Scott Peterson arrested.....


Forum Member
Glad this thread is civilized w/such a 'hot' topic. Megami I'm in line behind you. Loopy, (to use Scott's vernacular), I understand your position and it is a hard one to take, seems like these trials are not at all about finding the truth. Did you see where O.J. is in talks for commentary on the Blake murder trial not to mention a reality TV show? F*ck- Truth is stranger than fiction. Does anyone believe deep down that this type of person was railroaded by Police or -gasp- even a role model? Hope the jurors in the Simpson case sleep well seeing this in the news. Guess it does all come out in the end or seems to most of the time.
Reports out here say Scott P. was an arrogant ass who waved & taunted Police. Well they have to segregate him from the rest of the jail's population so I think he is getting to know how it feels. Just hope some semblence of the truth came be revealed. Remember the Danille Van Dam murder trial? Westerfield's Atty @ one point tried to argue against an additional kidnapping charge because he had already killed her in the house before removing the body. Not to mention negotiating w/Police on a lesser charge before the public found her body, i.e., his Lawyer knew his client at least had info on where her corpse was dumped. OMFG- what the parents and loved ones have to endure. No I respect you Loopy, Eddie & others, but no way could I do your job. I admire your integrity and believe you are representing your ideals. I also believe innocent people don't act the aforementioned. Good Luck w/the facts.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
kosar said:

Yes Scott,

I was being totally serious when I said that he went fishing to save money for the baby.

That said, loophole is exactly right in that unless they have more than they have shown, they are going to have a real difficult time prosecuting this case, especially as a double capital murder. From what we've been shown, there is virtually no evidence that he did this.

However, with only the evidence given us so far, there is almost no hope to get a conviction, public defender on his side or not. And that's the way it should be. Prove it or lose it, ya know?

OK kosar I agree with what you are saying in all this. And if the police are real smart they have not given the press any of their real evidence. I dont think they are that stupid. If they did we would see it run over and over on CNN and the police could stand around looking dumb.

So who is the one person that is most responisible for making sure that killers do not get away with murder ?

I would say that will be the District Attorneys office. Lets hope we got a good DA on this case. The DA office is where all the important decisions are made about cases such as this. Alot of things can go wrong and it can become a circus, but my money would have to be with the Prosecution.

King of Dogs


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
loophole said:

hey eddie haskell, where are ya? it's pretty lonely out here in the world of criminal defense. you gonna leave me out here twisting in the wind by myself?

If eddie haskell shows up you will no longer twist in the wind, you will be wound around it.

I have had haskell busy on some important legal work lately.

I find his rates very reasonable if not downright cheap ! But don't tell him that I said that.

King of Dogs


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
ferdville said:
Scott - I thought you paid those parking tickets????



One was actually a speeding ticket. I think Haskell may have tried to pull a fast one on me. We spoke over cell phones.

King of Dogs - Haskell did you take care of the speeding ticket I gave you last week ?

Haskell - Huh........Uhhh..........Oh yeh that I am going to need about three hundred clams to grease some palms.

King of Dogs - Grease some palms what is that about ?
you mean you need some cash right Eddie ?

Haskell - Well yeh I am a little short this week.

This might be enough to at least get him in here so we can hear his retort about the Killer Scott Peterson.

King of Dogs


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Feb 4, 2003
Movin back to Cali!
email from modesto pal

email from modesto pal

Just in case if anyone cares, I thought I'd post this. It's from one of my best friends from Modesto. Pardon her language and enthusiasm. She is what you would call a "typical california girl"... cute, blonde, peppy, and a little too exuberant at times. Even when talking about serious situations.

"I totally think that Scott Peterson is guilty....he's such a jerk!! My
mom said that the street they lived on was blocked because the flowers went all the way out to the street. People just hang out there sometimes and hold vigils and show their support. I think it's neat that everyone is so thoughtful for their family. It is just so sad... everyone in Modesto is so upset and its like they are in mourning. mom saw John Walsh yesterday in downtown Modesto!!!!! He was shooting an episode of his show just one block away from my mom's bank!! She was so happy....they were there with Chandra's parents. Weird that they would be doing something on Chandra when this Laci thing is going on. They asked her to sit inside for the taping, but she was just on her 15 min break, so she was bummed! But she said that the traffic has been horrible around the Courthouse, and there's always journalists roaming around everywhere, stalling traffic and the like. I hope it gets back to normal soon, though."
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