Should the sale and use of prostitues be legalized?


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Heater said:
So, again:

Dr. Freeze - please tell me what my agenda is?
I haven't told a single lie, much less be caught in one. What lie?

As far as the Bible being God's word, you have to be mentally unbalanced to believe that myth.

You do understand that there was no Bible for centuries after Jesus Christ died, don't you?

And any good Christian should have some understanding of the history of the Church and all its doings. So you must know the Catholic Church had a meeting (I forget its proper name) and VOTED ON WHAT WENT IN THE BIBLE !

Mere mortals editing God's Word?! Not likely a prescription for accuracy in my mind.

In 1610 Galileo published his heliocentric telescopic observations, and was condemned by the Church, which had incorporated, as part of its Aristotelian doctrine, the geocentric teachings of the Greek astronomer, Ptolemy (A.D.85-165).

The Church considered this heresy and he lived the remainder of his life under house arrest. After almost 400 years, decided to forgive him. These are not people to be trusted to tell you the truth.

be cool . . .

Since I used "agenda" in my last tirade, I will address it here, since I am sure you are on the other side of the screen pecking in your response to me!

You have made numerous statements about "no god", which is fine. (I don't believe in one, myself.) but you continue to bring it up until someone challenges you. [THAT is your agenda! You only want confrontation, and the challenge that comes with it. A little psychotic, but I'm sure you learned all that shit in your first year of psych, right?

When was the Bible written, by the way?

Start in on politics at any time................


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
EH, crack and kos?

EH, crack and kos?

Senior Member (Emeritus)

Registered: Mar 2000
Location: Fond du Lac, Wi
Posts: 4058

It's all about the fun, my man!

I'm sure that our friend, "heater" is not a stranger to the forum. He sounds a bit Kosarish, with a twist of EH, and stirred over a pile of Crackrat."

Thanks for the... ummm... shout-out, dude! That's some company you lump me in with, though. Eddie Haskell and Crackrat?? Sheesh!

I can assure you that I wouldn't spend all day in some circular debate that predictably ends up right where it started.

You, on the other hand, seem to be right in the middle of every argument of this kind. There *is* a lot to be said for free-time, though!


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Somebody give you a call, Kos?

I only meant his way with words was reminiscent of you. The rest of the mix get us the whole package.

By the way, I know I seem to get in all of these pissing matches. Like Heater, it make me feel some sense of self worth, in an otherwise lonely existance. You understand .

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
sorry chopstick, i did not intend to tell you to do that.....i just was trying to insinuate that if things over there are so great, try raising a kid in that kind of environment......just because i am not married yet does not eliminate my observation skills though....i am not too sheltered in this city of Houston and have done work in all places in this town ranging from Aids clinics in the gay community to the slums.....i know myself many people who have advanced degrees to be lacking in wisdom, so i probably shouldn't have said my academic stuff, but my intellect was challenged and many people who think as i do are accused of shallow thinking or still back in the stone age -- point is, i have reasoned through almost everything i think and feel, and do not consider it to be outdated.....i seek knowledge on every viewpoint contrary to many people have so much hatred for my point of view that they do just that.....hate it and do nothing else.....

heater....your claims on how the Bible was put together are half-truths.....i don't have time to put forward a 300 page essay on evidence for Christianity but i do know of some good books which detail some of the questions you have raised.....Evidence that demands a verdict by Josh McDowell would be a good place to start....the church has always been corrupt and as a person who believes in evil, i must say a great weapon evil can use is to cast the church in a bad one is perfect, the pope battles the same temptations that we all face.....i am not Catholic, but he is a devout man but in no way superior to the day to day struggles that every person faces.....

i have my faith and the only way to disprove my faith is to use supernatural i doubt you can do so....there is no way of proving it to those who do not believe in it either so we migth as well not even try to argue.....

hello there

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001
Dr Freeze and the rest of you who think prostitution should be illegal.....

Since no one challenged or rebutted my "hipocrisy" arguement, then is it fair for me to assume that you guys think alcohol should be illegal too right?? I mean, come on now, we all know and it has been proven the damage and deaths that alcohol does on our society. Is it correct for me to think that you guys don't drink alcohol and think other's shouldn't drink it either?

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
actually hello there, i do not drink much....very rarely anyway....will down a margarita once in a while but you raise a good question....very valid in fact.....alcohol causes lots of problems.....

but then again, so does eating......eating the wrong foods can lead to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and death.....should we ban eating then?

anything we do can be used unhealthily.....too much alcohol, too much eating, too much gambling, too much smoking, sex with the wrong people, too much golf, etc. etc.

some things, on the other hand, are unhealthy almost all the time....the aforementioned industry is one of them as i tried to outline in my first post on the subject....there are just not a whole lot of positives other than the fleeting satisfaction of arousal which come out of the whorehouses......if you know of any great success stories which have led to happy and fulfilling lives which have come about becasue of this industry i would love to know them.....all i have ever seen that has come away from this business is hurt.....

about the gambling and being a grad is about the only thing that keeps me sane when i sort through the books!!!!


Guest represent MANY people at MJ's with your thoughts...
my included....but a believer can't argue with a nonbeliever and
come out on top....because it doesn't matter how much sense
you make....they just don't get it....I'd let these bafoon's wade
in their own chit and go on to a subject worthwhile....this thread
was only started to attract attention to the author, no more, no ALL comes down to right or wrong.....ALL decisions in
life come down to right or wrong, good or bad
doesn't take a genius to figure this one out, but it does take a
commitment from one's inner self as to which side of the fence
one stand's on....a higher road or the one these folks are on....:rolleyes:


Fish Head
Forum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Arlington, TX (But a Missourian at heart)

Let's be a little realistic here. You make a valid point about anything can basically be construed as unhealthy. But come on man, eating? hello there brought up very valid issues. I don't recall someone wrecking a car because they've stuffed themselves too full of lasagna at a pasta house or someone lighting up that 5th cig. on the way home from work that caused a ten car pile up. Then of course, unless the person's cig. fell in their lap at 90 mph. That's different. But I have read and seen countless stories and articles almost everyday how alcohol has killed and/or ruinned families. You've gotta be more convincing than that.
Last edited:


Fish Head
Forum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Arlington, TX (But a Missourian at heart)


Hey there man, who the hell are you calling a bafoon? I've never onced judged freeze or passed judgement on him, or anyone in this forum, in fact. He however, inadvertantly, crossed the line when telling me about how to raise my children. Don't group everyone in the same category as to being wrong or making wrong decision just because our views conflict with yours.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i don't think i told you how to raise your children must have read between the lines if you think i did......

i also did not say that alcohol had bad effects....

am done with this thread....i get mischaracterized way too much...


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA

How ya'll doin?
Very Interesting, very interesting........lotta stuff goin on here.
Some very important questions to be considered by younger men!
Nuclear families (the implied importance in child rearing), drugs, use of alcohol, prostitution, moral judgements.......glad to see everyone thinking :D
After cutting through some of the more extravagant babble....which, by the way, sounds so very sophmoric there,Heater....I find myself very much in the good Doctor's corner.

Yup!........and I've been there and done that!
Don't drink no mo........(well, I was a good beerman for a while) some 50,000 before I wised up. I did'nt want my kids to be raised by a father sucking brewskis every day. I semi- quit before my oldest hit 10 years old........ Yup! I have a beer or a glass of wine occasionally............Amazing!......... cause I know alcoholism... but,over 15 years.. I lost my taste for it. Now 2 or 3 beers would knock me on my :moon: It's BAD stuff folks and ya'll know that.. except in extreme moderation.....but who does that....I won't even go where I've been and how many I've lost, and what its like to lose to alcohol...I'm sure many of you can relate!

Yup! Church on Sundays and a "Father Knows Best" kinda environment works real well raising kids.....Lotta give and take with much shared responsibility............Worked for my wife and I.
Raised 3 boys, now 29, 24,19....all very successful.....highly educated, great jobs, balanced lives, etc.

Yup! Don smoke no mo!....started when I was 9 years old and quit for the 3rd and last time last August... Only one more vice to go:shrug:

Prostitution.....Are you kidding? Farthest thing from my mind 30 years ago and still is!.......BUT... Legalize it! For some, it services a REAL need.... so to criminalize sex, makes no sense. We all can see what deprivation does... ( go to a jail, or a seminary).

Thats it for me....You hang in there young Doc. I believe you are on the right path....


hello there

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001
actually hello there, i do not drink much....very rarely anyway....will down a margarita once in a while but you raise a good question....very valid in fact.....alcohol causes lots of problems..... but then again, so does eating......eating the wrong foods can lead to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and death.....should we ban eating then? ~Freeze

You're comparing alcohol to eating??? Come on now, there's a difference between drinking and eating. The difference is that WE HAVE TO eat to survive, but we DON'T HAVE TO drink alcohol to survive. We have to be cautious and not abuse it.

anything we do can be used unhealthily.....too much alcohol, too much eating, too much gambling, too much smoking, sex with the wrong people, too much golf, etc. etc. ~Freeze

On this point, you are absolutely right!! It can be in different degrees.

some things, on the other hand, are unhealthy almost all the time....the aforementioned industry is one of them as i tried to outline in my first post on the subject...there are just not a whole lot of positives other than the fleeting satisfaction of arousal ~Freeze

Not if prostitution is legalized and regulated. The prostitutes do this illegally, that's why there are so much diseases out there. Not many are educated of precautions and many are in sleezy areas in the woodworks of society, so lots of crap goes on, there's killings, not using protection properly, doctors won't help, lots of them are addicted to drugs because society shuns them without looking at how they got there in the first place. Now if it was legal and like a business, doctors would accept them as atleast semi-regular people in which they can get check ups, also they could get open education on better precautions, and it could be regulated to only prostitutes who don't have diseases, ofcourse it's not 100% full proof, it's also not 100% full proof that a guy who drinks at a bar won't drive and hit someone on the road or go home and abuse his wife or kids either. However, atleast now, prostitution will be much more cleaner and awareness will increase of where it is much safer and cleaner places to go to have a service of a prostitute. You drink your occasion drink right, but the reason why it's okay is because you take precautions and don't drink too much, same with many people who get service from prostitutes, most who live lives buying a prostitute's sex and they take precautions, will almost always be okay. Just like how a drinker like you or someone else who takes precautions can lead a life with little or no problems drinking occasionally.

......if you know of any great success stories which have led to happy and fulfilling lives which have come about becasue of this industry i would love to know them.....all i have ever seen that has come away from this business is hurt..... ~Freeze

How many guys out there, feeling like losers, that don't have the social skills or ability to court a lady to bed, that potentially turn into rapists may seek a service from a prostitute, thus relieving his anger and gratifying his sexual acceptance and need for that moment that would hold him off from thinking of doing something stupid if the prostitute wasn't there for him. Who knows what that desperate man may have seeked if it wasn't for the protitute, maybe my mom, your mom, our sisters, our female cousins. Believe it or not, but lots of guys who look for hookers have conversations with them, which helps them with their problems. Psychologists cost a lot of money nowadays, but a prostitute wouldn't mind talking to you for half the price and with physical gratification on top of that. I've watched documentaries where many prostitutes say that many guys often times, just want to sit down and talk instead of getting only sex certain nights, it can help the men by talking about problems they are having at work or at home. Many guys not only get relief physically from a prostitute, but mental too, which helps those guys deal with stress and handle themselves more relieved in our society. You might be thinking, "oh, he's trying to make me think prostitutes decrease the amount of rapes in America and can relieve stress of men who operate in our society" Sounds crazy, but when you think about it, logically, it's true.

Prostitution happens on the corners and whorehouses in certain areas, but alcoholism is wide spread in every neighborhood. Someone is drinking alcohol right now around your block, and even if only 5% of them turn into addiction, that equals to a HUGE amount of people affecting their families and themselves, not to mention tons of drunk driving deaths each year. Even if lets say 25% of the people involved in prostitution dies, gets murdered, or affects families, that huge percentage still cannot even come close to only 5% of the average alcohol drinker who ends up abusing the alcohol.

I'm sure you might have had family or friends or relatives who drank when growing up, but did you ever experience first hand, how it affects your family growing up facing alcohol addiction? I'm sure if you had that first hand experience, you would think alcoholism is just as devastating to our society as prostitution, even more in fact.

I grew up with a father who abused alcohol on a daily bases, yes, sure he started out slow like everyone, but it grew. He come home from work and threaten my mom and us. Unless you lived through this crap, not just some random weekend or a month, but your entire childhood like I did, and like many other kids and families going through it in our neighborhoods, almost every city, in every state, in every country, you have no idea the complete psychological hell, especially an impressionable child, goes through when his, what was supposed to be his main influence and support system puts him in hell, every night. I never even got to the part of how many families each year, each month, who don't even use alcohol, are suffering because of a drunk driver hitting and killing their innocent dad or son on the road. If anyone can say prostitution is worse, than I know that that person never went through the first hand hell I, or many of the innocent families out there, have gone through.


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 8, 2002
yyz - I had to look it up - the King James Version of the bible was published around 1611 A.D. Up to that point no single standard version of the bible existed. The publishing business was pretty expensive and so the King was about the only one with enough cash to make it go.

As I mentioned, the canonical college met, debated and voted on what went in and what didn't. The King was not privy to all this, as the church had represented that a standard bible existed. It didn't. Many things were left out and the discovery of the Gnostic tablets in Egypt about 1945 cast doubt on many church claims.

freeze - what part of this is a half truth? Be specific now and try and stick to the facts.

A fantastic book detailing the origins of all major religions is the Hiram Key.

Yo yyz - you are misrepresenting what I said. Point out to me where I "made numerous statements about 'no god' . . ." I'd like you to point out a single statement where I said there is no God. Never happened - I never said that once, much less "numerous" times; what I said was the bible is a myth.

And by some faulty reasoning, you reached an improper conclusion. I believe you are trying to get a partcular conclusion from universal statement. If you form the thoughts into a syllogism, I think you will find an undistributed middle term, which makes the structure (and therefore the conclusion) logically invalid. You are wrong - admit it!

I am agnostic and belive that man lacks the requisite understanding to decide the existence of God.

Politics at any time? Sure you pick one side and I'll take the other.

freeze - I understand that you don't have time to put together a 300 page essay. You can't even answer the same questions I posed to you two days ago, intellectually dishonest coward that you are.

Of course your statement that "the only way to disprove my faith is to use supernatural means," is yet another logical fallacy. The proper term is "argumentum ad ignorantiam," which is an appeal to ignorance. Arguments of this form assume that since something has not been proven false, it is therefore true. This is logically invalid.

Freeze old boy, you find time to respond to what you feel like responding to. Bottom line - you are a bullshit artist who suffers from diarrhea of the mouth. So let me just be clear about it - you are a liar, a weasel and a rat with an agenda. You "get mischaracterized way too much" because you haven't formulated a single cogent argument.

Go back to your bible and maybe this week the tow truck driver will give you a lift to mass.

yyz - hey I posted some picks yesterday. Of course I didn't realize the Cubs-Mets games was underway when I posted. I only realized it when I went to wager and didn't see them listed. Made a few bucks . . . I am mainly an NFL guy . . . gambling is so damned time-consuming and I find the everyday grind of bases too much for me.

Have at it!

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
yep you have me pegged correctly Heater....i don't have any more time with you....might as well pound my head into the wall....i wrote what i thought and i stand by what i wrote....however you or hello there twist things i wrote or can't get a piece of sarcasm, wit, or reason is your problem.....

if you have the arrogance of being able to prove everything about the world go right ahead....i have forgotten more in the sciences, philosophies, and the like than you will ever know....

anyway, your first post on here showed that you have no intentions other to disrupt this site and i have yet to see a post that shows me other....

i am done with you and if you think it is because i can't hold my own arguing against you go ahead and think that....i am sure that is what your next post will be about......this is a waste of time and i would rather spend my time doing something constructive

go find beantownjim, ricothewildman, or Bains and they will oblige you and you can bash each other for hours


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 8, 2002
Ah sweet surrender - you got beat like a rented mule freeze.

Adios . . . and good riddance . . .


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 7, 1999
St Petersburg, Fl
Heater said:
. . . gambling is so damned time-consuming and I find the everyday grind of bases too much for me.

LMFAO!!! I see you have plenty of time to disrupt this sports forum with your petty debates. Hey scumbag, I mean Crackrat, why don't you crawl back into your hole. It simply AMAZES me that these types of posters are allowed to continue contributing nothing worthwhile to this forum. C'mon Jack, we all know what Crackies real "agenda" is. And Crackie, don't bother wasting your time for 2 days asking for me to explain. Like I said, we ALL know what your about. That's a FACT!!!!


Staff member
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Jul 13, 1999
barfly,'s not crack rat.

it's a bored government employee posting from work.


Registered User
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Nov 7, 1999
St Petersburg, Fl
Damm, I would of been willing to make a rather large wager that it was him:shrug: Oh well, they are DEFINITELY two peas in a pod!:p
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