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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
never faced this offense...and sc defense is just as good as auburn.......there are nfl players all over this roster, guys who dont even see the wouldn't be close

do you seriously think jason campbell would come back from down double digits????? that lead would baloon

borgess is a good o.c. but not as good as chow and has nowhere near the talent as sc


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Sep 7, 2004
San Diego
Sun Tzu said:
And SO Cal Texas beat Tech by 31 that beat Call by 14 that almost beat USC ....blah...blah...blah that stuff is useless and cna be spun in any direction.

yea it's useless when you are on the wrong end of the formula :142lmao:
made that comment to UT longhorn's comment on Cal being overrated because he is tooting Texas as a number 2 team.


Senior Lurker
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Dec 7, 2001
parts unknown
Sun Tzu said:
no you miss the point - can be argued that either team is at the wrong end of the forumula - thats why it is useless

Sun Tzu,

Were you just as adamant and say that this line of thinking was "useless" when USC, Cal and the Pac-10 were getting bashed by others? Just curious. :)


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Sep 7, 2004
San Diego
Sun Tzu said:
Didnt TT, the 4th place team in the Big 12 South, just throw for over 500 yards against a defense that held USC to under 250 yards of total offense? So tell us again about those ngreat defenses USC faced this year?. :)

Sun - here is a quote from you from another thread.

A little learning is a dangerous thing, but a lot of ignorancence is just as bad.* ;)


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Sep 17, 2003
USC is a great team and number one i agree
the rest of the pac 10 is a joke though
I think everyone would agree with that


Senior Lurker
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Dec 7, 2001
parts unknown
Even though USC won the national championship, it seems that a healthy dose of anti-PAC-10 sentiment still abounds.

However, I am willing to predict that, as a result of USC's win and the attention given the Pac-10, you will see a resurgence in the conference in the next few years. What we've seen over the past two years has changed the college football landscape. More passing and a balanced attacked has replaced the option, while complex defensive schemes have minimized the effectiveness of teams that utilize the run.

Now you need the right type of athletes to do that . Cali offers that. Quality kids are in the USC program already, and more will be wanting to enter it. The same will go for USC's adversaries in the Pac-10. They will try to emulate USC and recruit kids with the knowledge that having USC on the schedule is an advantage and not a disadvantage.


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Aug 31, 2003
bbk said:
USC is a great team and number one i agree
the rest of the pac 10 is a joke though
I think everyone would agree with that
:rolleyes: still no respect? I guess the other great conferences are too much for the poor pac-10, every other scholl in the pac 10 came as close as OU did :142lmao:


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Nov 12, 2002
whats so hard about understanding this?

1) usc is the best team in college football in a landslide.

2) the pac10 as a whole is lame.

its like these west coast guys are so protective of 'their league'.
the pac10 is a lame league, but its got far and away the best team in america. whats wrong with that?

Mr Hockey

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Mar 17, 2003
Congrats on earning a national title but I'm not crowning any team legitimate champions even if it was my Gators who won it all until we see a playoff system where everyone who earns a shot, has one to win it all.

Div 1A football is a ****ing joke in terms of how a champion is crowned. No wonder why I live Div 1AA, II, & III better. They determine champions in a legitimate fashion.


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
oldschoolcapper said:
southern cal was great tonight. they took control because of mental errors and mistakes, which are part of the game.


oldschool capper --- Those mistakes and turnovers were caused by the potent overpowering defense of USC. If they were just "fluke turnovers", then why did USC capitalize no problem on every one of them?

USC would absolutely destroy Auburn. FLAT OUT!! I don't care what any homer says I will never believe otherwise. USC would have destroyed anyone last night. After your team flat out gave up in the 4th quarter the other night I wouldn't be in here mouthing off at all. Your team also flat out gave up to Tennessee too in the SEC Championship and nearly got beat by a 3rd string QB!! Can Auburn not handle a big game without it going down to the wire?

All of your posts I have read in this thread are absolutely pathetic. You are a HOMER, plain and simple and obviously not man enough to admit that your team would get their ass handed to them if they played USC.

and I wouldn't call USC beating VT by double digits IN BLACKSBURG a "struggle". I guess you would though. How much did you guys beat 'em by???

Mr Hockey

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Mar 17, 2003
Charles stop with the BS

Oklahoma's first turnover was caused by a brain cramp by an Oklahoma player

The 2nd turnover was another brain cramp throwing into a 1 vs 4 situation

The 3rd turnover was because the WR slipped on the field.

The 4th turnover was a bad exchange combined with the RB slipping

Tell me how USC caused these TO's

They won the game no doubt about that but lets be honest about some of the happenings in the game.


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
I guess USC just "out-brain-cramped" 'em then.
:142lmao: What BS!

Excuses excuses excuses!!! So if a player "braincramps" it isn't his fault? It's not a sign of lack of poise? That's pathetic and you know it.

The first turnover was due to awesome USC special teams and kicker putting that ball down on the 1 yard line and having stellar kick coverage surrounding that guy like a blanket. No wonder the guy panicked he was blanketed by Trojans.

The second turnover was caused by a dominating USC pass rush that entirely took away all facets of OUs passing game and caused White to make hurried panicked desperate moves. C'mon use your head bro.

Third turnover the guy slipped on the wet field? Funny you forget USC played on that same exact field leaving OU no excuse or advantage. You lost me on that one there. :thinking:

Bla Bla Bla....excuses excuses excuses.

Lets just say for the rediculous sake of argument that those turnovers were only "flukes"'s awful funny USC scored on every damn one of them. That's what Champions do.

USC racked up 550 yards and 55 points in 25 minutes!!!!

If there's anyone spouting out BS it's you.
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Mr Hockey

Registered User
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Mar 17, 2003
Ok try to understand this:

Oklahoma clearly looked like they never stepped on that field before the game. They were slipping & sliding all over the place.

The turnover by Bradley was NOT caused by USC, it was his own stupidity that caused it. When the WR slipped on the field, the ball was intercepted, how again did USC cause that?

When the handoff was botched combined with the guy slipping, how did USC cause that?

USC was going to win by the looks of it anyway so I'm not saying these mistakes were the reason they won, I'm just saying that OU on those specific plays hurt themselves.


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Aug 10, 1999
Just disregard any comments Mr. Hockey makes towards USC. He literally went 0-15 last night (posted in another forum) as he picked Oklahoma in every which way imaginable, so he's obviously a bit sore about USC spanking Okie.

Mr Hockey

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Mar 17, 2003
I'm not sore at all, I give USC their props. They clearly were the better team last night. I just pointed out that the first few TO's were more of Oklahoma hurting themself then USC. USC still whipped their ass though.


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Jul 3, 2004

they capitalized on the turnovers because they got the ball inside the 10 twice. did you not watch the game?

obviously you know nothing about football and haven't watched many games this year. vt and usc played in d.c. dumbass, not blacksburg. vt led most of the way and it was 14-13 with 5 minutes to go. a fluke pi call gave the momentum to sc...even sc fans will agree with that.

i don't have to prove to you that auburn could beat usc, but by the same token you can NEVER prove to me that sc could beat auburn.

when did au nearly get beat?? by tenn? give me a break. again, you didn't watch that game.


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Sep 7, 2004
San Diego
Hockey/Old school - take off the frickin blinders. You guys don't get it, so no sence in trying to justify the turnovers outcome. You guys make it seem like if there was no USC on the other side of the ball the turnovers would have happended regardless.


Senior Lurker
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Dec 7, 2001
parts unknown
Mr. Hockey --

Sometimes you make good points, sometimes you go off the deep end. For instance, concerning Bradley's mistake during the kickoff return, you are DEAD WRONG!

USC special teams DID cause the turnover. If you look at the replay, Bradley DID pick up the ball and, in fact, held onto it for a second and a half. Then the USC guy knocks the ball out of his hands and recovered the ball. If the USC special teamer did not cause the turnover, then Oklahoma would've retained possession, albeit deep in its own territory.
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