"When trouble finds you"


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
kudos for not killing the moth(each moth is unique,like a snowflake)........this is why i keep pepper spray handy...

/don`t forget to spay or neuter your moth(s)....


Forum Member
Jul 19, 2002
I ran into trouble today again....

I went to Subway for lunch. I proceed to order a Submay Melt (Turkey, Ham, and Bacon) on white bread.....

The wench puts one layer of meat on the sub and I say "Ho, bitch, what the fuck is that?" I realize the economy is down, but come on. After I grease her up, she takes care of me. Ah yes, sub gets toasted, and I ask for black olives nothing else. Well fuck me, she puts like 3 olives on it. Now I am mad, and say "outside now BIATCH". Sure enough I got 3 more olives put on it.



Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I said outside now to the bouncer last night. It did not go well for me.


BSU Cards
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2003
New Palestine Indiana
I can't find the picture, but Chris Hansen would you like you to have a seat over there.




That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
I wonder how the other guy's story is being told this week

So I'm at this concert and this dude and his lady friend are in front of me and my wife. We're having a good time and the beers tasting really nice. Ol boy in front of me knows every lyric to every song and keeps standing up in front of my wife to raise the roof (I shit you not)

Now I don't like to bring the trouble to people but when they disrespect my wife then the trouble has got to be delivered

I kick the back of his seat a couple of times to remind him that other people were trying to enjoy the concert. Finally I've had enough and tap him on the shoulder and ask him if his boyfriend knows that he's at the concert without him. He goes Richard Simmons on me and I think he's about to scratch my eyes out. Instead he puts his dick beaters on my shirt and says "Outside Now"

That's right, you heard me.

I swallow the laughter to the point that my eyes water up, and say no I would prefer to just watch the concert. My wife, bless her heart, is compassionate and apologizes on my behalf. Buys the guy and his wife a beer and watches the rest of the show.

On the way home I asked my wife why she did that. She said she felt sorry for the guy. Can't blame her for that. Oh - I drove into a swarm of moth's and killed about 500 of those sons-a-bitches that night too. What a weird night


Not banned
Forum Member
Dec 13, 2000
Decatur, GA USA
I wonder how the other guy's story is being told this week

So I'm at this concert and this dude and his lady friend are in front of me and my wife. We're having a good time and the beers tasting really nice. Ol boy in front of me knows every lyric to every song and keeps standing up in front of my wife to raise the roof (I shit you not)

Now I don't like to bring the trouble to people but when they disrespect my wife then the trouble has got to be delivered

I kick the back of his seat a couple of times to remind him that other people were trying to enjoy the concert. Finally I've had enough and tap him on the shoulder and ask him if his boyfriend knows that he's at the concert without him. He goes Richard Simmons on me and I think he's about to scratch my eyes out. Instead he puts his dick beaters on my shirt and says "Outside Now"

That's right, you heard me.

I swallow the laughter to the point that my eyes water up, and say no I would prefer to just watch the concert. My wife, bless her heart, is compassionate and apologizes on my behalf. Buys the guy and his wife a beer and watches the rest of the show.

On the way home I asked my wife why she did that. She said she felt sorry for the guy. Can't blame her for that. Oh - I drove into a swarm of moth's and killed about 500 of those sons-a-bitches that night too. What a weird night

Now THAT is funny! :mj07: :mj07: :mj07:


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I wonder how the other guy's story is being told this week

So I'm at this concert and this dude and his lady friend are in front of me and my wife. We're having a good time and the beers tasting really nice. Ol boy in front of me knows every lyric to every song and keeps standing up in front of my wife to raise the roof (I shit you not)

Now I don't like to bring the trouble to people but when they disrespect my wife then the trouble has got to be delivered

I kick the back of his seat a couple of times to remind him that other people were trying to enjoy the concert. Finally I've had enough and tap him on the shoulder and ask him if his boyfriend knows that he's at the concert without him. He goes Richard Simmons on me and I think he's about to scratch my eyes out. Instead he puts his dick beaters on my shirt and says "Outside Now"

That's right, you heard me.

I swallow the laughter to the point that my eyes water up, and say no I would prefer to just watch the concert. My wife, bless her heart, is compassionate and apologizes on my behalf. Buys the guy and his wife a beer and watches the rest of the show.

On the way home I asked my wife why she did that. She said she felt sorry for the guy. Can't blame her for that. Oh - I drove into a swarm of moth's and killed about 500 of those sons-a-bitches that night too. What a weird night

WOW! Now I'm crying.
:mj07: :mj07: :mj07:

Handi Capper

'That Said'
Forum Member
Apr 8, 2004
northern Ky
i went to meet a internet bully a while back at a nearby casino. when i got there i was introduced to this guy by a mutual friend i'll call 'slick', when i was introduced to this bully i said ":director: OUTSIDE NOW" jeez how tuff could the guy be, he sold insurance, he wimpered awhile then offered to buy me cup of coffee (free in a casino)
we were to play in a poker tourny so he told me all he knew bout poker. 30 seconds later we went to have lunch
we became real good friends so Jon hang in there
now the bully is married to a wonderful, preety woman that has adorable kids despite the father


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
i went to meet a internet bully a while back at a nearby casino. when i got there i was introduced to this guy by a mutual friend i'll call 'slick', when i was introduced to this bully i said ":director: OUTSIDE NOW" jeez how tuff could the guy be, he sold insurance, he wimpered awhile then offered to buy me cup of coffee (free in a casino)
we were to play in a poker tourny so he told me all he knew bout poker. 30 seconds later we went to have lunch
we became real good friends so Jon hang in there
now the bully is married to a wonderful, preety woman that has adorable kids despite the father


Someone just took the training wheels off this fucking thread!
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