Scott Peterson arrested.....


Forum Member
May 14, 2002


i have to put that avatar up there too:
Coffee is for closers. ABC-always be closing.Great acting in that movie.

Al Pacino ,Ed Harris.Alan Arkin-Jack Lemmon ( but what about my daughter) LOL Kevin spacey-just like talking to salesman..LOL

Great Avatar :lol:
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Saw that also AR bout the other preganant women found decapitated.
Agree with Loop this will be far from slam dunk. I think it it possible prosectuers may have jumped gun prior to getting ducks in a row,and if I was defense attorney I'd be wanting "speedy" trial,before they do.


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Jul 14, 1999
scott, so long as your discussion of this subject is civil, i'm certainly willing to debate it with you. before i respond to the points you raised, i'll invite you again to suggest to me how the state will be able to prove that this death was a homicide. it is a major obstacle in the case.

as for the points you raise:

- as to the timing of the arrest vs the identifying of the body, that is a nonissue. if you will note, i suggested the authorities hoped peterson would run after the bodies were found, not id'd. the timing of the id is not important. one would assume that, if peterson was the killer, he would be fairly confident that the bodies were his wife and child unless one asssumes that their could be more thatn one pregnant corpse floating around san francisco bay at the same time. if i was the killer i don't think my mind would consider that a reasonable possibility.

- as to the goatee and hair color change, how many male twenty-somethings grow goatees or change their hair color annually these days? more than half? have you seen the before and after pictures of peterson? do you really think he altered his appearance?

- do you really think it is significant that a person who fishes in the ocean has current tide charts of his locality on his computer? i fish regularly and there are tide charts on my computer and on my boat. as for traces of concrete on his boat, as authorities have pointed out, thre are a variety of boating anchors or other accessories that such traces could come from. the slam dunk would be finding similar traces imbedded in laci's body.

-i'm listening to a couple on gm america who were friends of the petersons, and the husband is telling of scott calling him on xmas eve about formalizing plans for the couples to spend new years eve together. kind of strange for a man who has just murdered his wife.

scott, let me be overt in the message i'm trying to communicate here. i don't know if scott peterson killed his wife or not, and neither do you. what we both know about this case has been filtered, colored, retold, manipulated and otherwise fashioned by authorities, media, peterson apologists and others to suit whatever their particular agendas may be. you simply should not judge a man before you know the true facts. you seem obsessed in having some ability to know the unknowable, whether it is the ultimate outcome of this case or the outcome of a titfd play. do you believe you are possessed of some psychic power that enables you to just "know" things. why do you want to wager with me on an event that, at this point in time, cannot be predicted with any certainty? pard, that just ain't my style of wagering. you show traits of that type of individual that both defense attorneys and prosecutors try to keep off of juries, that is to say, a person who brings his own prejudices and preconceptions into the jury box and is unwilling to put those things aside and judge objectively from the evidence. i suggest it is something you should give some thought to.


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Feb 4, 2003
Movin back to Cali!


I am so absolutely disgusted with Scott Petersen and this whole thing, that I feel like vomiting every time I see another newsclip about it. I grew up in Modesto, and went to one of the (then it was 4) high schools in that town (I went to High School with Chandra Levy... she was in my journalism class!). Granted, it's not San Francisco, but everyone knew Modesto was a great suburban, middle-class place to raise your kids and be close enough to the Bay Area for great jobs and fun. Now, everyone thinks its the murder capital of the world.

My dad used to be a member of the country club Scott played at... and I am GLAD the members there had the decency to buy out his membership! Good Riddance! That's like teeing off with O.J.!

I didn't know Laci, but it just literally burns my eyes that she would ever have hooked up with a scumbag like Scott Petersen (just goes to show... sometimes you don't really know who the person is you are sleeping next to!). From day one he has been so emotionally vacant ... if it were MY wife and unborn child, I would be screaming and howling every moment of my life until I got them back... I CERTAINLY would not SELL her car and SELL OUR HOME! That is the act of a guilty man... selling your home?? If you knew she was dead for certain, okay. But if you supposedly thought she was "missing" and was still handing out flyers for her "return"??

Just looking at those two Christmas photos... one with Laci and then 10 days later with the mistress? I hope they DONT keep him in solitary and all the big, burly jailed cons decide to make him the dessert of the week.

Can he get a fair trial? Who freaking cares?! Someone who goes FISHING the DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS, leaving their 8 mo. old pregnant wife alone is completely responsible for whatever happens thereafter, even if he DIDN'T do it (which is highly unlikely!) :mad:


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl

Get ahold of yourself! Modesto has clearly become one of the most dangerous places to live in the whole country. Sometimes things change for the worse, you just have to accept that. Just because the guy wanted to catch a few fish on Christmas Eve is no reason to hang him. Maybe he was doing it so they could eat fish for dinner, thereby saving money for baby expenses. Ya ever think of THAT?


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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
The timing of the other murder would be of interest in this case. If it occurred in 2002 as suggested, maybe Scott was making a trial run. After all, statistics prove that murders of random victims are difficult to solve. The fact that a similar crime was committed in close proximity seems to lend itself to a certain degree of "reasonable doubt" that could be exploited by a skillful attorney such as Eddie Haskell. Obviously, this premise borders on the ridiculous, but it is always fun to speculate on what goes on in the minds of people like the "alleged" murderer Peterson.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i think

i think

loophole`s arguments make the point that it is extremely difficult to prosecute a murder case in this country....even if you have an eyewitness,that person had better be beyond reproach....because he will become the person on trial....

a good lawyer could argue whether the next white car coming down the street is actually black....but,a solid defense is his right...

circumstantially,even the hardcore on this board have to admit,the guy looks as guilty as sin...

expect there to be some issues raised on the legal modalities of the worked pretty well with o.j......that was a prime example of legal defense run amuck....and the power of a jury with it`s own agenda......i doubt that scott will have that advantage(in terms of the jury)....


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Forum Member
Feb 4, 2003
Movin back to Cali!
re: Kosar

re: Kosar

Yeah, he probably needed to fish so he could save money for the:

1) New Car
2) New Boat
3) New House
4) New Baby
5) New Mistress

All of that can be a bit expensive, so I can agree with you on that one. Don't come between a man and his fish. Just ask Ironlock.


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Forum Member
Feb 4, 2003
Movin back to Cali!
re: loophole, gardenweasel

re: loophole, gardenweasel

Oh no doubt I will bet that he gets off. The justice system is so massively foobared at this point that it wouldn't suprise me. But I have no doubt that if he IS released from all wrongdoing, his life will be a living hell. No matter what, he'll get his just desserts... whether it is in prison, out of prison, or after life.

Just curious... why is it he can't afford to retain an attorney when he had close to $10k in his bag?

To reply to a previous point... just because he calls friends to "finalize" NYE plans doesn't mean he didn't do it. It might be manslaughter where he argued with her, or perhaps it was spur of the moment thing. Even if it wasn't manslaughter, are you saying that he isn't capeable of the calculated, cold intelligence it would take to cover his own ass by making those NYE plans?


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Re: Disgusted

Re: Disgusted

Megami said:
I am so absolutely disgusted with Scott Petersen and this whole thing, that I feel like vomiting every time I see another newsclip about it.

I am so with your feelings on this Megami. Agree with everything you said.

And when he is apprehended he has, the 10K, his brothers ID with him, and a application for a passport. The reason he don't have his own passport is the authorities took his. He grows a goatee and dyes his hair to change his appearance as he looks alot like his brother. Easier to get a new ID when you change like that.

My only wish would be that Loophole was defending this case and I was elected the jury foreman.

Of course I would probably not make it on the jury because of the following type conversation :

Loophole - Juror # 21 state your name for us here.

Juror #21 - King of Dogs

Loophole - What is your occupation ?

Juror #21 - Nominee for a Supreme Court appointment.

Loophole - Do you bring any prejudice or malice aforethought into these proceedings ?

Juror#21 - Nope

Loophole - What do you think of when I state that Scott Peterson was a family man who went fishing on Christmas Eve leaving his pregnant wife home alone?

Juror#21 - I think of his ass frying in the electric chair.

Hope that helps

King of Dogs
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Forum Member
Jul 14, 1999
guys, guys, ease up. the amount of venom that this guy provokes from people just surprises me. everyone needs to understand that if everything that has been in the media amounted to all the evidence that the state presented at the trial of this case, a judge would not let a jury decide guilt or innocence but instead would dismiss the prosecution at the close of the state's case for lack of evidence. the amount of publicity in this matter has compelled the da to charge this case long before he would have wanted to under ordinary circumstances.

as to the $10k, him having the money in his gym bag at torrey pines cc is consistent with what i have heard, that the guy hustles golf for fairly sustantial stakes. i think that is why he still gets invited to play at the swank southern california clubs.

as to hiring an attorney for this case with that money, i can assure you no criminal trial attorney qualified to take this case would touch it for less than a six digit fee.

this guy may be guily, he may be innocent, but i tell you there's just no way to know from what has been reported in the media. i have noted the lack of any reporting of any history of domestic violence between the two petersons, ala o.j. i say that because domestic homicides very seldom occur in a vacuum; there is always some history of domestic violence that precedes the killing. i have heard none of that in this case. instead what i heard in the beginning from her parents and everyone else is that this guy was a saint of a husband. all that changed with the news of his affair, but still not a whisper of any violent history between the two.

hey eddie haskell, where are ya? it's pretty lonely out here in the world of criminal defense. you gonna leave me out here twisting in the wind by myself?


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Nov 9, 2000
megami, i understand your feelings for this guy, my wife feels the same way. we can all agree that scott peterson is an uncaring creep.but because he doesn't show the type of behavior that one would expect if a spouse is killed doesn't make him guilty.however, after saying that i think the cops have more evidence than they are publically saying.

i sat through the whole oj case ( taking care of my sick mother) & i remember all the pre-trial publicity & pre-trial conviction of oj. but as we all know a trial is not won in the press.i feel to this day that oj did kill his wife & goldman, but after watching the trial i feel that oj's defense team did raise some doubts about his guilt.however oj had better attorney's than the da had & right now scott peterson probably does not have better attorney's than the da will have for this case.imo, that is a major factor in these type of cases.

i have heard that peterson has said many times to various people that chlorine from a pool had changed the color of his hair. but i heard this morning that a hair stylist from san diego has admitted to dying peterson's hair.if that is true then why would peterson lie about this ? it is another factor that makes him look guilty.


i didn't realize that was the reason why hoops has the picture of alec baldwin.i agree that glengarry glenrose was a great movie. this movie touched a personal note for me because it was filmed in my office in brooklyn & the chinese restaurant, in the movie, was a converted jewish bakery.i was in sales at the time & the actions of the characters in this movie is very similar to the people that i had contact with in my field.i have a few photo's of the actors from that movie.


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Aug 21, 2001
Mt. Prospect, IL

Don't worry. He won't be getting off. The cops have kept their mouths shut....they took over 100 items from his house. The charge is PREMEDITATED murder. I don't think they'd go there unless they had stuff like receipts for weights and concrete and stuff that we aren't aware of. Besides, without a decent attorney, he's really swimming upstream (bad pun I guess)

Concrete residue in the boat; just another coincidence I suppose. And supposedly his friends didn't even know he had a boat or was into fishing. And there was no evidence any of the fishing gear was even used. A guy like that who lives for golf; what's he gonna do with a boat?

People look at any one piece of circumstantial evidence, like the affair or changing his appearance, and say it isn't enough to prove he's guilty. They're right. But when you add up 20 or more "bizarre coincidences" even the most naive person would say this m.f. is guilty.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 9, 2003
Canton, Ohio
Re: Re: Disgusted

Re: Re: Disgusted

Scott-Atlanta said:

Of course I would probably not make it on the jury because of the following type conversation :

Loophole - Juror # 21 state your name for us here.

Juror #21 - King of Dogs

Loophole - What is your occupation ?

Juror #21 - Nominee for a Supreme Court appointment.

Loophole - Do you bring any predudice or malice aforethought into these proceedings ?

Juror#21 - Nope

Loophole - What do you think of when I state that Scott Peterson was a family man who went fishing on Christmas Eve leaving his pregnant wife home alone?

Juror#21 - I think of his ass frying in the electric chair.



el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
wasn`t taking a shot at you, loop

wasn`t taking a shot at you, loop

you brought up many of the issues that,i`m sure,scott`s lawyer will bring up.....unfortunately,i`m beginning to believe the absolute most important part of a trial is jury selection....

we all have our personal bias`and that can be a difficult nut to crack....anybody that dibn`t think the o.j. trial was an absolute case of jury nullification,well, i don`t want to insult anybody....race played an enormous part in that verdict...period(sorry if that`s not politically correct....sometimes the truth ain`t pretty.....martha clark and her partner were lousy at rhymes and limericks.....whataya` gonna do?)...

all it takes is one contrarian on the jury to feck up a verdict.....unfortunately for scott,he has portrayed himself as such an unsympathetic character,his attorneys may not find that one kindred soul....


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Valuist said:

People look at any one piece of circumstantial evidence, like the affair or changing his appearance, and say it isn't enough to prove he's guilty. They're right. But when you add up 20 or more "bizarre coincidences" even the most naive person would say this m.f. is guilty.

:yup :yup :yup

Exactly Valuist ! There comes a point where you say wait a minute this guy is so guilty.

People like Loophole and kosar apparantly are incapable of seeing the forest for the trees. In order to do it you have to be a good judge of character.

King of Dogs


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Scott-Atlanta said:

:yup :yup :yup

Exactly Valuist ! There comes a point where you say wait a minute this guy is so guilty.

People like Loophole and kosar apparantly are incapable of seeing the forest for the trees. In order to do it you have to be a good judge of character.

King of Dogs

Yes Scott,

I was being totally serious when I said that he went fishing to save money for the baby.

That said, loophole is exactly right in that unless they have more than they have shown, they are going to have a real difficult time prosecuting this case, especially as a double capital murder. From what we've been shown, there is virtually no evidence that he did this.

Don't get me wrong, and I hate to say this, but I really do hope they have more and convict that arrogant asshole(with the accompanying evidence that we haven't seen, obviously). However, with only the evidence given us so far, there is almost no hope to get a conviction, public defender on his side or not. And that's the way it should be. Prove it or lose it, ya know?


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Im still going to wait till they say the guy is guilty the proper way. Chit where in the hell can he even get a fair trial. The 10 gand story on golf same as reported on fox. But there was a twist. Something about he got some money back for a member ship? I did not catch what the heck they were saying.
I don't think he was going to Mexico. Even 10 grand does not last long there. And it seems he was in Mexico three weeks ago but did not stay? Again I only got part of what was being said. But chit waveing at the police everyday. He thinks he should try for Mexico? Some how this case is built on many if's. And the two ladies that are dead certain they saw her walking the dog around 10:20 am on 24th. Are they both changing there stories.
They better or the theory of Laci dieing on the 23rd or very early the 24 is shot. Believe he was on the way to fish by 9:30 am.


Forum Member
May 14, 2002
What about the other headless corpse of a pregnant woman that was found ? Did Peterson do that one too ? Do the police check into the similarities? How come this second womans death is swept under the carpet? Can we have a trial before we convict ?

What scares me is yes maybe this guy is a sleezeball and maybe he did it but what if he didn't and ya got people running around pointing their accusation fingers and before they have all the facts saying he's guilty! There is one gumshoe here that needs to see the evidence but dosen't care cause he knows the guy did it!
People like that scare me too !

Ar182-- very interesting info and what a coincidence !

Al Pacino- Oh Yes, i confess, i did it ! LOL:eek:
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