Round 3 - Lister throws some ugly kicks and punches, and Okami remains patient before trading punches. Lister lands a nice inside leg kick but is popped in the back of the head when he whiffs on a punch. After a clinch, Okami tags Lister with a knee to the body. Lister shoots, misses, and the crowd boos as Okami follows him to the mat. Lister controls his opponent's hands briefly, but Okami then rains down a dozen unobstructed blows. Lister tries to secure an arm, but Okami muscles his way free and unloads more big punches from above. After a brief lull in action, Lister tries to secure an arm but again eats punch after punch. Okami is just teeing off as he patiently awaits each opening. The crowd boos, but Okami's doing damage. Lister thinks about grabbing a leg, but after giving it up, Herb Dean stands the fighters. Lister lands a leg kick but eats a combination. Okami avoids a takedown but eats a left. Lister shoots for the single leg, but Okami sprawls as the crowd continues booing. Okamu gets to his feet just as the round closes. has it 10-9 for Okami in what should be a clean sweep.
Beautiful stuff ! waiting to make it official....
The judges agree, and Yushin Okami def. Dean Lister via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27).