Soccer 2016 August-December


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Dec 20, 2011
The French are really good and really should make the finals but I have been a big big fan of this Canada team and road them to big payouts vs what I think was an overrated Germany squad. France is not overrated and probably should win and you prob should not follow this play but I am taking the spread

Canada +.5 2.1* to win 2*
Canada +1 3.8* to win 2*

I want to get this live bet in before the game goes to a PK

Canada +.5 4.5* to win 3*

29th minute

Its halftime and France looks threatening but still backing the Canadians. I may be stubborn on this but Don't think France is so much better than Canada as the lines have suggested since they came out.

Canada 1* to win 4.5*
Canada to win in ET 1* to win 11*
Canada to win in shootout 1* to win 7*

If Canada wins were good

O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

Brazil/Australia over 2.5 5* to win 4*
all unders so far today. I think this game will be more open.
Brazil FH 2* to win 2* NO goals in the FH today yet, this changes with Brazil
Brazil -1 2.7* to win 2*
Brazil wins 3-1 prop 1* to win 10.5*

I think this is Brazils chance to get to the Final, Sweden obviously would be the next opponent and thats a verrrrry winnable game. They are ecstatic that the Americans are eliminated as they've been their nemesis.. I dont think they let this opportunity get away.

Brazil 6.9* to win 3* its just a coincidence that 6.9 is the risk ;)

+33.2* to the second. lets go Brazil
Last edited:


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Jun 13, 2004
North Carolina
Really good stuff too!!

Love the Canada win!!! I actually added a 2-Team Parlay...Canada +350 and the Over 2 1/2 (Brazil/Aussie)

Gonna add to the Over and hop on Brazil---good luck to us. I've got to work tomorrow, but will stay up to watch this one and then my head hits the pillow immediately after!! Hoping Brazil scores early and often!!


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Dec 20, 2011
Really good stuff too!!

Love the Canada win!!! I actually added a 2-Team Parlay...Canada +350 and the Over 2 1/2 (Brazil/Aussie)

Gonna add to the Over and hop on Brazil---good luck to us. I've got to work tomorrow, but will stay up to watch this one and then my head hits the pillow immediately after!! Hoping Brazil scores early and often!!

lets get it buddy, wish I had that parlay going. I just dont know why Canada is being so undervalued. Soccer world rankings are so meaningless and i know betting sites do put odds based on rankings but man... I just dont know how if youre watching these teams play that you say France and Germany are just that much better than Canada. Canada is going to play Germany in the semis and I am VERY interested to see that line.

I cant wait for EPL to start tomorrow. Im watching the steelers preseason game and cant wait for Brazil game, Pre-season football... i just dont know how people watch this or excited for this stuff. I might check out some table tennis to pass the time instead actually..


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Jun 13, 2004
North Carolina
I also have a love/hate with Hope Solo and in a way, the team itself. Would love to get your thoughts...

All this "its on us" about how men have to stop domestic abuse. I totally get it but at the same time...don't blame all men. I've never and will never hit a woman. I mean...while we're teaching all men not to beat women...can we teach all women not to steal? I mean, b/c a few of them do it. I know--not exactly the same thing....on top of that...Hope Solo beats the shit out of a male minor....and no big deal. Men get suspended just for being accused.

I'd love to see the women's team get more money....I actually prefer watching women's soccer--or maybe just like both equal. But I'm not an avid fan either.

They totally played the gender card....the old pay gap, we're victims...why does everyone hate women garbage. Totally threw the men's team under the bus in the process. Of course they are succeeding while the men are not. The rest of the world loves men's soccer and have built great teams...while we emphasize football and basketball. I'm happy for what the women have done but the competition is apples/oranges and its all about the money brought in....women's soccer is still a joke in a lot of countries...I hope it keeps improving b/c like I say...I like it.

I don't know the numbers so will just say "if".....If women's gymnastics team made way more than one would bat an eye. If men bitched about "gender inequality"....most would laugh and women's groups would state the obvious economics of the situation.

As for Hope Solo's comments...well, I didn't see the game but to call them cowards.....come on, man!! That would be like calling Dean Smith a coward for playing 4-Corners with a big lead. If you want a better game...change/tweak the rules. How many times have we seen football games where the lesser team tries to "shorten the game"....its just so much easier to do in soccer, so as the favorite, you've got to adjust, get a lead, and force them to attack.

My dad coached high school football for 20 years...he told me a long time ago...sometimes playing with a lead is boring. The thing is....its not up to the team with the lead (or even tied) to force the action. Its what makes the games so great. You do what you can, within the rules, to compete. And sometimes there are bad rules that need to be tweaked...for example, the shot clock in college basketball.

Anyway, just wrote a book, so sorry for rambling. lol. I actually love Sweden in both men's and women's soccer so in a way, I'm happy they won...hoping they can keep advancing. I think its my love of Swedish women (of course) and also blue/gold are my high school colors!!


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Jun 13, 2004
North Carolina
I stay completely away from preseason football. I absolutely love football...but there's just so damn much of it these days....pretty much games every day of the week, except Wednesday...

Its overkill and I don't want to burn myself out lol. I also just don't like preseason football to begin with!!

But looking forward to football season--esp college football....Go Heels!! Go Irish!!

I think LSU and Michigan will be there at the end...maybe Clemson...and I think Baylor is under the radar....Grobe is one of the best coaches in the nation.


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Dec 20, 2011
I also have a love/hate with Hope Solo and in a way, the team itself. Would love to get your thoughts...

All this "its on us" about how men have to stop domestic abuse. I totally get it but at the same time...don't blame all men. I've never and will never hit a woman. I mean...while we're teaching all men not to beat women...can we teach all women not to steal? I mean, b/c a few of them do it. I know--not exactly the same thing....on top of that...Hope Solo beats the shit out of a male minor....and no big deal. Men get suspended just for being accused.

I'd love to see the women's team get more money....I actually prefer watching women's soccer--or maybe just like both equal. But I'm not an avid fan either.

They totally played the gender card....the old pay gap, we're victims...why does everyone hate women garbage. Totally threw the men's team under the bus in the process. Of course they are succeeding while the men are not. The rest of the world loves men's soccer and have built great teams...while we emphasize football and basketball. I'm happy for what the women have done but the competition is apples/oranges and its all about the money brought in....women's soccer is still a joke in a lot of countries...I hope it keeps improving b/c like I say...I like it.

I don't know the numbers so will just say "if".....If women's gymnastics team made way more than one would bat an eye. If men bitched about "gender inequality"....most would laugh and women's groups would state the obvious economics of the situation.

As for Hope Solo's comments...well, I didn't see the game but to call them cowards.....come on, man!! That would be like calling Dean Smith a coward for playing 4-Corners with a big lead. If you want a better game...change/tweak the rules. How many times have we seen football games where the lesser team tries to "shorten the game"....its just so much easier to do in soccer, so as the favorite, you've got to adjust, get a lead, and force them to attack.

My dad coached high school football for 20 years...he told me a long time ago...sometimes playing with a lead is boring. The thing is....its not up to the team with the lead (or even tied) to force the action. Its what makes the games so great. You do what you can, within the rules, to compete. And sometimes there are bad rules that need to be tweaked...for example, the shot clock in college basketball.

Anyway, just wrote a book, so sorry for rambling. lol. I actually love Sweden in both men's and women's soccer so in a way, I'm happy they won...hoping they can keep advancing. I think its my love of Swedish women (of course) and also blue/gold are my high school colors!!

I love the interaction youre bringing to this thread as Bason has done. This will take me a bit to answer but bare with be .. I LOVE Hope Solo and I am first of all not one of those people who think every athlete should e considered a role model. I watch for entertainment and separate life from sport, a lot of people cant. I understand the double standard with Domestic abuse and agree vehemently that it should be equal. I Love her as a player and as a competitor, I dont know her as a person or with how the details of her case went. There are many times you hear about how certain athletes are jerks then you find out later theyre not.

I had this argument a year ago about the equal pay thing.. I love all sports but soccer is what I played personally so its my niche. I can watch womens and mens soccer no questions asked, but I cant watch womens basketball unless its a championship game. The equal pay thing is, in my opinion not sexist but being realistically where they are . Should they get paid more than they do? Perhaps strongly yes.. Should they be equal to the men? Lets compare. Youre telling me the FIFA female player of the year Carlli LLoyd should have the same pay as Messi or Ronaldo? Those two play in front of 60-80K every home game and bring in so much revenue. Carrli LLoyd plays in front of maybe 10K? Youre telling me she should be paid the same? If I sell a 10 cars and my female counterpart sells 4 should we have equal pay? Are they at a disadvantage because the womens game is not as popular, yes.. but thats just how it is.. Its not sexist but its popularity brings money. IF they got ratings for every game , friendlies not just big tournaments and they got big crowds for every game then they would bring in more revenue.. Its not sexist to me that they arent on TV as much.. Thats like saying is it sexist because womens college hoops has more exposure then baseball? Baseball is really only on nationally during Omaha. does that make it sexist against those men because womens hoops is "bigger"in the eyes of tv...

I dont like the "womens national team is more successful" argument either. You cant compare the competetion, between what then men face around the world VS the women. I absolutely love the womens national team as much as the men but its not "better". I am excited I take it for what it is but people that say its better to watch thats absurd. mens game is so much faster, quicker and more physical than the womens game. Its like aying womens basketball is better to watch mens. Its just not but I can take what Im watching and accept that.. I dont look to compare and say this isnt fun to watch. I am enthralled in every womens game, as im sitting here watching brazil/aussie.. I am also enthralled in every mens game I watch..

Youre comparison to gymnastics is spot on.. USA womens gymnastics team is way more popular and everything than the men, they win and are successful. There was just an article about it the other day (I think yahoo) because some of the men were complaining about equality in gymnastics... they even thought of competeing shirtless in part because they thought it would get more viewers....tough shit.. win and get more notoriety. but why hasnt that become a big story? because its not news..... if the women, like for soccer say that its news....

Quickly back to Hope SOlo, i like when an athlete speaks his mind and doesnt adhere to the PC stuff in american sports.. I mean my god I dont know how many times Ive heard a big time college coach talk about how good and dangerous some team like bethune cookman is.. and that goes for all sports.. was she a poor loser, probably but after a game when youre in that environment on that stage those things are said.. was she right, yes.. Technically sweden were "scared" but thats not wrong.. Sweden only could win by playing how they did. If they played straight up and pushed forward they would have lost 3-0.. As a coach you do what you can to win regardless how it looks.

I would have posted this sooner but spent the last 20 minutes tring to find this great article from last year right after world cup, written by a female talking about all the numbers and how pay was broken down and why men get paid more....Im not sure i answered everything you posted above but I tried. feel free to reply if I missed something

brazil game not going how I thought it would.. i knew aussie was good but thought brazil would start strng

heres another article thats good


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Dec 20, 2011
I stay completely away from preseason football. I absolutely love football...but there's just so damn much of it these days....pretty much games every day of the week, except Wednesday...

Its overkill and I don't want to burn myself out lol. I also just don't like preseason football to begin with!!

But looking forward to football season--esp college football....Go Heels!! Go Irish!!

I think LSU and Michigan will be there at the end...maybe Clemson...and I think Baylor is under the radar....Grobe is one of the best coaches in the nation.

Agreed I'll be down in clemson in november,. Not sure if anyone on this board is from down there.. I go to one pitt away game a year and heading down there in november for that game. excited for that occasion. IVe seen about 5 pitt games in south bend, they always play well there and the year ND got hammered by bama pitt should have won that game.. totally got screwed.. Palkos 5 Tds there was a great memory as well..


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Jun 13, 2004
North Carolina
I think that was the year ND had 2 guys on the field with the same # on a FG Attempt. Pitt missed an easy one but they should have flagged ND but didn't. Go Irish!! haha. I wanna say the kicker's name was Bluett?? Not sure, but how appropriate...

Not a lot of time now but will eventually love to keep talking soccer and other. Gotta work all weekend....and going to see Def Leppard tomorrow night!!

We seem to be on the same page overall with the women's game. I also saw a great youtube video...a feminist woman was talking about why its justified that the men make so much more...economics...might be the same article turned video or something...not sure.

I agree, love it when an athlete speaks their mind....more or this case, I think what she said was just stupid though. I think an even better example would be Princeton basketball back in the 80's....they won a lot of games and even almost beat Georgetown by running 45 seconds every single possession, trying to get 3-pointers or backdoors. If they tried to run with them...they'd have gotten killed. I guess they were "cowards" like I say, I don't mind her speaking her mind...and I see what she's saying...just comes across as dumb in this case. As for Princeton...even at 30-seconds now, I think the shot clock is too long lol

A few years ago, I started really liking soccer...well, world cup mainly (men and women) and loved Wambach and Solo....thing I don't like is how, like I say....accuse a male athlete and there is outrage...suspend. But these same people and women's groups etc.....Hope Solo is an attractive its ok if she's a thug. I've gotten where I really just don't like her and I don't like the hypocritical nature of stuff like that.

Ok, hope this game goes better 2nd half. Good conversation....really love it. If I don't post for awhile, just super busy!!


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Dec 20, 2011
I think that was the year ND had 2 guys on the field with the same # on a FG Attempt. Pitt missed an easy one but they should have flagged ND but didn't. Go Irish!! haha. I wanna say the kicker's name was Bluett?? Not sure, but how appropriate...

Not a lot of time now but will eventually love to keep talking soccer and other. Gotta work all weekend....and going to see Def Leppard tomorrow night!!

We seem to be on the same page overall with the women's game. I also saw a great youtube video...a feminist woman was talking about why its justified that the men make so much more...economics...might be the same article turned video or something...not sure.

I agree, love it when an athlete speaks their mind....more or this case, I think what she said was just stupid though. I think an even better example would be Princeton basketball back in the 80's....they won a lot of games and even almost beat Georgetown by running 45 seconds every single possession, trying to get 3-pointers or backdoors. If they tried to run with them...they'd have gotten killed. I guess they were "cowards" like I say, I don't mind her speaking her mind...and I see what she's saying...just comes across as dumb in this case. As for Princeton...even at 30-seconds now, I think the shot clock is too long lol

A few years ago, I started really liking soccer...well, world cup mainly (men and women) and loved Wambach and Solo....thing I don't like is how, like I say....accuse a male athlete and there is outrage...suspend. But these same people and women's groups etc.....Hope Solo is an attractive its ok if she's a thug. I've gotten where I really just don't like her and I don't like the hypocritical nature of stuff like that.

Ok, hope this game goes better 2nd half. Good conversation....really love it. If I don't post for awhile, just super busy!!

Thats the exact game and yes it was Blewitt lol.. I saw def leppard here in pittsburgh this year for th 3rd time. always good. Im only 30 but all I listen to is hair bands and rock/metal. Also saw Journey, GNR, Heart, Joan Jett and Cheap Trick this summer.. Youll enjoy the show!

I love Domestic leagues probably more than international , mostly because its 9-10 months and always a game going on.. Princeton in '95 over ucla on a back cut in dying moments right? Pete caril?

Im a rare person I love defense in all games, which is why I think the NFL catering to offense kid of sucks but oh well I'll adapt.. I just think, except in basetball when there are lots of goals and points score that it devalues the point, TD, goal etc because they happen so frequently . I lovved the raven/steeler games especially in the 2000-2010 time period because they were low scoring epic hard hitting games where any score is the difference. IF youre scoring every drive in these 40-30 games the points, to me and this is just to me arent as important but i know im in the MINORITY in that thinking.

74th minute . not going to get the over. and prob going to get hammered i this game it looks... Brazil just is not doing as I thought they would. with that said I knew the aussies were good and no pushover.. its a dog day I guess..


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Dec 20, 2011
Marta is still so good. That run of 50-60 yards just exploding by defenders was magical ,\..

Friday night MLS

Vancouver 3* to win 3.3* kickoff in 14 mins

OMG as im typing this what an amzing save by aussie keeper. that is a legendary save


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Jun 13, 2004
North Carolina
Ok one last post and then bed!! lol

The Princeton game was like 1989 and they lost by a point to Georgetown...and then yes they, Carril and Company finally got a tourney win...and pretty sure you're right w the year and opponent...

I love hair bands too....just about any 80's music and some 90' 90's Country. I'm 40 so late 80's/early 90' prime lol

I love the balance offense/ football especially....early 80's was good but it was still way too much running game and defense. Loved the balance of late 80's and early 90's....24-17 type games. 1988 Notre Dame is just my ideal team and the way the game was.

The game is a joke now. I still watch and love some of it....gambling sure does help....its just way too much offense....lineman and receivers blatantly hold on every play...the ref looks right at it and lets it go. Anything for offense. Its like watching flag football....and I don't mean that the way people who never play think the game is soft...its damn sure not soft...its just you're not allowed to play defense.

That Brazil game sucked ass. Brazil gets me again...the women this time. Dammit. Not a single goal....even just a win by Brazil in regulation would have helped...hoping they lose now haha...if I lose, so should they. back maybe Sunday. Wish I could enjoy the games tomorrow but can't...will be ready for semifinal's and women's....go Sweden Women!!!


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Dec 20, 2011
Putting this play in before it drops more. Leicester starting the year again with no respect, took me a while to jump on last year but I rode them second half.

Opened first game at +130 and now +110

Leicester 5* to win 5.5*
Leicester PK 7.5* to win 5*
Leicester FH PK 3.6* to win 2*
Leicester leads at half at wins 1* to win 2.2*
Leicester to wine other half 4.8* to win 3*
Leicester score first 2.2* to win 2*

Also playing

Man U 6.5* to win 5*

Parlay both Leicester & Man U 3* to win 8.1*

+18.6* with above pending

Leicester line jumped all the way to -120. I know a got a ton on it above early but feel I need to add.

Leicester 3.6* to win 3*
Leicester/Hull FH over .5 4* to win 2*
Leicester to wn 2-0 1* to win 7*
Leicester double chance win/draw 8.1* to win 3*

Sunderland line has dropped like a rock. city were -470 now -385

Sunderland +2 6* to win 4*
Sunderland FH +1 6* to win 4*
Middlesbrough/stoke draw 1* to win 2.1*

Not til Monday but getting this in now before line moves

West ham +1 2.6* to win 2*

most people will say im dumb for so much on variety of Leicester plays.. but.. i dont care.. ;)


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Dec 20, 2011
Leicester FH 2* to win 4.3*

I can't help myself. Hull has 13 players, no coach.. Injuries galore.. I can't remember such a mess to start a year.. I'm like a shark that smells blood with this game..


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Mar 26, 2002
Rehoboth Beach
Well, the Leicester love train is over for me. I made a ton on them last year, and I think I will this year, but it will be betting against them. They played today just like they did in the Cup and got beat by an inferior team. They have serious issues in the back and I will start playing against them until they show some improvement.

Good stuff in this thread. I will chime in and say that I was disgusted by what Hope Solo said. Her sportsmanship at the end and her comments were disgraceful in my opinion. Sweden played the game they had to play to have a chance to win and they executed it and won. That is good coaching. US was poor offensively (as they have been for a while) and their golden child couldn't convert a penalty. In my opinion they deserved to lose. Loved the way Australia played. Really wanted them to win, but they were solid at +1. And don't get me started on the mens basketball team. They were horrendous yesterday. I couldn't even watch.

Onward and upward!!

I do like the Koreans today. Like Portugal in a pick. Should be a good game.

Will post German Supercup later on after I see the result of the second Bundesliga 2 play.


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Mar 26, 2002
Rehoboth Beach
I was dead wrong on St. Pauli. They were terrible at home today.

I'm not going to over analyze this Bayern/Dortmund game tomorrow. Bayern has lost the last 3 Super Cups. Their first team has just started playing together this week. This game is much more important to Dortmund than it is for Bayern. They need to prove they can beat them if they have any chance to compete for the League title. They are at home and getting +250. That looks like a good value to me, so I will once again hope Dortmund can get the job done.


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Mar 26, 2002
Rehoboth Beach
Dortmund just can't beat Bayern even when they are not on their A game. However, League 2 plays were solid at 3-1 with larger play Hannover never in doubt. Will make a small play on the over in the final Bundesliga 2 game tomorrow, Union Berlin/Dresden. This game will be a war.

Biggest money maker lately is playing against USA basketball. Those lines have been completely ridiculous. This is not a good team. Some great players, but can't play as a team. They will likely win since no other team is really that good, but USA made a mistake putting this team together in my opinion. They have no pure point guard which is a mistake when you have this much talent. If they don't adjust the lines I will keep playing against them large.

Busy week with Champions League this week. Should have some good plays. Have not seen Olympic lines yet but I will be playing Germany no matter what. They are playing fantastic soccer right now and I don't see them losing.


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Dec 20, 2011
I agree about Leicester. Magic is over for them. Should have been bigger on Man U. -23.9*.

im again going to ride the Canadian women, still say Germany is vulnerable at the back and it will show

Canada +5 6.5* to win 5*
Canada 1* to win 3*
Canada PK 3* to win 5.1*
Canada FH PK 2* to win 3*
Canada Double chance win/draw 4.2* to win 3*


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Dec 20, 2011
champions league

champions league

Man City FH 5* to win 5*
Man city to lead at half AND win 3.3* to win 3*


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Dec 20, 2011
German men

German men

Bason I agree about the German men. and 3 way line is even for them..

Germany 5* to win 5*
Germany PK 6* to win 3*
Germany FH 2* to win 3.6*
Germany score first 2.9* to win 2*


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Mar 26, 2002
Rehoboth Beach
Glad you agree. It is shaping up to be a large play for me at +105. Bundesliga 2 Over hit today (was a great game), so will tail the Canadian women.

Call me crazy, but I am taking a shot with the Young Boys tomorrow. They already played two qualifiers as well as two league games so they are in better game shape than Gladbach. Gladbach is the better team, but they know they have the home game ahead of them. +275 is a nice number at home, so I will take a shot here hoping for 1-0. Small play.

The other game sticking out to me right now is Porto. I will take + money with them at home any day against anyone. They looked good on Saturday and are in better match shape than Roma. I believe Porto is 7-1-1 the last two years at home in the Champions League. Looks like a very solid play to me at +125.

Will add if I see anything else.
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