Serious question about a speeding ticket


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Hawg Country
I see both sides. If I were the officer, I doubt I would issue the ticket every time. It would depend on the driver, meaning his or her age and experience, any passengers, time of day, etc...., but that is just because I am who I am, can't help it. However, if I am to expect officers to do their job correctly as I am wont to do than the law is the law, that person broke it, they get a ticket. I do think a written warning could suffice as well but all things considered........yeah they deserved it.

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So now you are saying it would just depend on what mood you are in? What is your deciding factor? Whether they are black or white? Give me a break this response totally rebukes all of your other piss poor arguments.


Jack's Mentor
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Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
Me: (license and registration ready when he gets to my car) Sorry, I didn't realize I was speeding until I saw you. I'll make sure it never happens again, officer. (shuts up)

I have a much better chance of getting a warning than the driver in your example.


So it's better to lie......Gotcha........:0003


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
The driving here is the craziest thing I have ever seen in my 61 years. Absolute insanity.

I don't know the stats at all but there has to be way more accidents per car on the road than in the US. If I'm wrong with that assumption, I will be totally surprised.

It's crazy. No laws are observed. None.

It is like that throughout the 3rd world. Some of scariest driving i have been involved in was a 2+ hour ride to jaco from the airport


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
This gets the driver a ticket every fucking time.

Me: (license and registration ready when he gets to my car) Sorry, I didn't realize I was speeding until I saw you. I'll make sure it never happens again, officer. (shuts up)

I have a much better chance of getting a warning than the driver in your example.


No question about it. Smartassing cops is a bad idea


Thread banned
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Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
With Pug's explanation it looks like 100% are in favor of laws being enforced and the ticket being issued even if the law is stupid and no harm is done.

My guess is the majority of the population would agree with this decision, but what is the purpose of the law? Isn't it to keep people safe? Everyone was safe, driver is very skilled, speed limit is a joke and nobody was hurt.

Still, everyone feels like the ticket should be issued?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2004
Jaco, Costa Rica
With Pug's explanation it looks like 100% are in favor of laws being enforced and the ticket being issued even if the law is stupid and no harm is done.

My guess is the majority of the population would agree with this decision, but what is the purpose of the law? Isn't it to keep people safe? Everyone was safe, driver is very skilled, speed limit is a joke and nobody was hurt.

Still, everyone feels like the ticket should be issued?

The purpose of the law is to generate revenue, not safety. That is what I was talking about above. What you want is a different system where actual harm is punished. I agree but that's not what the current system is.


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Jul 13, 1999
With Pug's explanation it looks like 100% are in favor of laws being enforced and the ticket being issued even if the law is stupid and no harm is done.

My guess is the majority of the population would agree with this decision, but what is the purpose of the law? Isn't it to keep people safe? Everyone was safe, driver is very skilled, speed limit is a joke and nobody was hurt.

Still, everyone feels like the ticket should be issued?

Maybe if you go to court and explain that to the judge, he might cut you some slack. :SIB


Urban Achiever
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2009
This gets the driver a ticket every fucking time.

Me: (license and registration ready when he gets to my car) Sorry, I didn't realize I was speeding until I saw you. I'll make sure it never happens again, officer. (shuts up)

I have a much better chance of getting a warning than the driver in your example.


Never admit guilt. Especially if you plan to fight it in court.

You could say "I didn't realize I was speeding" without admitting to anything.


Thread banned
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Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
Maybe if you go to court and explain that to the judge, he might cut you some slack. :SIB

I think you are 100% correct here, as long as the judge works for the FBI, you change the drivers name to Hillary Clinton and change the charge to illegally storing e-mail of a secure nature on a personal server.

So many parallels, yet it's funny that 100% of the people in here agreed with the speeding ticket and again, I think that would be close to the percentage if you polled the entire population of the country. Yet, when you change the scenario and make it about someone they support people will change their opinion despite the criteria being very similar.

Was anyone hurt in either case? No
Was a law broken? Yes
Could someone have been hurt? Yes
Did you vote the speeder got a ticket? Yes
Do you think Hillary should be in jail????????????

Funny how our society works, yet in either case those that support either side will be 100% convinced they are right and you will not change their minds.

This really isn't meant to be political, I just found it interesting that the same individual (and I have met several that qualify) would say Hillary did not deserve prosecuted yet the speeder deserved the ticket. Personally I don't see how it can be both ways, but it is in our country.

Facts, will never matter, only personal perception and opinion when making decisions. People look out for themselves no matter what and it's a shame.

Before this gets dumped into the abyss of the political forum let me again assure you it isn't politically motivated. I don't care for Hillary but I could not imagine Trump running the place either. We are screwed beyond recognition no matter who you vote for.

Thank you for playing along.


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
With Pug's explanation it looks like 100% are in favor of laws being enforced and the ticket being issued even if the law is stupid and no harm is done.

My guess is the majority of the population would agree with this decision, but what is the purpose of the law? Isn't it to keep people safe? Everyone was safe, driver is very skilled, speed limit is a joke and nobody was hurt.

Still, everyone feels like the ticket should be issued?

You are not the determining factor as to whether a law is "stupid" or not. As a society, we have already determined that the law is necessary.

Can I fire a gun down a crowded street as long as "no one is harmed"?


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Jul 13, 1999
You are not the determining factor as to whether a law is "stupid" or not. As a society, we have already determined that the law is necessary.

Can I fire a gun down a crowded street as long as "no one is harmed"?

Suppose you're a qualified sharp shooter. :shrug:

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la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000
Suppose you're a qualified sharp shooter. :shrug:

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Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
Speed limit through a mostly residential area, but not a neighborhood so to speak, is 35 MPH and Driver X gets pulled over for doing 55 MPH. Cop explains the situation and without a doubt the driver was doing 55 MPH, this is not debatable, driver knows how fast he was going.

Driver explains he knew the speed limit but also knows the speed limit is a joke as 55 MPH is safe through that area.

all I need to read...

pay the fine...slow down..


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
my opinion - driver gets a ticket, without a second thought.

selective enforcement of rules and laws is the quickest way to get rid of anyone following the rules and laws.

Throw a few drinks in the driver and have him drive down the road. No one has been hurt, but the driver better get nailed for DUI.


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
This gets the driver a ticket every fucking time.

Me: (license and registration ready when he gets to my car) Sorry, I didn't realize I was speeding until I saw you. I'll make sure it never happens again, officer. (shuts up)

I have a much better chance of getting a warning than the driver in your example.


I log 30K+ miles a year for work, and I'm a lead foot. I drive as fast as I think I can in whatever the speed zones are without being reckless and have been pulled over at least 6 times in the last 2 years. I have received exactly ONE speeding ticket during that time as I do exactly as you mention in your comment.
Does it matter that I'm a well dressed, middle aged white man driving a newer, fairly expensive car? That's an argument for another thread.
All I know is having a DL, an insurance card and my registration in my hand when the cop comes to my window-with my hands in his sight lines-- certainly doesn't hurt my cause any.


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
The driving here is the craziest thing I have ever seen in my 61 years. Absolute insanity.

I don't know the stats at all but there has to be way more accidents per car on the road than in the US. If I'm wrong with that assumption, I will be totally surprised.

It's crazy. No laws are observed. None.

Try driving an unfamiliar car in a city of over 2 million people with very few traffic lights and no signage anywhere.
This was in Izmir, Turkey. I figure I can survive that, anywhere else in the world will be a piece of cake.
Not looking forward to remembering to drive on the wrong side of the road in Ireland next July, however....:0023


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
So now you are saying it would just depend on what mood you are in? What is your deciding factor? Whether they are black or white? Give me a break this response totally rebukes all of your other piss poor arguments.
First off, thanks for the kind words. Have we met, had any prior discourse here or anywhere else? Did you know not all dogs are born with dew claws? One of my dogs has them on all four legs. I don't know whether it's a hindrance or help to her daily existence as we haven't discussed it and I don't speak bark. To be honest, I've never really thought about her dew claws and their value to her until I started to respond to your post. Why do you think that is?

Did you read anywhere in my post where I stated anything about my mood being a contributing factor? You made that up all by yourself.
You know what I did read in my post? I read where I clearly stated the factors that would go into my decision making on the topic "if" I were a cop, which I'm not. I believe I went on to say that it is my nature to allow for mitigating factors to enter into my decision making. At no point did I allude to a single deciding factor, and I certainly didn't bring up fucking race. That's all you my negro.
I made an observation as to what my actions might be in a purely speculative situation. I even went so far as to acknowledge my past references to my personal expectations from law enforcement. What I came up with is that my reasoning and reaction would not be to consistently issue the ticket without regard to the relative factors, however, if we aren't allowing for speculation or an open and honest discussion and honoring only the letter of the law then the imaginary driver is deserving of the imaginary citation. Everything I just said can be easily explained by prefacing any speculative argument with the statement, "I see both sides", which I also did.
Unfortunately, I fail to see where anything I posted flies in the face of any of my previous "piss poor" arguments. On the contrary, it reinforces my "piss well" arguments.
Have you ever had to trim the back dew claws in a Catahoula husky mix? It takes two people, a grooming table, or a great deal of patience and trust. I don't have the benefit of the first two options. How would you go about it?

Hope this helps,

I don't think pug was the only one that stated a ticket was deserved every time. Much like I don't believe a partisan political group spending 29 million dollars of tax payer money without cause in an all out libelous attempt to defame a candidate they can't beat by legal and accepted means. If you want to equate a speeding ticket to trying to indict Hillary Clinton for missing a single letter C halfway down a page on one single email indicating it was confidential than what would you equate Colin Powell admitting he personally deleted over 90,000 emails and some may have been similarly marked? Will you indict him as well? Will you indict Bush jr., for the 126 Americans killed in terrorist attacks on embassies during his presidency or for lying about WMDs in Iraq?
The thing about using an analogy to draw a conclusion that is congruent in both cases is ensuring both have had consistent linear factors. These do not.
If people repeat something often enough and loud enough sooner or later the apathetic tendencies a large portion of our society will adopt it as truth. It is for this reason that I believe we will never see advances in free community college or advanced education in our country. The less informed the easier to control.
Cheers bro

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Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
I'm with YYZ on this one. I have a lead foot and every single time I have been pulled over I have been guilty. Out of respect to the officer I have my license and insurance ready and I simply apologize for exceeding the limit and let him or her do their job. Sometimes they let me off. Sometimes they don't. They are doing just what you and I do. Their job. And they just want to do it , get home to their family, and not deal with People being righteous assholes in the process.
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