Trump's Tweets


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Aug 29, 2006
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Rex Tillerson, a man who is ?dumb as a rock? and totally ill prepared and ill equipped to be Secretary of State, made up a story (he got fired) that I was out-prepared by Vladimir Putin at a meeting in Hamburg, Germany. I don?t think Putin would agree. Look how the U.S. is doing!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">May 23, 2019</a></blockquote>
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What a little bitch.


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
SOMETHING IS BREWING: Sara Carter Reveals ?EXPLOSIVE? Unmasking Revelations About to Break on Samantha Power (VIDEO)

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Power was accused of unmasking innocent Americans in the final months of the Obama administration.
The former UN ambassador unmasked 300 individuals, an unheard number, in her last year in office.

... more at link

The coming days are going to be lit.


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
....Democrat leadership is tearing the United States apart, but I will continue to set records for the American People ? and Nancy, thank you so much for your prayers, I know you truly mean it!
? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

No, Donnie, no matter how much you fawn and cajole, she's not going to let you eat her muff.

Duff, Democrats count on people like you to keep them in power, people that can't THINK for themselves.

Pity Really

Nuff Said


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Report: Justice Scalia Thought Obama Admin Was Spying On Supreme Court

By Joseph Curl
 @josephcurl

May 16, 2017

President Trump says the Obama administration wiretapped him. Sen. Rand Paul says he wants to know if he, too, was tapped (and says ?I know one other senator has already confided in me that he was surveilled by the Obama administration").

Now comes a new blockbuster report that the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia thought the Obama administration were conducting covert surveillance on court members.

Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News senior judicial analyst, said on FOX Business Network that "Justice Scalia told me that he often thought the court was being surveilled.

"And he told me that probably four or five years ago... If they had to unmask Senator Paul?s name to reveal a conversation he was having with a foreign agent and the foreign agent was hostile to the United States, they can do that. That?s not what he?s talking about. They?re talking about unmasking him when he?s having a conversation with his campaign manager when he?s running in the Republican primary."

Of course, the Supreme Court handled many high-profile cases during the time Scalia thought the court was being surveilled ? including the court's split decision to uphold the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, Obama's signature policy.

In fact, in 2014, the Supreme Court considered the case of National Security Agency domestic spy program. That case involved NSA's surveillance of telephone "metadata." "The Supreme Court doesn't know diddly about the nature and extent of the threat," Scalia said, according to Business Insider. "It's truly stupid that my court is going to be the last word on it."

The Court eventually ruled the program legal.

Napolitano said that Obama himself could be called to testify about the matter.

Watch the clip here.

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Obama disrespects SCOTUS by skipping Scalia funeral, what a disgusting dishonorable disgrace of a President

SCOTUS is a EQUAL branch of Government and a Supreme court Justice is not far from President in stature and our glorious president is to busy to respect a dead Justice.

Obama disrespects SCOTUS by skipping Scalia Funeral, what a disgusting, dishonorable disgrace of a President.


Disgusting man did not deserve the honor given him by voters to be President of the United States.

Total garbage human soul in him.

[link to]

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Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">On dozens of occasions, Obama's "right-hand woman" & LEAKER Susan Rice unmasked identities of Trump staff in surveillance reports. <br><br>Rice claimed "I know nothing" & then 2 weeks later defended it as "necessary." <br><br>Now she can't run away fast enough! <a href="">#InvestigateTheInvestigators</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Official Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) <a href="">May 24, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">almost NONE of the Democrats have, and ZERO read the unredacted one offered to them in secret. They know if they read and then lie about it they can be charged with perjury.<br><br>By staying willfully ignorant they can lie and stay out of jail. It IS that bad... <a href=""></a></p>— Trumpster (@Gettingtrump) <a href="">May 24, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">.....The Dems want a second shot at Bob Mueller, are very unhappy with the No Collusion Report. They should not be allowed to play this game any longer - no second chances - must get back to work. So bad for our Country!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">May 24, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
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Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
EXCLUSIVE: Rumors Swirling that Fired Italian Spies Were Connected in Plot to Eliminate Trump

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Rumors are swirling that the recent firings of top Italian spies were related to Obama and a plot to set up candidate and President Trump in a Hillary email scandal.
Earlier this month Italian Prime Minister Conte asked for the resignations of four top intelligence officials after his call with President Donald Trump.

And now another Internet Sleuth has uncovered some shocking news related to the recent removal of these top Italian intelligence ministers from their positions as top spies in the government.

The story begins in January 2017 when Computer World wrote about alleged crimes committed by Italian Giulio Occhionero:


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Deep State Has Left ?Paper Trail As Wide As Interstate-95? Which Will ?Fall All Over DC Like Radioactive Ash?

Posted at 7:00 am on May 25, 2019 by Elizabeth Vaughn

News of Trump?s order to declassify all documents relating to the targeting of his presidential campaign by members of the Obama administration intelligence community has reverberated throughout Washington and beyond since Thursday night. The same Democrats who are demanding that Trump release his business records and tax returns because he ?may have? broken the law are panicking over this directive. Rep. Adam Schiff, who has built his reputation on his hatred for Donald Trump, tells reporters it?s ?un-American? and of course, he?s worried about revealing ?sources and methods.?

For nearly three years, Democrats and the media have persecuted this President, yet they?ve never been able to point to a particular crime. They?ve called for his impeachment, yet offer no specifics. Up until now, general accusations have worked very well for them.

The always colorful social critic and blogger James Howard Kunstler reacted to Trump?s declassification directive in his signature fashion:

Not long ago, few Americans of the thinking persuasion might have imagined that such a well-engineered republic, with its exquisite checks and balances, sturdy institutions, and time-tested traditions would end up as so much smoldering goop in a national dumpster fire, but such is the sad state-of-the-union moving into the fateful summer of 2019. The castle of the permanent bureaucracy is about to be torched by an uprising of deplorable peasants led by a Golden Golem made furious by relentless litigation. It?s Game of Thrones meets the Thermidorian Reaction with a Weimar-flavored cherry on top ? really one for the ages!?

The plot they concocted to get rid of him failed. And, yes, it was a plot, even a coup. And they f***ed it up magnificently, leaving a paper trail as wide as Interstate-95. Now all that paper is about to fall over the District of Columbia like radioactive ash, turning many current and former denizens of rogue agencies into the walking dead as they embark on the dismal journey between the grand juries and the federal prisons.

Hence, the desperate rage of the impeachment faction, in direct proportion to their secret shameful knowledge that the entire RussiaGate melodrama was, in fact, a seditious subterfuge between the Hillary Clinton campaign and a great many key figures in government up-to-and-including former president Barack Obama, who could not have failed to be clued-in on all the action. Even before the declassification order, the true narrative of events has been plainly understood: that the US Intel ?community? trafficked in fictitious malarkey supplied by Mrs. Clinton to illegally ?meddle? in the 2016 election. (Read the entire op-ed here.)

I once wrote that, in the age of technology, it?s almost impossible to get away with a crime. There are 100 ways to get caught and even if you think of 98 of them, still that remaining one or two will trip you up. Somewhere in the ?paper trail that?s as wide as Interstate 95,? will be found the incontrovertible evidence of a crime.
Thanks to the painstaking efforts of lawmakers such as Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Judicial Watch founder Tom Fitton and so many other conservatives, we already know most of the story. Declassification will allow us to fill in the blanks and hold people accountable.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who has emerged as one of Trump?s biggest supporters, spoke to Fox & Friends on Friday and said:

It is long overdue. You?re going to find out the mentality of the people investigating the president. You?re going to find out exactly what they did and said. You?re going to find out that Papadopoulos was not working with the Russians and [the FBI] knew early on that he had no contacts with the Russians. There?ll be some transcripts coming out where he says, ?If you did that, that?d be treason.? So the bottom line is, there?s going to be a lot of information about they were warned Steele was a bad guy and you can?t trust him. They blew through every stop sign.

While this order should have come a long time ago, at least it?s finally been done. The onslaught of all the new House Democratic investigations and the success of liberal judges to force Trump?s compliance with congressional subpoenas added to the pressure. Finally, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi?s unhinged comments to reporters that ?the President is engaged in a cover-up? minutes before an important meeting with him forced his hand.

The Washington Examiner?s Byron York spoke about an additional benefit of Trump?s making this decision at this particular time. He tweeted:

Talking to plugged-in Republicans about Trump declassification order. They see giving AG Barr authority will speed the process. Added benefit: Quick declassification could allow DOJ IG Horowitz to include more stuff in his upcoming report.

Recently, Attorney General William Barr announced his appointment of U.S. Attorney John Durham to open an investigation into the origins of the Trump/Russia probe, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz has been examining the FBI?s FISA Court application and related activities since March 2018 and his report is expected soon. And, so they say, that elusive man of mystery Utah U.S. Attorney John Huber, began an investigation into Obama-era FBI/DOJ abuses of power in March 2018.

The tide has most definitely turned.

After the unending outrages of the last three years, this will be fun to watch.


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
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Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Report:Declassified Docs Will Show That Samantha Power's 2016 Unmasking Efforts Were Related to ^ | 5/24/2019| Debra Heine

Posted on ‎5‎/‎25‎/‎2019‎ ‎5‎:‎26‎:‎27‎ ‎PM by bitt

Government documents that will soon be made public will reveal stunning information about former U.N. ambassador Samantha Power's voluminous unmasking efforts in 2016, according to multiple sources.

On Thursday, President Trump gave Attorney General William Barr the authority to declassify documents from multiple agencies related to surveillance of the Trump campaign in 2016.

According to investigative journalist Sara Carter on Fox News' Hannity, last night, some of the documents will reveal that FBI "informant" (spy) Stefan Halper recorded both George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, and there is exculpatory evidence on those tapes. In addition to that, according to Carter, one of the biggest revelations will pertain to Power's unmasking efforts.

As PJ Media reported in September of 2017, Power was unmasking people at a "freakishly rapid rate."

The former U.S. ambassador moved at such a rapid pace that she ended up "averaging more than one request for every working day in 2016," multiple sources told Fox News at the time. And she continued to seek identifying information about Americans caught up in incidental surveillance right up to President Trump?s inauguration.

"That's unheard of," Carter said. "Put it this way -- when John Bolton was the at the U.N., he unmasked three people. Three people. She unmasked close to 300. And I'm going to tell you some of those names are going to be very important when they come out," she added.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Did Theresa May Really Resign Over Trump Russia SpyGate Coup Attempt?

3 days ago:

Devin Nunes gives Trump list of questions to ask Theresa May about Steele dossier
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3 days ago:

Theresa May's spy chiefs were briefed on explosive Christopher Steele dossier before Donald Trump
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2 days ago:

Trump: I Might Ask Theresa May About Rumors UK Worked With CIA On Russia Hoax
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1 day ago:
Theresa May Resigns: A Political Obituary
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Nunes returned to office two days ago, with a letter to President Trump suggesting a series of questions to ask the British premier: among these, if US intelligence agents have informed their British counterparts of the contents of the dossier or any other accusation of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia; if the British government was informed of, gave permission for, or participated in surveillance and intelligence activities of any government against members of the Trump Campaign; whether current or former British officials and officials have forwarded information, classified or otherwise, to US counterparts about alleged contacts between members of the Trump Campaign and suspected Russian agents; whether on the British side, an assessment of Steele's reliability and motivation has been provided to current or former intelligence agents and government officials.

But one of the questions concerns Mifsud and takes us back to Italy: President Trump asks May to "describe any communication or relationship that Joseph Mifsud, potentially known - writes Nunes - also as Joseph di Gabriele (a code name that does not sound very British , ed), had with the British intelligence and any information in the possession of the British government about the ties of Mifsud with any other government or intelligence agency ".


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
The truth about Obama?s illicit ?Operation Hammer? and all involved
Milne News ^ | May 26, 2019

Posted on ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2019‎ ‎6‎:‎46‎:‎02‎ ‎PM by E. Pluribus Unum

On March 4, 2017, President Trump tweeted ?Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ?wires tapped? in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!?

Following President Trump?s tweet, the mainstream media said that President Trump was ?crazy? for accusing Obama of spying on him.

In response to President Trump?s allegation that Obama illicitly spied on him, The ?Whistleblower Tapes? were published which proved President Trump?s allegation against Obama was true.

One of the many illegal actions that President Obama partook during his eight years in office was the assimilation of personal data on all Americans.

?Operation Hammer?

What is Operation Hammer? ?The Hammer? is the Stasi-like secret surveillance system created by CIA/NSA/FBI contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis L. Montgomery for Obama?s intelligence chiefs, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

The Hammer (HAMR) appears to be a massive supercomputer system that was used to eavesdrop on phone calls by deploying or ?throwing? malicious plugins at targeted computers and smartphones to collect the intercepts and then send the data back to the master supercomputer framework.

Other plugins could presumably hack into online banking, messenger, email and other apps and then transmit the collected data back to the HAMR data center.

Under the Obama administration, The Hammer negated every American?s constitutional rights to privacy, turning the United States into a police state where the federal government was weaponized by the Obama administration against its political enemies.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">March 4, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
British Scholar Sues Deep State Spy Stefan Halper and The (MSM) for Linking Her to Trump-Russia Hoax
TheGatewayPundit ^ | May 25, 2019| by Jim Hoft

Posted on ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2019‎ ‎8‎:‎18‎:‎59‎ ‎PM by TigersEye

Video at link.

Full title: British Scholar Sues Deep State Spy Stefan Halper and The WaPo, WSJ, NYT and MSNBC for Linking Her to Trump-Russia Hoax

Russian historian Svetlana Lokhova broke her silence in April, stepped forward and claimed she was manipulated into entrapping Gen. Michael Flynn through FBI operative Stephan Halper.

Flynn was set up by the Obama deep state. Obama hated him because he told the truth about ISIS and they spied on him during the Transition period.

The FBI was out to set up Michael Flynn.

Russian historian Svetlana Lokhova spoke out in April about how she was set up by FBI spy Stefan Halper.


This week Svetlana Lokhova filed a lawsuit against deep state spy Stefan Halper, the Washington Post, The New York Times and MSNBC.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Newly Declassified Doc Proves Barr Right ^ | May 26, 2019| Black Conservative Patriot

Posted on ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2019‎ ‎8‎:‎16‎:‎40‎ ‎PM by Jess Kitting

Newly Declassified Doc Proves Barr Right as Fake Russian Brennan Spy and Italy's Role in Spying Exposed!

The plot thickens.

Video at link.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
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