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Forum Member
May 14, 2002
i think you are right with that 800 for florida...but with the new coach Urban Meyer ..they just could be there...tuff conference to survive...i think Florida wins almost all their games..

I think ROSE BOWL Will be

if USC falters..mite see FLA/OHIO STATE versus TEXAS


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Jul 3, 2004
florida has a tough schedule next year

Tenn at home
at Bama
at LSU
at South Carolina (spurrier's already working on his game plan)
Florida St.
SEC CG if they survive that

A season like Auburn just had happens about every 5 years in the SEC. But we will see.



Senior Lurker
Forum Member
Dec 7, 2001
parts unknown
AU2001 said:
Where was that comment when Texas Tech was killing them????

Oh, that's right you were waiting until after USC won to use them as a cover for the whole conference. Nice bandwagon rider. It's always nice to see you guys come from the woodworks after a big game. Funny I never saw you earlier?

AU2001, You misunderstand me. Refering to "Cali" I meant the state of California, not the Golden Bears of Cal! California and the west coast are ripe with athletes who can excel at the next level. My point was that by USC winning the consensus national title it will hopefully improve the prestige of the school and those who play them year after year (Pac-10 conference, especially), as desirable places to land prized recruits.

I was also commenting on your previous post about those trying to discredit USC's big win over Oklahoma and their sole claim to the national title. I thought it was an extremely gracious post and deserving of kudos. It stuck out among all the other posts that still managed to cast a negative light on USC's victory and continue to bash the Pac-10.

I think we can all agree that on any given day, one team can beat another. Sure, Auburn could beat USC in a national title game, but then USC could beat Auburn. We'll never know. Let's just say that west coast brand of balling is somewhat different than that of other regions, whether it be football or basketball or volleyball.

I don't live on the west coast, nor did I go to a Pac-10 school. Quite the contrary, I spent most of my life on the east coast and went to school in the south! Not a Pac-10 homer or bandwagoneer by any means. Just pointing out that, while the Pac-10 isn't perceived to be as strong a conference as the SEC, Big XII, etc, it doesn't deserve the level of derogatory bashing that it is getting in this forum.

By the same token, where are many of those posters who have constantly used the "weakness" of the Pac-10 as ammo to bash USC and predict that Oklahoma or Auburn would crush the Trojans? Except for those select few, where are they now? You can bet if Oklahoma had beaten USC then they would've come back and posted stuff like, "I told you so. Pac-10 sucks. USC is a fraud." By them not showing their faces after the resounding USC victory, it tells me a lot.

There seems to be a regionally-based bias I have noticed, all this "my conference is better than yours" argument, and that's a shame. Because the sports landscape covers ALL of the United States, not just the east, midwest and south. We all contribute to this forum and for some to DISRESPECT a certain conference or geographic region is to disrespect those posters who live there and contribute to MadJacks.
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Senior Lurker
Forum Member
Dec 7, 2001
parts unknown
Mr Hockey said:
The system sucked & I've always said that. I was clearly stating that the big bitches who were crying about how LSU didn't deserve its spot, etc should shut up since they agreed to the system like the rest of the conferences.

I guess you are desperate to prove some point by being selective of what text you quote. Feel free & knock yourself out since I'm not bored to even entertain this game.

No, Mr 110 ways to bet a game. Never boring when you're around. Besides, I keep DREAMING about ya.

My point is that what goes around comes around. Many of those bitching about Auburn not getting a title shot this year are those same people who didn't give a rat's ass about USC being left out last year. :rolleyes: "Oh, the system worked, though it's flawed....Too bad, so sad", basically were the prevailing sentiments.

Besides, if the system did "suck", as you put it, then why were you writing that LSU was deserving of National Championship status and the #1 ranking last year? It sure sounded like you crowned LSU as "legitimate national champions", and relegated USC to mere "AP champions". Does the BCS system work now as it did back then? Are you a company man, or one who questions authority? Hard for me to tell since contradictions abound in your posts.
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under par
Forum Member
Dec 3, 2004
Birmingham AL
OK, Gecko, point taken. Don't mean to be regionally biased, but the Pac-10 this year was extremely subpar in my opinion. I never used that opinion to say USC wasn't a good football team, but rather to show how Auburn had played just as tough of a schedule as USC, because of our tough in-conference opponents, compared to USC's schedule of weak Pac-10 teams.


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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
It just keeps getting comical:

SC's schedule of weak Pac-10 teams???

Stanford lost by 3
Cal lost by 6
ASU lost by38
UW lost by 38
Wazzu lost by 30
OSU lost by 8
UA lost by 40
UCLA lost by 5

and the #2 ranked team from the "toughest conference ever in the history of NCAA football"......lost by 36 (lucky it wasn't 46)

i'd say that most of the teams sc beat in the pac-10 played sc MUCH tougher than OU.

My main point of contention is that the pac-10 is considered "weak" and that is treated as "fact".....WHY? where is the outcry that the Big-12 was weak.....OU ran the table in that conf yet still got hammered by a pac-10 team worse than half the teams in the pac-10.

end of story, i'll hear the same idiotic logic come ncaa tourney time about all the west coast hoops teams.

Mr Hockey

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Mar 17, 2003
I think you would find alot of people who though the Big 12 was an overrated conference. I felt the SEC was the toughest from top to bottom. The Big 10 is a bitch to play in as well. The ACC has a bright future.


under par
Forum Member
Dec 3, 2004
Birmingham AL
gjn23, in case you can't tell from the AU in AU2001 , I am an Auburn Alumnus, and non one has beaten my tigers and the only teams that came within 3 points of my team were LSU and Va Tech, both of who were ranked in the top 10 when we played them. They finished ranked #16 and #10 respectively. And they would have both been ranked in the top 10 now without a fluke hail mary from Iowa!!! So yap all you want about OU, I think the Big 12 is overrated too.

The Pac-10 is WEAK. Even though the great USC trojans struggled to beat Cal, Ore. St., UCLA, and a pathetic 4-7 Stanford team. So I could care less about how bad SC beat a much overhyped OU team, SC never played the best defense in the country, but struggled against some of the weakest in your own PATHETICALLY WEAK conference.

Get this through your head, no matter how great you think USC is, the Pac-10 is a weak, soft conference to go undefeated in!!!

USC beating OU does not make the Pac-10 any stronger. It only makes the big 12 look overrated.
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under par
Forum Member
Dec 3, 2004
Birmingham AL

tit for tat...

la-monroe is ranked ahead of washington
la-tech is ranked ahead of wash., ariz., and stanford.

the only difference is we blew all three out by 30+

USC beat Stanford by a field impressive.

good night.


Forum Member
May 14, 2002
Auburn couldn't beat USC on any given Saturday...although i'd say it would be closer than the mythical oklahoma.

Auburn is ranked # 2 and should be..Face facts USC is the best. I'm not so sure Auburn is better than UTAH..


under par
Forum Member
Dec 3, 2004
Birmingham AL
You cannot prove that USC is better than Auburn because they never played. That is a FACT.

USC is better than Auburn, that is an OPINION.

Learn the difference.


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Aug 13, 2004
USC never played Penn State. Therefore, it is only an OPINION that USC is better than Penn State.

But here is a FACT: USC is the undisputed national champion. It sucks to get so close and not make it, but blame your AD for the weak non-conf schedule and blame your coach for such a piss-poor 2003 season that you guys started out way back in the pack in 2004.


under par
Forum Member
Dec 3, 2004
Birmingham AL
flapjack said:
USC never played Penn State. Therefore, it is only an OPINION that USC is better than Penn State.

That's a great comparison for argument considering that Penn St. is 4-7, not 13-0, as both Auburn and USC are.

Also, for those of you like mr. flapjack, who are uninformed, Auburn originally had Bowling Green and Georgia Tech on our schedule, and both bailed out late and did not give AU enough time to reschedule any quality opponents to replace them, as most quality programs had their schedules cemented.

But again, a great argument with the Penn State comment, Matlock.


Forum Member
May 14, 2002
Yeah,but you can't prove USC is better than Penn State ..they never played :142lmao:



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Forum Member
Aug 13, 2004
I am informed about those teams dropping off the schedule - bottom line, it is your AD's responsibility to schedule and what he was able to come up with was pathetic so quite whinning.


under par
Forum Member
Dec 3, 2004
Birmingham AL
flapjack said:
I am informed about those teams dropping off the schedule - bottom line, it is your AD's responsibility to schedule and what he was able to come up with was pathetic so quite whinning.

quite whinning?

Why don't you go back to school and get your GED before you post. That way you can at least spell your dumb comments correctly. OK?

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