Should the sale and use of prostitues be legalized?

hello there

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Jul 17, 2001
I don't do the whores anymore and haven't for quite a few years but I sure had my share in the early 70's......some in the 80's too, I guess :)

Spending all this money for trials and lawyers and locking us perverts and those bithes up in jail is a waste.

AND, suppose I DID decide to start paying for sex again and I got CAUGHT!?! They're gonna send my ass to jail because I did a little asian slut or white trash? Or take my house and cars because I got a blow job in the back of a dark alley in my car?!? I didn't hurt anybody, except 'maybe' my beer money for the weekend.

Anyway, I think they should just make the chit legal and be done with it already.

I'll probably add some thoughts later on, if this turns into a discussion.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Prostitution is so silly. The idea in itself is pretty nice, but it's a wonder these gals stay in business.

I remember seeing some show on HBO last year about prostitutes, and these gals were charging $100 for sex, and $50 for a little "oral"gami.

Now, this is just bad business! I don't know a guy out there who would rather have sex over a hummer! :D


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
I think it should be legal & monitored.Make the hookers get medicals & licensing & maybe communicable diseases will be somewhat controlled.


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!

I only know my shirts were never whiter, and my johnson never looked bigger, than when I was in the Asin community!
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Felonious Monk

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Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
Prostitution is one of those things that doesn't make a lot of sense making it illegal. If a guy wants a prostitute he will get one illegal or not, the punishment is light enough that it won't really deter anyone anyway. I mean, isnt it true that all you have to do is ask if they are a cop and you are covered?

They could make it legal and institute measures that would require a license and recurring tests for venerial diseases, would also get rid of the pimp/violence factor...

I have never used the services of a call girl but I would like to think that if I became horribly disfigured or started to look like say, Mr. Burns that provided I have the cash, I could get some companionship...

The only thing that really is a nuisance are the lolly-pop sucking, lipstick smackin, pleather pimpin, penicillin gobblin, stylie wiggin, crack smokin, tangled eyelash, slack sphinctered, crab infested hosers that occupy public places enticin' people who otherwise don't want to be bothered.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
there are several things really bad about prostitution....

most girls involved lose their selfworth

as previously mentioned, health concerns....legalizing prostitution woud most likely make it more can say that if you want to get a prostitute you are gonna do it anyway -- that may be true for some people, but for others it isn't true and would increase this.....more nonmonogamous sex = more disease, more strains of deadly diseases, maybe more deadly diseases....given the amount of money we are already spending fighting the current slate of germs, the last thing we need is more disease to fight and also germ resistance is enhanced the more vectors it can find....

also i don't like the fact that prostitution makes a guy not be a guy.....guys should have to win a heart to be able to get involved romantically with a girl....prostitution makes a guy not have to be a man -- and that is the last thing we need.....although we hate to admit it, women DO refine us a bit -- if not for them, many more of us would all be about 400 lbs, sit on our ass all day, and care little anything but ourselves........

virtues such as faithfulness, trust, and respect woudl be harder to keep a hold of....

would we want our daughter to be a prostitute? there is something wrong with you if you wouldn't care or would want this.....every girl out there is someone's daughter

families have taken a hit large enough in the last 20 or so years....legalizing prostitution would further this.....i live in the african american part of town -- it is said now that 70% of the african american kids are now being born to single moms....that is really sad....this percentage is increasing in every demographic too....young kids -- boys and girls -- need a strong, faithful, loving male role model in addition to the loving mom they get for the best chance at developing into a healthy individual.....prostitution breaks apart homes....i have several friends with whom this has happened here in Houston......they lost their dads because their dad chose strip clubs and prostitutes over their moms.....they now have this hurt with them for the rest of their lives....

i think dads have so much more to gain and can impact their kids lives so much more by avoiding this temptation -- which is already tempting enough.....making prostitution more accessable would hurt more and more families, and that is the last thing we need to do right now.....


eat box
Forum Member
Sep 24, 2000
in the muff
I hope they legalize it so I don't have to worry about my telemarketers who work for me calling me at 4am to bail em' out :D :(


Roll Tide Roll
Forum Member
Jan 29, 2001
Birmingham, AL
I do not think it should be legalized. It is basic morality for me. For the most part my arguements are exactly what Freeze said. His post sums up my feelings and does so in manner that would better then if I had written it.

Good post freeze. :D

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
I'll agree with Freeze on one thing. I've never paid for sex (at least directly :D ) However, if this was legal i'm sure from time to time I would. So by legalizing this the industry would be gaining a customer they never would have had.


The Sage
Forum Member
:nono: ...i have to agree with the good DR. Freeze. :eek: :eek:

...yes, i understand the theories on both sides, and well, like bama said, dr. freeze sums up my thoughts on this subject. call me a southern gentleman, call me old fashioned...but, i can see no greater threat to our current society than the degeneration of the "family." :nooo:

hello there

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Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001


I think they should legalize prostitution, and here is why....

Okay, Dr Freeze makes a lot of good points, however, don't we sound hipocritical when we try talk about how prostitution can increase the breaking up of families, spending more money on prostitutes instead of on our own kids, diseases, not winning over a girls heart but getting it easy.......but then we go out with our friends or alone and what do many of us do or have done in the past.....we drink booze or smoke.

If you guys think prostitution should be kept illegal, than why not ban drinking and smoking too??? I mean, doesn't drinking lead to alcoholism and breaking up many family homes, doesn't alcohol, not only makes us, but many woman out there loose and be more easily to have sex with, without having to court her for several dates before getting some action?? Doesn't alcohol cause diseases like liver damage and high blood pressure, not to mention many deaths on the road by drunk drivers??

OH yah, the family unit, the fabric of our country will be tainted by legalizing prostitution, oh but please, PLEASE don't take away our booze !!!! Oh yah, don't worry, none of us here or anyone we know will ever turn into an alcoholic and end up being charged with domestic abuse in our great fabric of our family unit huh??, yaaah right. I say if booze and smoking is legal, then make prostitution, marijuana and drugs legal. I'm not saying this because I want to get a prostitute and do drugs, because I could get that any night if I really wanted too, I believe in this because I don't want to sound like a hipocrite, in my opinion, that is.


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Apr 8, 2002
Again - that which governs least governs best. Who is the government to tell a person what they can do with their body if you cause no injury to anyone else?

In many countries, hookers are legal. Since they suffer from none of the evils enumerated by the esteemed Dr. Freeze, I submit that they are merely a chimerical sophistry. These ills exits only in the narrow minds of people wanting to impose their morals on others.

As far as "guys should have to win a heart to be able to get involved romantically with a girl," I can only say that it may be right for you, but don't take the one size fits all approach to morality. Sometimes a guy just wants to jump on that thang like a big 'ol dawg and leave romance to Barbara Cartland.

As far as the term "African American" goes, it has been fashioned from whole cloth. It has no meaning. if I was born in Africa, came to the US and gained citizenship, I would truly be African American. Now if I was white and told people I was an african american, they would be quite puzzled. Why!? because I wasn't black of course!

Line up 10 black people. Let's say 3 are US Citizens, 3 are from Trinidad and 4 are from Jamacia. Ok - now how many are African American?

Well that would depend on the family tree of the three US Citizens. If they can trace their roots back to African slaves, they fit the description. We can count out the 3 from Trinidad and the 4 from Jamacia.

If you had 20 people (10 black and 10 non black) in a room and asked how many african americans there were, most people would answer "10" How did they arrive at that answer? They Counted The Black People !

The trouble with people is that they don't bother to think for themselves and are afraid to question authority. These people are intelectually dishonest !

When you use the term "African American" you are being led around on a linguistic leash by those who want to FORCE you to accept their way of thinking. Naturally, you are racist if you don't comply.

However, I find the logic my argument pretty clear and free from any racial connotations.

My .02


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
So, Heat..........You're saying you prefer your prostitutes a little on the dark side?

If you had 20 people (10 black and 10 non black) in a room and asked how many african americans there were, most people would answer "10" How did they arrive at that answer? They Counted The Black People !

The trouble with people is that they don't bother to think for themselves and are afraid to question authority. These people are intelectually dishonest !

When you use the term "African American" you are being led around on a linguistic leash by those who want to FORCE you to accept their way of thinking. Naturally, you are racist if you don't comply.

"Black people"? Check me if I'm wrong, Sandy, but isn't the term "black people" a little racist? I believe the word is Negro.

Kind of odd how you noticed all of those poor people being led around by that "linguistic leash", yet never noticed that you were fenced in that same yard.

Life's lessons are best learned first hand, and not from a book or the teachings of others. Save the state college second year social science shit for the campus cuties.

However, I find the logic my argument pretty clear and free from any racial connotations.

Have you met Eddie Haskel?

As always, thank you for coming, and please keep your hands inside the car at all times, until the ride reaches a complete stop.
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Fish Head
Forum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Arlington, TX (But a Missourian at heart)
hello there,

You couldn't have hit the nail on the head any better. Everyone has selective morals like selective hearing. You make a stand for it only if it suits your needs. The drinking point was wonderful. How can one be only a "part time" moralist and weigh which moral is more severe than the other? No one is perfect. Everyone has their own little discrepancies and everyone in one way or the other is a hipocrit. You see in Europe and Asia, two major continents, that prostitution is legalized, yet the United States has the highest divorce rate in the world. It's all cultural. It's how one's society accepts or chooses not to accept a style of living. So all of you guys out there that say prostitution is morally unacceptable and that it would ruin families, I've also seen a lot of families that are ruinned by GAMBLING. If you want to talk about morals, the good Bible also states that a true follower of God does not gamble or use profanity. Well, I highly doubt that any member of this sports forum signed up just to TALK about sports. So in conclusion, I think that it prostitution is more acceptable in my eyes due to the environment and culture that I was brought up in. To each his own. Good luck everyone.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
where does it say in the Bible that gambling is wrong?

also -- moral relativism has destroyed every culture that ever existed...."everyone did what was right in his eyes" has brought down many a nation.....

the destruction of the family in the U.S. is a major problem right now....and unfortunately, it is because fathers have been attracted away to other things to temporarily please their senses rather than be a real man and support his family.....guess what....prostitution HURTS families. It ruins marriages, and scars children for life. But this isn't wrong huh? To each their own. Stealing isn't wrong is it? To each their own. Walmart is a rich won't hurt them if I go steal their stuff. I have lots of tests, if I study hard enough, it shouldn't matter if i cheat. There is too much to do anyways, i might as well just cheat a little. My patients in future days won't care huh?

Moral relavitism creates chaos. It destroys cultures. It destroys families. It hurts people. Men already have enough trouble with the temptations in this world. It is not easy to make the right choices and be a hero who is willing to be noble, faithful, loving, and respectful. It is a tough thing to do at times. But at the end of a day, when a man comes in from a weary day at the office, and he has served others instead of himself, and made this world a little better place, he feels true joy. That is a true American hero and that is what made our country great today -- or maybe at one point. On the other hand, if we fall into the trap of serving our fleeting sensations, we will become self-serving slobs. We won't care about anyone but ourselves. And at the end of most of these days, we will feel despair most of the time -- maybe bits of fleeting joy -- but mostly despair. But it is so tempting to fall into this trap!!!

Every girl out there wants some "knight in shining armor" to sweep her off her feet......well, most girls anyway........I believe that all guys are capable of being this "knight" but instead many fall into other traps along the way. And I believe this moral relativism is responsible for skewing the thinking of many men and leading them down the wrong path which has hurt many families. This thinking is dangerous and its prevalence in our society is bringing us down. There are rights and wrongs, good and evil. Saying that there are no rights and wrongs in itself is a paradox because that statement has to hold true in order to for the theory to be true, but the theory says truths are not possible.
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