Fuck it!!!!
I will be betting buttons on MMA from now on.
I'm sticking with the corrupt shit of boxing.
That is the best Chuck "Ice Chin" Liddell has looked in years until he got KTFO!!!
Can't believe how quickly he went from a chin of iron to a chin of putty.
the "
iced man".......:0002
seriously..at least liddell went out on his shield...
got 3 hours of sleep...still trying to figure out what barry`s game was...i`m beginning to think that barry, after watching film of crcop`s most recent fights(getting the hell beat out of him and struggling mightily vs nobody/late sub 205`er perosh),that barry was way overconfident....all the talk and the "crocop is god" crap was actually coming from a guy who couldn`t believe he fell into such a great situation.....that`s what i believe now...
he was propping crocop up,figuring he`d beat crocop like a rented mule...
why else knock him down twice,basically cave his face in and not follow-up on the advantage?.....he figured that he`d take him out at his leisure....
of course,when a 5`11' 230 pound fighter comes in at 248,he just might lose his quickness and his cardio might suffer earlier than usual....
it wasn`t a huge bet...biggest one on the card,though(big enough to basically offset my dunham/kampmann wagers)...
this one will haunt me for many days to come....:banghead: