Jenna Bush, daughter of Laura and George W Bush went to Paraguay to buy over 100,000 acres of land not too long ago. It was kept quiet. Some say that the purchase was a compliment to a 200,000 acre Paraguay land purchase that Jenna?s grandfather, Poppy Bush, made in 2005. Such land, rich in natural gas and water aquifers seems the thing to do.

Jenna Bush buys land in Paraguay for her daddy

with other notable members such as James Baker (who helped W in 2000 by stopping the Florida recount) have invested in the water and mineral rich regions of Paraguay, too. Do they know something the rest of us don?t know?

What?s going on down in Paraguay? The rich sources of fresh water there in a world about to go on water rationing, makes for a great investment, or so it seems. Poppy Bush, as former Director of the CIA, gets to read daily intelligence reports with his morning coffee. I have often wondered if that was not an unfair advantage to more common Americans in the world of investment and forecasting. But, alas, it is real.

It seems that the Bush family has walked on the edge for generations. Perhaps having a place of sanctuary like Paraguay for the Bushes is like buying an insurance policy. Paraguay has no extradition policy. Hmm. Interesting.

Bush, had plenty of money to pay their way to Harvard and Yale and to join the Skull and Bones Society. And each of them became president of the United States, too. Imagine that.

What gives? What is the meaning of the Bush family buying up land in South America? Why was it necessary for Bush?s daughter, Jenna, to sign and finalize the last purchase papers of over 100 thousand acres in Paraguay on the Q.T., the hush-hush? Is something about to happen that the rest of us need to know about? Or is it just a another Bush business venture to make more money


that is more money that the Mittster has


aint life grand when you can spend 5 trillion on wars and be able to retire with a billion

got to love the American way
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 2, 2000
I've been staying out of this pool of water but I kinda think it is funny.

Someone stated that the unemployment rate is in the 8% range.

That is the funniest thing. If the same # of people were looking for jobs now that were looking for them 12 months ago, the unemployment rate would be 10.9%.

When I was on vacation, I read a news clip about how a governor was front-running the BLS non-farm payroll report. That report is supposedly confidential.

I stated a long time ago and got flamed on it - I do not believe ANY government report, - I find the ones most reliable to be FED articles.

But, to think the US has an 8.5% unemployment rate right now and that is the reported rate the media is using is quite funny to me.

IMO - Paul is not a viable candidate. His foreign policy is too tin-hat. We can not go back to 1901 policy. The world has changed.

I do not want our military on every continent, in 350 foreign bases, fighting 3 wars.

I agree with a lot of what Paul says fiscally.

I still like Gary Johnson but he has worse than a snowball's chance in hell, running as a Libertarian now.

Carry on, boys. If I had to make a call, right now, the winner is Obama.

Joe Kennedy once said a very smart thing. It takes three things to win an election.
Money, money and money.

Obama's gonna have a war chest with a B in it.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 13, 2009
So the Mittsters taxs come out.

He made 21 million off investments in 2010

Lets think about this for a minute.

How much money in investments do you have to have to make 21 million in a year.

It sounds to me like 350 million

How can the mittster even begin to comprehend what a normal life struggle in America is ?

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