recovery summer?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
I can't agree with the insurance. Healthy people live longer and are more of a drain on Health Care for a longer time.


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Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
On this issue, I agree 100%. The cost of insurance should mirror the risk you have of claims.

Which is why I was astounded by 2 pieces in Obamacare - charging the same for each gender (women cost much more than men before age 50, then men cost more), and not allowing the cost of insurance by age to accurately reflect the costs (Obamacare put a maximum of a 3-1 differential, which means young people, who typically make a smaller income, will be vastly overpaying for their insurance based on the claims they will have, and older people will vastly underpay for their insurance, even though they typically have higher incomes as they get further on the career curve).

So much of Obamacare is non-sensical. Which is why it still needs to be repealed and replaced (even after all this time, there still is 55% that would repeal it).

Oh yes, Obamacare won't allow you to charge people more for being overweight, lazy, or drinking tons of alcohol. The only thing you can charge more for is smoking.

Guess which will lead to more healthcare costs by the age of 65: obesity or smoking? You got it - obesity by a long shot. Wait until 75% of our kids, once they hit age 30, are diabetics due to their diet and how fat they are.

How many skinny kids do you see today? Remember when we grew up - almost every kid was stick thin, with the exeception of a few fatties. Today, the stick thin kid is the freak, and everyone is a fatty....

Actually up here I see a ton of skinny kids but back to the point.. I have not read all of Os health care and would like to see the whole damn thing, I do believe in the basis of universal health care if done right though.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
I can't agree with the insurance. Healthy people live longer and are more of a drain on Health Care for a longer time.

I would have to check that out but I also added the age into it. As you get older your premiums would have to go up..

Sick people are living longer and longer these days, but I was being more outrageous than anything.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
I can't agree with the insurance. Healthy people live longer and are more of a drain on Health Care for a longer time.

StevieD - dead people typically do not pay health premiums, so healthier people, while they live longer, tend to subsidize the sick for many years.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Dick Durben - IL Senator (very liberal, but very impressive man who gets his points across without being a Dick)

Nathan Deal - Governor, GA.

That was easy.

Nathan Deal is a fawking Republican Mags

holy chit

And not only that but he is a slimy no good rat bastid who uses his political power to gain money
for his land deals and his family.


just fawking wow
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