Vol and Nation for THURSDAY NIGHT!

Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Thunder, fine, if you say that less than 25% of your long term (more than 1 month subscription) customers are from elsewhere, then I believe you. If you want me to look at your list of clients and post what I find here, I will. A couple of other services that started here have done similar things.


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Nov 4, 2000
Im trying to understand why we care where his clients come from. And why it's any of our business to start with. What I always wanted to know was how some guys go about makeing there plays. I rather share that type info then the picks themself. I can pick for myself. Well I just lied. My Baseball is weak. But I believe everyone has a week sport or two. So any thing I could learn from some one was just great. And I still post many of my ideas for those who want to use them or understand why a play is made. As for Ray/Roger/Steel/Thunder they did share some of there thoughts. And I thank them for it. There are others to like KC Wolf and Senor. But something is going wrong when we have soem folks just get pissed and leave. And we dont really need to much more of that.


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Jul 13, 1999
djv, for the most part, the ones that leave, or left, are the ones who went 'pay'.

when they went 'pay', while gaining their popularity from this site, a FREE SHARING SITE, they left themselves wide open for criticism from friends they made during the time they shared their picks or information for FREE.

this site has always been, from the very beginning, a site for people to gather and share information in order to get an upper hand on the man and possibly make money gambling on sports.

they get pissed off at all the bashing (remember, they're under a microscope now that they went pay) from people that have had bad experiences from services and the people that had become happy with coat-tailing their plays.

then, on top of that, since they have had success on this forum, and even drove traffic to this forum, i guess they feel like this site owes them the opportunity to let them advertise their product for free, but i won't and can't and will never do that, so they also get pissed at me.

then, some people get pissed at me (the site) for not letting them advertise and some people get pissed at me (the site) for not banning their asses because this site IS NOT FOR SERVICES. i can't win no matter how i handle the situation. damned if i do and damned if i don't.

also, people read things wrong all the time. sometimes it's hard to get the meaning of your typed word through to people and things are read differently by different people. even though i didn't mention any names in this post of mine, there will be some, maybe a lot, that think i'm talking about them and i'm not. i'm speaking in general.

i've said it a thousand times; it's impossible to make everybody happy in a public forum especially with so many different agendas to deal with. i do the best i can to keep peace here but i'll never have the happy forum i once had when there were only 100 or so members. we're big and a lot of peole visit and i try to be as flexible and as fair to as many as possible.

we do the best we can but for every member that leaves, there are 5 ready to replace them. i hate to see people go too, but what am i to do?

where's Neemer anyway? :D

Z-Town Posse

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Feb 23, 2000
Wolverine Country
Isn't Neemer selling shoes to diabetic people and billing the insurance company a bundle? It is a little vague, but I think he found a way to double dip it somehow. Now that would be a "lock" if he could get away with it.

Z-Town Posse

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Feb 23, 2000
Wolverine Country
Back to the topic at hand, I agree that Fletcher is the only pay service provider here that posts out of the shear goodness of his heart and not to "advertise" his abillity. I do not know him or have ever talked to him, but he just seems genuine. I don't believe for one second that the pay guys post here to "just help everyone beat the man". That's B.S. They post here to gain a following. Then after a good run they may make a "mistake" and inadverdantly post that "Oh, I can't give that game out, it is one of our service plays, sorry. Oh and sorry Jack, I know I am not supposed to say" Yeah, right. Then joe shmo asks, "Hey, where can I find a link to your sight?". I',m sorry I can't give that out, you'll have to look in the links section or contact Jack. It's all B.S. Without this site a lot of pay services would not get the exposure, period.


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Dec 2, 1999
San Diego, CA
Z-town - Excellent post. Right on the money.

Thunder - do you think for a minute that anybody with half a brain believes this lame propaganda you're spewing? This just in........MJ'S DOESN'T NEED YOU!!!! However.....YOU need MJ's! Without Madjack's, you would be nothing more than a grey spot in the industry. Your arrogance is disgusting. Once you go pay, every single post that you make that even ALLUDES to choosing a side in a sporting event is advertising (implied or not). In fact, in your case, I recall a few instances of BLATANT advertising in the past where Jack had to paddle your bottom.

Anybody that stops posting (yourself and myself included) are more or less forgotton within a short time and MJ's will continue to thrive. This fact has been proven over and over again.

Bottom line: Madjack's gave you the noterioty and the "springboard" to start up a service. BE HAPPY WITH THAT. Quit using MJ's as an advertising outlet and quit spamming people. Get off the wallet and start spending some loot on legit advertising like the rest of us.


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Dec 2, 1999
San Diego, CA
Actually, you are right. I am a service. I thought a spin on things from somebody who IS a service but doesn't use MJ's to plug it would be refreshing. I'll tell ya one thing though.........I wish I COULD post like I used to but I have to pick and choose my spots carefully. Not trying to make myself out to me some sort of martyr, I just choose not to put myself and jack in the position that jack mentioned a few posts above. It's really just common sense and IMO the right thing to do.


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Dec 22, 2001
Nashville, TN
Actually some of this amazes me! For people that have been members for some time, Thunder and Volfan have been two of the most consistent winners on here every year. The views when they post are some of the highest. Anyone that has been is sales knows that you have to make a name for yourself before you can sell anything. Don't blame someone for being enterprising. They are not per se advertising by still posting picks here. They are just letting you know that they are still around and if you want some help, you can use the service. Granted, there are still a lot of great cappers here, a lot of great information that is shared.

I compare it to going to your own mailbox every day. How much junk mail and bulk mail do you get every day? Do you look at all of it? Do you call the post office and say do not send it to me anymore? This mail is just like email, it comes from lists. If you do not want the mail, do not look at it!

I signed up for a week of Thunders service during the year. The week I signed up, they had a bad week. I talked PERSONALLLY with Thunder at least three times. He comped the next week and made a good comeback, finishing positive for the two weeks. Now I only play football, so it is hard for me to take on a service that plays all sports. For the three years that I have been here, I have NEVER seen Thunder finish down in ANY sport. They have an option in their service that you can pick any capper or get all of them. If you like one better than the other choose them. All I can say is Thunder has been a stand up guy to me and I believe that he has to this forum. Neither he nor Vol has a history of gloating, bashing or any of the other bad stuff that goes on around here. I believe that they both are valuable posters, hope they stick around, and if you want to join the service that is your OPTION. I do think you will profit if you stick with them. I am not shilling, do not have ties do any of them but I hate to see good guys get bashed. Hope you guys stay around!


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Aug 1, 2000
Iowa City
ditto Junior44's remarks. I have nothing to gain by posting picks here anymore.

I pledged to 4bubba to pass on info on the Chiefs in his forum on a regular basis, via our conversation at Jack's Superbowl parties. I have tried to fulfil that pledge.

I have posted a play or two close to game time and one or two halftime plays. Not sure I should even do that. I have never come here to exploit my personal agenda, and I hope I have not dissapointed Jack. I consider Jack a good friend and his last post was right on.

Back to posting plays on this site, it's really a no win situation for me. If I lose the play I post, I naturally look bad. If I win, clients want to know why it wasn't thought out sooner and sent out to paying clients.

In closing, I wish Jack continued success and want mention once again, my agreement with Junior44's comments.

I've pretty much been gone for a year and a half and 99% of the people here have no clue who I am or what I do. Fine with me as my marketing has nothing to do with this site anymore.

Please don't take this as an advertisement as it would be hard to find me. Just passing on a point of view that defends what Jack and Junior have already said.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Personally, I don't miss the picks you guys posted, as I rarely use plays from other posters. (Ego thing, I guess.) But, I do miss hearing what you guys have to say!

I knew jr from the old days. Wayyyyyyyyy back must be 6-7 years now! I had a few other screen names at those sites, but it was always nice to interact with some of you guys.

Even when you just pop in to grace one of these threads, it is nice.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
dunclock said:
For the three years that I have been here, I have NEVER seen Thunder finish down in ANY sport. !

you also have never seen a legitimate record posted either you moron....go away and live in your own fantasy world because your point of view is for the gullible/vulnerable and most of us could care less what you think

posts like yours bring on more idiot thinking to the site and are not only worthless they are a liability


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Nov 1, 2000
you know some of you missed my point- i have not posted here in awhile because of the bull that is allowed not with just me but alot of good people-i came in the thread to do one thing stand by a friend. no advertising. as far as oweing me anything- only thing i ever or any one ever expects is to be treated fairly- if anyone who posted on my forum year in and year out and help build my biz and i am talking about many- and some meatheads started bad mouthing those people or overall just being classless. i know what i would owe-it is called friendship and good biz- you are right nobody needs me -or steel or roger or ray or ddubs volfan plus others i have miissed or any of us but that is not my point. my point was if the moderators and people here want quality people to not post here believe me they will keep leaving- because people who actually care about this sight do get hurt when the people here allow it. this is a great sight - with great some great people i am just defending a few. gl

Goiing Gone

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May 13, 2002
- both these guys are winning not just here on these freebies but other places- believe me i know- but if you idiots want these guys not to post here anymore- like roger steel ray myself along with some other guys who left this sight -keep it up-

For starters not both are winning...

These LOCAL lines people post are a load of crap, the game posted should be based on the vegas line as that is what most at MJacks have to wager with.

Hell they throw up Team names w/o any tidbit of info on their reasoning for the pick, hell a donkey on a radio station here went 60% on the NFL reg season so do not act like anybody here is king and is immune from being questioned.

WE are IDIOTS because WE question a LINE, THANKS for pointing out that I am an IDIOT ;) Not to mention I could give a rats ass if they ever post here again, there are many who post here that are as good or better than they are!
Last edited:


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Nov 1, 2000
and freeze mr positive- your right -all my daily records and records that were up everyday were all wrong i lied and the 1000=5000 people that checked my plays in each sport everyday were all brainwashed just seemed liked i was winning. like i have said before freeze seems like you work hard and have a great career ahead of you i wish you the best. but what has dunlock done to you for you to treat him like that-i talked to him for over a half hour- he is more successful than you very articulate and a very nice guy,. but you would not know that you just react like my 15 year old would. best regards


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Jul 13, 1999
- i have not posted here in awhile because of the bull that is allowed not with just me but alot of good people-

you're going to have to come up with some examples because i don't know what you're talking about. people are booted from here all the time for bashing.

services are going to get bashed, as i said above, and that should be allowed. why can't people express their opinion about services? why can't people question the lines services use and question the subtle advertising services use when everybody knows it isn't permitted.

i try to be flexible but i don't allow the bs and don't know what bs you're talking about.

in the general forum, almost anything is allowed. when you went 'pay' and you post, you leave yourself wide open for criticism. it comes with the territory.

this thread started because someone questioned a line a service used that was NOT available for "customers" at the time of the post. how can a service use lines and grade plays on lines that aren't available to the general public? it's bullshit and you and i and everybody else knows it. he posted a game with a line that gave him a 2 point edge over anybody else and had it won by 13, he would have graded it as a win and everybody that played the game after he posted the play would have lost. service gets a win to their credit and all players lose money. wtf is wrong with conversation like that?!

people are here to help each other win and look out for each other. when some people, service or not, use tacky ways to post games and records, they're going to get questioned about it. wtf is wrong with that?!

show me some examples of "all the bull that is allowed" and i'll address the issue.

we have 3 moderators (me, IE and a non member-non gambler) and we do the best we can. we are not always online at the same time and all final decisions go thru me unless i'm not available. when i come back, if a mistake was made (in my mind), i try to correct it. i can't count the amount of times scott-atlanta was banned by a mod and i let him back in when i got back. scott is harmless and contributes in his own little way, whether some people like him or not. i just used scott as an example but it happens all the time with other posters as well.

so, what bull is allowed that you can't handle and all the others that left can't handle? i'd like to know.




Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
THe last 3 days we have been on a great run.

i came in the thread to do one thing stand by a friend. no advertising.

How can those both be true? And it's not a friend, it's an affiliate.

Total 133-136-4 49% -35.79 units

And lastly, if you're not posting plays anymore, then why you slumming w/ the squares in this forum? Trying to get some winning plays, maybe?
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