Twisting words this early in the morning? I'll give you one thing, you're consistent.
Different degrees of perjury depending on who I like. I didn't say that. You and I both know thats a right wing thing.
I said, different degrees of perjury depending on what it is your lying about. A bj, 5 year old saying "I didn't do nuthin", 65 saying he slept with you,..... no big deal. Outing a CIA agent.... big deal.
Again, Wayne, I'm a moderate civil litigator. Frankly quited versed in the truth. As far a who I really am, why does that matter. Why is it that you consider your business solicitations a badge of honor or some other statement about your character and veracity.
There are plenty of valid reasons why people do not use there real identity on forums that are viewed by hundreds of people every day. Frankly you are one of the few that doesn't cloak his identity.
Why? I don't know nor do I care. But I was going to go to AC several years ago. Jmizeus knows who I am cause he needed Reds tix. Jack of course. Even numbskulls like Saint would have known who I was if he took me up on my offer for UC tickets a couple of weeks ago.
For that matter, I'd meet any Madjacker (except Dr. Freeze and Vyrus) if they came here to the Queen City for a cocktail and a cigar (they must buy of course). I'm not hiding behind a screen. I'd rather remain anonymous to the vast majority of morons who post here on a daily basis. Thats only using your head.
As far as your support documentation goes, I've said it a million times before, you can find support for any wacked out, radical, psychotic thing you want on the internet. We all know most of your "support documentation" comes from the Wall Street Journal editorial page, the National Review, the National Enquireror some other right wing teen porn site.
Hell, Wayne yesterday in the paper they showed a picture of some tree that some people (obviously well balanced) claimed they saw a picture of Jesus in the bark. I mean really. You can find anything you want to support any position you want nowadays. Means nothing.
I don't post links, cites from Liberal Lawyers for Lenin, Attorneys for the Subversion of America, or other crap I find on the internet for several reasons including that stated above. That is, I don't have the time to find it, read it and post it, its not gospel, and it really doesnt' matter.
Is the source persuasive? Sometimes. I mean you take your Fox News stuff and claim it can't be challenged. I think I'm a little more discerning with my NPR stuff but again, all this proves is that this country is divided and you and I live in different Americas.
Hopefully one day you will see that I am right and you are wrong, but alas, such hope is flickering in the late autumn twilight. Remember to set your clocks back tomorow night when you get back from the diner with the Mrs. and are digesting that sweet tater pie.
I can see you tomorrow night sitting across from Mrs. Dogs in the booth at the diner, tater pie hanging from the corners of your mouth, pointing your fork at her saying, "Its them damn liberals in DC that arrested that Carl Robe and Libbie Scooter." "All cus of that damn Bill Clinton."
The scene fades out with Mrs. Dogs quietly nodding her head in polite, and fearful, agreement.