Trump's Tweets


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri

FBI Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division Peter Strzok and his supposed paramour, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, exchanged a cryptic, indeed coded, text message on Sunday, March 19, 2017, twenty-six minutes after retired U.S. Air Force Four Star General Thomas McInerney read our exclusive ?Whistleblower Tapes? expos? over America?s airwaves, revealing ?The Hammer.?

The Hammer is the Stasi-like secret surveillance system created by CIA/NSA/FBI contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis L. Montgomery for Obama?s intelligence chiefs, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

The Hammer, under the Obama administration, negated every American?s constitutional rights to privacy, turning the United States into a police state where the federal government was weaponized by the Obama administration against its political enemies.

According to the secretly-recorded audio tapes released by Federal Judge G. Murray Snow, Brennan?s and Clapper?s illicit super surveillance system ?The Hammer? wiretapped Trump ?a zillion times.?

Late that Sunday evening, just hours after General McInerney?s radio appearance, Strzok and Page exchanged a text message that explicitly referenced Dennis Montgomery and Montgomery?s attorney Larry E. Klayman.

Only a few hours earlier, General McInerney had referenced Montgomery and Klayman on ?Operation Freedom,? exactly the same names about which Strzok and Page were now texting.

General McInerney appeared on Dr. Dave Janda?s ?Operation Freedom? that broadcasts from terrestrial radio station WAAM 1600.

The next morning, the Russian Collusion investigation was born.

Early the following morning, Monday, March 20, 2017, FBI Director Jim Comey announced before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that the FBI Counterintelligence Division, where Strzok served as Deputy Assistant Director, was investigating Trump?s connections to the Kremlin, and that the FBI had ?no information? to support Trump?s tweet claiming that President Obama wiretapped Trump.

That morning, FBI Director Jim Comey lied to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and to the American people.

Comey was well aware that President Trump was under illegal surveillance because Montgomery had already turned over to Comey?s FBI mountains of evidence confirming the existence of Brennan?s and Clapper?s illegal surveillance system.

On August 19, 2015, Montgomery turned over to FBI Director Jim Comey?s office 47 hard drives that he alleges contain over 600 million pages of documentation from Brennan?s and Clapper?s secret surveillance system.

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Truth Teller
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Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
REPORT: Obama White House ?Covered Up? for Hillary, Was in On Email Lies

written by Paul Goldberg May 15, 2019

According to JudicialWatch, there is now further evidence that the Obama White was in on the lies about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?s email use.

Judicial Watch believes the Obama White House was also involved in a ?cover up.?

From JudicialWatch

The Obama White House Tracked a FOIA Request for Clinton Emails

We now have further evidence that the Obama White House was in on the lies about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?s email use.

In late April we announced that E.W. (Bill) Priestap, assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division, had admitted in writing and under oath that the agency found Clinton email records in the Obama White House, specifically, the Executive Office of the President.

Now we have obtained 44 pages of records from the State Department through court-ordered discovery revealing that the Obama White House was tracking a December 2012 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking records concerning Clinton?s use of an unsecure, non-government email system.

Months after the Obama White House involvement, the State Department responded to the FOIA requestor, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), falsely stating that no such records existed.

Our discovery is centered upon whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-government email system and whether the State Department acted in bad faith in processing our FOIA request for communications from Clinton?s office. U.S District Court Judge Royce Lamberth ordered Obama administration senior State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides, as well as E.W. Priestap, to be deposed or answer written questions under oath. The court ruled that the Clinton email system was ?one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.?

The State Department?s Office of Inspector General issued a report in January 2016 saying: ?At the time the request was received, dozens of senior officials throughout the Department, including members of Secretary Clinton?s immediate staff, exchanged emails with the Secretary using the personal accounts she used to conduct official business.? Also, the IG ?found evidence that [Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills] was informed of the request at the time it was received ??

The State Department produced records in response to court-ordered document requests that detail Obama White House involvement in the Clinton email FOIA request.

In a December 20, 2012, email with the subject line ?Need to track down a FOIA request from CREW?, Sheryl L. Walter, director of the State Department?s Office of Information Programs and Services (A/GIS/IPS), writes to IPS officials Rosemary D. Reid and Patrick D. Scholl and their assistants:

WH called ? have we received a FOIA request from CREW (Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington) on the topic of personal use of email by senior officials? Apparently other agencies have. If we have it, can you give me the details so I can call the WH back? I think they?d like it on quick turnaround. Thanks! Sheryl

In the same email chain, Walter on December 20, 2012 also emailed Heather Samuelson, Clinton?s White House liaison, describing the CREW FOIA request:

Hi Heather ? Copy attached, it was in our significant weekly FOIA report that we send to L and S/ES also. Do you want us to add you to that list? It?s a subset of things like this that we think likely to be of broader Department interest. More detail below re this request. As a practical matter given our workload, it won?t be processed for some months. Let me know if there are any particular sensitivities. If we don?t talk later, happy holidays! All the best, Sheryl

Sheryl: The request is assigned Case #F-2012-40981. It was received on 12/6/2012 and acknowledged on 12/10/2012. The request is assigned for processing.

On January 10, 2013, Walter writes to Samuelson that she is not including ?personal? accounts in the FOIA request search:

Hi Heather ? did you ever get any intell re what other agencies are doing re this FOIA request that seeks records about the number of email accounts associated with the Secretary (but isn?t specifying ?personal? email accounts so we are interpreting as official accounts only). We are considering contacting the requester to find out exactly what it is they are looking for. Do you have any-concerns about that approach?

Soon afterward, Samuelson responds, ?White House Counsel was looking into this for me. I will circle back with them now to see if they have further guidance.?

CREW?s general counsel, Anne Weismann, submitted a FOIA request to the State Department on December 6, 2012, seeking ?records sufficient to show the number of email accounts of or associated with Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the extent to which those email accounts are identifiable as those of or associated with Secretary Clinton.?

On May 10, 2013, [Information Programs and Services] replied to CREW, stating that ?no records responsive to your request were located.?

Samuelson became Secretary Clinton?s personal lawyer and in 2014 led the review of Clinton?s emails to determine which ones were work-related and which were personal. She was also one of five close Clinton associates granted immunity by the Department of Justice in the Clinton email investigation.

Samuelson is one of several Obama administration and State Department officials ordered by U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth to respond under oath to our questions regarding whether Clinton?s private email use while Secretary of State was an intentional attempt to evade FOIA.

The new documents also include a January 2013 email exchange discussing Clinton?s departure from the State Department in which Agency Records Officer Tasha M. Thian specifically stating that Secretary Clinton ?does not use email.?

This was directly contradicted by an email exchange between Secretary Clinton and Gen. David Petraeus dating back to January 2009 ? the very first days of Clinton?s State Department tenure ? in which she tells Petraeus that she ?had to change her email address.?

Interestingly, this email exchange between Petraeus and Clinton was not produced in a related FOIA lawsuit seeking ?all emails? of Hillary Clinton. The bottom portion of the email chain was produced, but not the beginning emails.

In a January 2013 email under the subject ?RE: Sec Clinton?s papers,? Thian writes:

Just so you know, Secretary Clinton ? she brought with her a lot of material as Senator and First Lady ? 47 boxes. In case you hear there are many boxes I wanted you to know what they are. She is taking her copies of photos, public speeches, press statements, contacts, templates (some of these are both hard copy and electronic), reimbursements, etc?

Although Sec. Clinton does not use email [emphasis added] her staffers do ? I have agreed that the emails of the three staffers will be electronically captured (and not printed out).

Also included in the new batch of documents is the draft Departing Officials Notice, which states that State Department personnel are not to remove classified records from Department ?custody and control.?

These documents suggest the Obama White House knew about the Clinton email lies being told to the public at least as early as December 2012. A federal court granted us discovery into the Clinton emails because the court wanted answers about a government cover-up of the Clinton emails. And now we have answers because it looks like the Obama White House orchestrated the Clinton email cover-up.


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>— Anonymous (@Anon_decoder) <a href="">May 16, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
NM Governor who left border open sees illegals flood NM then bused them to Denver!

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham withdrew 118 National Guard troops from New Mexico?s southern boundary with Mexico.

Governor Grisham called President Trump?s policies a ?charade of border fear-mongering.?

The flood of illegals is too much for New Mexico to handle so now the liberal Democrat governor is busing the illegals to Denver.

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Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Remember the text messages between Strzok and Page on March 14th, 2016, where they are discussing ?their guy now talking?? That was the same day I met Mifsud in Rome. Conspiracy is a hell of a charge. It?s coming down on a lot of these freaks.</p>— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) <a href="">May 16, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"> <a href=""></a></p>— Cheryl Kane (@cherylkanere) <a href="">May 16, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


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Truth Teller
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on. Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation. TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">May 17, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
The Steele Dossier and the ?Verified Application? That Wasn?t

By Andrew C. McCarthy
May 18, 2019 5:00 AM

(Jim Bourg/Reuters)

Former officials are fighting over who deserves blame.

Here?s what you need to know: In rushing out their assessment of Russia?s interference in the 2016 election, Obama-administration officials chose not to include the risible Steele-dossier allegations that they had put in their ?VERIFIED APPLICATION? for warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) because . . . wait for it . . . the allegations weren?t verified.

And now, the officials are squabbling over who pushed the dossier. Why? Because the dossier ? a Clinton-campaign opposition-research screed, based on anonymous Russian sources peddling farcical hearsay, compiled by a well-paid foreign operative (former British spy Christopher Steele) ? is crumbling by the day.

As I write, we mark the two-year anniversary of Robert Mueller?s appointment to take over the Russiagate probe ? which is fast transforming into the Spygate probe. Special Counsel Mueller inherited the investigation seven months after the Obama Justice Department and FBI sought a FISC warrant to monitor former Trump-campaign adviser Carter Page. By then, it was already acknowledged that dossier information was ?salacious and unverified,? to quote congressional testimony by former FBI director James Comey.

That was problematic on a number of levels.

If dossier claims were still unverified when Comey testified to Congress in mid 2017 (and thereafter), then those claims could not have been verified when the Obama Justice Department and FBI submitted it to the FISC as a ?VERIFIED APPLICATION? in October 2016. It also had to have been unverified on January 6, 2017, when the Obama administration chose to include a sliver of the dossier in the briefing of President-elect Trump ? the day after intelligence chiefs met with President Obama in the Oval Office and discussed what Russia information should be shared with the incoming Trump team.

Indeed, as I?ve pointed out before, a January 2018 memo that has not gotten nearly enough attention, written by Judiciary Committee Senators Charles Grassley (R., Iowa) and Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.), recounts then-director Comey?s concession that there was no meaningful corroboration of the dossier. Rather, the FBI and Justice Department included it in the ?VERIFIED APPLICATION? because they trusted Steele (who, I note for the zillionth time, was not a source of information but an accumulator and purveyor of information from unverified sources. Steele?s credibility, consequently, was beside the point).

Moreover, FBI and Justice Department procedures require that information be vetted for factual accuracy before it is submitted to the FISC. The rules of the FISC require the Justice Department to notify the court promptly if misstatements or inaccuracies have been discovered. Far from alerting the FISC that information in what it boldly labeled the ?VERIFIED APPLICATION? was actually unverified, the Justice Department and the FBI kept reaffirming the dossier allegations to the court ? in January, April, and June of 2017.

This week, a dispute between the camps of Comey and Obama CIA director John Brennan broke out into the open ? a dispute over which of them tried to force the dossier findings into the aforementioned intelligence-community assessment (ICA). This is a remarkable rift given that the dossier allegations in fact were not included in the ICA (though, again, the infamous ?pee tape? claim was included in the briefing of then-president-elect Trump).

Behold how radioactive the dossier has become: Former officials now fight over which of them deserves credit for failing to further inflate its importance.

Former congressman Trey Gowdy, who was privy to some of the underlying classified record, indicates that Comey has the better of the argument. There is, it is suggested, an email trail in which the former FBI director relates that Brennan was advocating the dossier?s inclusion in the ICA.

That also makes logical sense. There is good reason to believe Brennan, though he has tried to distance himself from the dossier, pushed it on congressional leaders in the late summer of 2016 ? at around the same time Steele and his Fusion GPS collaborators were pushing it on select media outlets, hoping it would blow a Moscow-size hole in the Trump campaign.

One leader briefed by Brennan, then?Senate minority leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.), began writing letters urging Comey to investigate the purported Trump-Russia conspiracy. Reid?s August 27 letter, apparently referring to the memos Steele was compiling into a dossier (?a series of disturbing reports?), highlights purported meetings between a ?Trump advisor? and ?high-ranking sanctioned individuals? in Moscow in July ? an obvious allusion to the dossier?s claim that Carter Page met with Putin associates Igor Sechin and Igor Divyekin. (Page has always strenuously denied this allegation, it has never been verified, and the Mueller report implicitly rejects it.)

Brennan, however, is pushing back. Through an unidentified ?former CIA official? (wonder who that could be!), he claims it was Comey who tried to force the dossier claims into the ICA. According to this account, Brennan, along with Obama?s national intelligence director, James Clapper, heroically refused Comey?s plea because the dossier had not been corroborated. Comey is said then to have decided unilaterally to brief Trump on part of it.

There are some flaws in this story. For one thing, Brennan and Clapper are both notorious for lying to Congress. Second, Comey has testified a number of times that the other intelligence chiefs wanted him to brief Trump on a portion of the dossier (see, e.g., here), but Brennan and Clapper have not heretofore disputed his testimony. And third, it looks like the extremely abbreviated dossier briefing was little more than a pretext to elevate the dossier into a story the media would report. That is, unlike the Obama Justice Department and the FBI, media outlets that possessed the dossier had been reluctant to use it because it had not been verified. Yet, once it was leaked that intelligence agency chiefs had used it to inform the president-elect, the dossier became news regardless of whether it was true.

Why is that relevant? Because it appears that Clapper is up to his eyeballs in discussions about the dossier with CNN shortly before CNN reported that Trump had been briefed on it.

Presumably, all of this will be sorted out now that Attorney General Bill Barr has appointed John Durham, the excellent U.S. attorney for Connecticut, to investigate the investigation.

For now, though, the telling thing is that no one wants to be associated with the dossier. Even if former director Comey is right that it was Brennan, not he, who was trying to slide the dossier into the ICA, Comey?s FBI still used it in the FISC. Plus, Comey himself did agree to brief Trump on it, though in a very incomplete way ? alerting the president-elect to the lurid story about prostitutes in a Moscow hotel, but studiously omitting the tiny detail about how the FBI had used the ?salacious and unverified? dossier in the FISC to contend that Trump?s campaign was in a conspiracy with Russia to undermine the election.

The urge to run from the dossier is understandable. In Washington, about ten days before the FISC authorized surveillance of Page, Steele was interviewed by the State Department official Kathleen Kavalec, who took notes that were passed along to the FBI. With very little effort (probably two minutes on Google), Kavalec was able to figure out that one of Steele?s major allegations was an invention.

Specifically, Steele claimed that the Trump-Russia conspiracy involved exploitation of the Russian consulate in Miami to transfer money and information. But there is no Russian consulate in Miami. As the Twitter investigative wiz Undercover Huber details, Steele?s source for this allegation (unidentified Source E) is also the source for the pee-tape story, as well as the foundational allegation that Donald Trump and the Kremlin were in a ?well-developed conspiracy of cooperation.?

None of these allegations has ever been verified, and the Mueller report rejects the claim of a Trump-Russia conspiracy.

In the ?VERIFIED APPLICATION? that the Obama Justice Department and the FBI submitted, the FISC was led to believe Steele was reliable and that there was no known ?derogatory information pertaining to? him ? no mention was made of the known errors in his dossier reporting. The first VERIFIED APPLICATION included a laborious footnote (here, pages 15 to 16) vaguely ?speculating? that Steele ?likely? had a political motivation to discredit Trump?s campaign; the FBI and Justice Department concealed from the court that, far from speculation, they had certain knowledge ? from Steele himself ? that he was passionately opposed to Trump?s election, and they further failed to disclose that the dossier allegations had been sponsored by the campaign of the opposition candidate (Hillary Clinton). Moreover, the court was told that the FBI did not believe Steele was the ?direct? source of dossier information leaked to the media. Yet it not only seemed highly likely Steele was a direct media source; Steele had told Kavalec that he was managing relationships with media outlets, some of which ?have? his information (he mentioned ?NYT and WP? ? the New York Times and the Washington Post).

No mention of Steele?s State Department interview was made to the court. In fact, the court was informed that the only government agency to which Steele had provided information was the FBI (here, page 23). This could have been an oversight; but it could alternatively be that the State Department interview was withheld out of fear that wounds to Steele?s credibility would doom the ?VERIFIED APPLICATION.?

Meanwhile, the Daily Caller?s Chuck Ross reports that Steele identified two of his sources for Kavalec: Russia?s former spy chief Vyacheslav Trubnikov and top Kremlin adviser Vladislav Surkov. This underscores the possibility that Steele was duped, and that the dossier is a Russian disinformation operation that U.S. intelligence agencies fell for. And there?s more: Trubnikov has intriguing ties to Stefan Halper, whom the FBI used as a confidential informant to approach Trump campaign figures Page, George Papadopoulos, and Sam Clovis.

Oh, and did I mention that Steele himself did private-eye work for Oleg Deripaska, the aluminum oligarch known to be a close Putin confidant? And wouldn?t you know it: Steele was also pushing his U.S. government contacts ? such as Justice Department official Bruce Ohr ? to accommodate Deripaska?s desire to travel to the U.S. The idea was that Deripaska could be a valuable informant. Evidently, the FBI lost interest when Deripaska told agents that Steele?s Trump-Russia conspiracy theory was preposterous.

What a laugh they must be having in the Kremlin.


Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
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Truth Teller
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Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Obama-Era State Department Official Provides More Evidence Of FISA Abuse
The Federalist ^ | May 21, 2019| Margot Cleveland

Posted on ‎5‎/‎21‎/‎2019‎ ‎2‎:‎40‎:‎27‎ ‎PM by detective

Kathleen Kavalec?s notes provide at least four more pieces of proof to the already-conclusive case of FISA abuse and wrongful government targeting.

In October 2016, the Obama administration?s Department of Justice (DOJ) obtained the first of four Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court surveillance orders on former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. More than a year later, and following an intensive investigation into the FISA process by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), Rep. Devin Nunes (R?Calif.) released a four-page memorandum detailing FISA abuse related to the Page surveillance order.

Since then, there has been a constant stream of evidence exposing the abuse. The most recent addition came last week when news broke that Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec met with dossier author Christopher Steele on October 11, 2016?two weeks before the DOJ and FBI relied on the Steele dossier to obtain a FISA surveillance order targeting Page.

Notes Kavalec took memorializing her meeting with the former MI6 spy, and reports that Kavalec shared with the FBI details of her confab with Steele, provide more proof that Obama administration officials and career DOJ and FBI employees abused the FISA court process.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Mar 30, 2007
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">.<a href="">@jsolomonReports</a> explains his freedom of information act on behalf of the public. <a href=""></a></p>— The ?Dirty? Truth ? (@AKA_RealDirty) <a href="">May 23, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">.<a href="">@DevinNunes</a> - "We made a criminal referral that there was a conspiracy to fraud the FISA-Court. We also made one that there was also conspiracy to manipulate intelligence." <a href=""></a></p>— M3thods (@M2Madness) <a href="">May 23, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


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Aug 29, 2006
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Without the ILLEGAL Witch Hunt, my poll numbers, especially because of our historically ?great? economy, would be at 65%. Too bad! The greatest Hoax in American History.</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">May 22, 2019</a></blockquote>
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65%? :142smilie


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Aug 29, 2006
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Everybody, including me, thought that when the 40 Million Dollar Mueller Report was released with No Collusion and No Obstruction (of a crime caused by others), that was the end. But no, the Democrats want to keep it going in an effort to help them in 2020. Bad for the Country!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">May 22, 2019</a></blockquote>
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No mention of the indictments or convictions. Imagine that.


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Aug 29, 2006
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">As I have long been saying, and has now been proven out, this is a Witch Hunt against the Republican Party and myself, and it was the other side that caused the problem, not us!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">May 22, 2019</a></blockquote>
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:mj07: Straight out of the Skulnik playbook! It's the other side that is guilty, lol.


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Aug 29, 2006
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">....But they really want a do-over! You can?t investigate and legislate simultaneously - it just doesn?t work that way. You can?t go down two tracks at the same time. Let Chuck, Nancy, Jerry, Adam and all of the rest finish playing their games....</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">May 22, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">....In the meantime, my Administration is achieving things that have never been done before, including unleashing perhaps the Greatest Economy in our Country?s history....</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">May 22, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Aug 29, 2006
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">....Democrat leadership is tearing the United States apart, but I will continue to set records for the American People ? and Nancy, thank you so much for your prayers, I know you truly mean it!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">May 22, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Duff Miver

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Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
<twitterwidget class="twitter-tweet twitter-tweet-rendered" id="twitter-widget-0" data-tweet-id="813527932165558273" style="position: static; visibility: visible; display: block; transform: rotate(0deg); max-width: 100%; width: 500px; min-width: 220px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;"></twitterwidget><blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The world was gloomy before I won - there was no hope. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over a trillion dollars!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">December 26, 2016</a></blockquote>
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The stock market just took a dump. Thanks Donald Dumbfuk.

Duff Miver

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Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
....Democrat leadership is tearing the United States apart, but I will continue to set records for the American People ? and Nancy, thank you so much for your prayers, I know you truly mean it!
? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

No, Donnie, no matter how much you fawn and cajole, she's not going to let you eat her muff.
Bet on MyBookie