I watched a good part of it - while watching the Twins suck ass against the Royals every so often. Doing my best to be objective, and before reading the thread here...I think both did well at face value.
If I had to judge a winner in the eyes of the public, I'd say McCain gained more from the night - but it should have easily been his night. I agree with the take on McCain avoiding direct contact with Obama, and his painful avoidance of looking at him. It's a debating strategy from someone presumed to be a stronger individual - to not give credence or credit in any way - and that's what McCain tried to do. Considering that the moderator was asking them to interact, especially, I would guess most thought favorably and strongly about Obama doing that, and it made him look stronger - and McCain weaker and more reserved.
I thought McCain showed a good range on foreign policy, and Obama had some good selective points. The McCain mantra about cutting spending showed through, and sounded good to Joe Sixpack and his base. I thought Obama sounded better overall on the economy, with some ideas and his reiteration about cutting taxes for almost everyone - and McCain didn't really knock that down. I thought Obama tied McCain to Bush pretty well, and McCain painted Obama as dangerous regarding dealing with despots.
They both scored some points, probably pulled some from the center. But I'd have to award the debate itself slightly to Obama, but the night and bigger public benefit to McCain.
Now, if we can just get Sarah on that stage with Biden, we'll see what a real debate loser looks like. She'll get roasted - if it ever happens. I'd assume Obama to do better in non-foreign policy debates. But I thought both did well, and I still honestly won't worry about either of them being president, especially considering Biden is on the ticket with Obama. Now, Palin - THAT's certainly a scary thing to me. We ALL stand to lose if that ever happens, and I really feel that way.